IWCOM Report

Membership total |
60 |
Command Staff |
7+1 |
MC-90 Renegade |
43 |
MC-60 Warhammer (Elite) |
8 |
M/PLT Destrier (Training) |
1 |
IW domain -
Roster -
IW Flight & Training Office -
IW Tactics, Operations and Communications Office -
MC-90 Renegade page is still TBA (see "Big
changes" in report #2)
IW Message Board -
IW Pic Archive -
IWCOM Office -
IWXO Office -
The IW Executive Officer, General Figaro and
the IW Flight & Training Officer, Colonel Mutilator, are still on leave.
According to what Figaro told me from an internet cafe today, they should be
back within the next 40 hours.
The IW Tactics, Operations & Communications
Officer, Major NiksaVel, was forced to take a few days of emergency leave.
He should be back by the end of the weekend.
The IW Commander, Rear Admiral Moreco, (myself
:P), received a promotion to Vice Admiral last week. Free drinks are
being served in #the_infiltrator_wing until the end of the weekend!
The IW has a roster online again (at
It is only a temporary one, intended to free COL Mutilator of the pressure to
code the new databased one in too much hurry.
I have finished the first public version of the
new Infiltrator Wing Manual. The URL will be made public very soon; I
want to do some tweaking first.
The IW domain is about 99% finished
again, only 3 pictures need to be exchanged and maybe the font color on the
sidebar should be changed to increase readability. As soon as these minor issues
have been sorted out, the domain will be reopened.
Until then, the redirecting page will remain in place, forwarding visitors to
the IW Flight & Training Office.
Unfortunately it was brought to my attention today that the domain looks pretty
wierd in Netscape; I will check the accessability later (yak, using Netscape...
:P) and see if we have to change it or if the disclaimer "Looks better in
IE" will suffice.
Finished - the IW Melee
results as mailed by the IW Melee Director,
LCM Neo_Rising
*drum roll* For the first successful melee,
these gracious winners are the first brand to recieve these medals
1st place goes too Moreco with a devastating 69.3% avg after 28 matches
2nd place goes to late comer Verr, who was a threat to Morecos avg, he come out
with 59.78% after 5 matches
3rd place goes to Malik hunter Xavier Sienar with 57.32% avg after 5 matches
And the Most Melees flown will goto *drum roll* Abel Malik with 31 amazing
battles congrats
Moreco you will add [IWM:GD] to your ID line (IW Melee: Golden De'Amato)
Verr you will add [IWM:SS] to your ID line (IW melee:Silver Sandori)
Xavier Sienar you will add [IWM:BR] to yoru ID line (IW melee:Bronze RhunBild)
And last but not least, Abel Malik will add [IWM:RD] to your ID line (IW
melee:Renequade Defense ribbon).
Thank you all for flying, it was a huge
success, next time around will be even better
FM/LCM Neo_Rising/Razor 2-1/Wing II/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
[VC] [MC1x2] [MC2x3]
- IW volunteers against
Demon of the Immortal in XWA-SP
Results have not yet been determined as the competition was closed only two
hours ago.
I have received 9 submissions from IW officers; slightly disappointing after the
feedback I had when I first mentioned the competition, but there were a couple
of unfortunate incidents that denied several people who promised to fly the
chance to make it true.. from holidays and a broken joystick to a death in an
officerīs family :(
Nevertheless, I do not think this was a failure, not compared with similar
competitions in the past... even if I assume the IW has lost this one :P
Running - Run-On comp 2
The first Run-On competition
ended three weeks ago; the new one is running and once again run by CM
Trevor Rastyn, the IW-PMO.
Coming up - The IW Melee #2
After the great success of the last Melee
session, the next one will be started soon. The rules were improved to make the
whole thing fairer and easier to score. This competition will be run by LCM
Neo_Rising, the IW Melee Director.
other projects
The IW roster has not improved since last week as
the developer, COL Mutilator, is skiing merrily in France. Nevertheless I hope
the roster will go online in the next weeks :)
To make future melee scoring easier, I am
planning to finally open my PHP book again and get an automated scoring system
done. This wonīt be done soon I assume as my knowledge of PHP is
"basic" to say it politely, but I am positive we will be able to use
it in the second-next melee session.
respectfully submitted,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Vice Admiral Talren Moreco
PIN 2134
IWCOM/RA Moreco/IWCS-1/MC-60
[BCI] [LoM] [SV] [MoD] [VC-blue] [CBV w/1] [MC1x6] [MC2x4] [OotF] [MoI-gc]
[mod. A-Wing: Porta Nigra] [R2-Unit: TriGun]
[Professor of the Captainīs Exam]