Logistics Officer
Report #5
2.17.2001 - RA Ramos Kanzco
Seeing as this is my first report as the Logistics Officer I would
like to announce several projects/events that will hopefully be occuring in the LO the next couple of months, but first I will announce what has been happening the last week.
With the retirement of Ted Tiger I, RA Ramos Kanzco, have been appointed the Emperor's Hammer Logistics Officer by GA Ronin. For the last week I have appointed two new CAs:
CA:LO1 FA Yodavin: Yodavin already has a EH Newsletter Archive up at
www.jedi.nu/yodavin and is currently helping me compile old files for the LO Important EH files archives. Yodavin has served in the EH for around 5 years and has just come out of retirement as a semi-inquisitor to become the new CA:LO1. Yodavin has alot of experience and its good seeing his presence as an active EH member once again.
CA:LO2 RA Ian Jackson: Ian has come from a long and prosperous career in the Emperor's Hammer Intelligence Division to become the CA:LO2. Ian is somewhat of a demi-god when it comes to website/database engineering, some of his works include the PHP course site, the EH Intel site, and several other projects around the Emperor's Hammer. Ian will be serving as the Logistics Office main database engineer and also as our Star Wars News/Reviews Consultant for our monthlyStar Wars news submissions to the Dark Sentinel. ITs Great to see Ian start a career in the Emperor's Hammer Upper Command as CA:LO2.
Also the two main Logistics Office sites will be up soon, stay in close contact with
for updates in the next couple days.
Now onto policy changes.
The Logistics Office is currently running two projects as explained below:
The Sentinel Project: Basically an organized Effort to connect the Star Wars Universe and Emperor's Hammer members together. Will run statistics forms, polls, and other inquisitive methods to find what the EH likes about Star Wars and according to the results will produce what the EH Wants to know when they want to know it. The Main areas of focus will be on Episode II and III, SW Books, and SW games.
Operation Distant Talon: An organized effort to gather the history of each Unit wether it be squadron or ship or commitee or corporation within the Emperor's Hammer. The outline is attached. CM Krax Tarnisar, LOA, is in charge of this project. If you would be so kind to offer any assisstance or have any questions please contact him at miner49er@excite.com.
This is the current state of the LO and any other issues left out were minor but if you wish to address a problem or a grievance that you feel should be corrected please email me.
Also I will be on leave from This sunday to this wednesday so please if you have any issues that need immediate fixation email FA Yodavin
(vjbonan@mindspring.com) and CC the LO(magedon42@aol.com)
Thanks and what a report for my first one hehe!
LO/RA Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Soverign

LO Reports
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