IWCOM Report

Membership total |
65 |
Command Staff |
7+1 full time assistant |
MC-90 Renegade |
52 |
MC-60 Warhammer (Elite) |
5 |
M/PLT Destrier (Training) |
- |
IW domain - -
temporarily down for a few changes
IW Flight & Training Office -
IW Tactics, Operations and Communications Office -
new IWTOC, page will be up soon
Roster & Ship pages are currently TBA (see "Big
changes" in report #2)
IW Newsboard -
IW Pic Archive -
IWCOM Office -
IWXO Office -
The number of recruits joining the IW is rising. Hopefully this
is a constant trend, not just an exception :P
IWCOM on semi-leave
I am on semi-leave until Sunday or Monday, but I can read and
reply to emails, and I can be on IRC; it mainly means I am "handicapped"
because I am not at my computer.
Shadow Squadron,
the IW Elite, starts working
The first four Pilots transferred over to the MC-60 Warhammer for
their turn in the "TopGun" course. As well, the page is up at
Major Kano has taken on the job with great initiative :)
IWTOC is moving
The new IW Tactics, Operations & Communications Officer,
Major NiksaVel, has already got a couple of interesting projects going, and his
new IWTOC page looks pretty good, although itīs not yet finished... not
surprising with the awesome graphics on it.
egroup opened for
unmoderated posting
The IWīs main email-group,
(or, this works too), has been opened to unmoderated posting.
All members of the IW can talk over one egroup now.
Still, the two wings of the MC-90 Renegade can use
(for Wing I) and
(for Wing II).
Hopefully the new roster will rid us of these egroups/yahoogroups (which are
just horribly to administrate) in some time...
Running - the IW melee
XWA and XvT multiplayer competition, run
by FLT Neo Rising.
Results have to be posted on the IW Newsboard (URL see above) and will be scored
by average kill percentage per match.
Current ranking (after 35 matches):
Name |
matches |
avg. % |
Talren Moreco |
11 |
70.67 |
Xavier Sienar |
5 |
57.32 |
Brad Tack |
3 |
49.77 |
Trevor Rastyn |
11 |
46.45 |
RedTaz |
8 |
44.3 |
Abel Malik |
16 |
41.8 |
Viper Axxemann |
6 |
39.3 |
Neo Rising |
10 |
32.6 |
Closing date not exactly known yet, but it will probably be within the next two
- IW volunteers against
Demon of the Immortal; single mission XWA-SP
The competition was started yesterday,
everyone in the IW is invited to fly.
Submissions are due on Friday, 23rd February 2001, IWers send them to me (
other projects
The new roster should be online with the core features
within the next week.
After the closing of the IW Run-On, the next one is
already going and at 28 posts.
respectfully submitted,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Rear Admiral Talren Moreco
PIN 2134
IWCOM/RA Moreco/IWCS-1/MC-60
[BCI] [LoM] [SV] [MoD] [VC-blue] [CBV w/1] [MC1x6] [MC2x4] [OotF] [MoI-gc]
[mod. A-Wing: Porta Nigra] [R2-Unit: TriGun]
[Professor of the Captainīs Exam]