IWCOM Report

Membership total |
60 |
Command Staff |
7 |
MC-90 Renegade |
52 |
MC-60 Warhammer (Elite) |
1 |
M/PLT Destrier (Training) |
- |
IW domain -
IW Flight & Training Office -
IW Tactics, Operations and Communications Office -
Roster & Ship pages are currently TBA (see "Big
changes" below)
IW Pic Archive -
IWCOM Office -
IWXO Office -
Vice Admiral Torres
resigned from IWCOM.
Rear Admiral Moreco
announced new IWCOM.
A copy of my first mail to the IW fleet, as posted on Monday,
29th January 2001:
Members of the Infiltrator Wing,
as you
know Vice Admiral Torres has stepped down from the position of IW Commander
last week. I want to use this opportunity to thank you for your work in
service of the IW, and I think I am far from being alone when I say that,
given you want to, the IW will always welcome you back. Thanks again, and have
fun whatever you do. :)
In his letter of resignation, VA Torres has
asked GA Ronin and HA Kawolski to select me as his successor. The process of
application has taken until this morning, but now I can inform you that I was
accepted as IWCOM.
I will do my best to prove myself worthy of the
trust that was put in me. Also, I can assure you that I
do not intend to leave this position soon; the IW has seen too many
Commanders in the last year, and
I want to bring this great Subgroup back to stability and glory.
I hope you will help me to accomplish this task. Let us all work together for
the best of the IW, instead of working against each other,
serving our own ends.
If you need anything, do not hesitate to contact me, I am always here for you.
Thank you for your attention, and stand by for
other mails coming in.
Read those carefully, I intend to do some major changes in the IW.
A new IWXO
With my promotion
to IW Commander, the IW needed a new Executive Officer. After getting opinions
from all over the IW, I have decided to promote former MC-90 Fear COM, Major
Figaro, to the position of BGCOM, IWXO and the rank of General (GN).
IWTOC resigned
The Infiltrator
Wing Tactics, Operations & Communications Officer, Major Kano, has decided
to resign from his position. A new position for him in the IW Fleet is still
being sought.
New IWTOC appointed
After Major Kano´s
resignation, I have decided to appoint one of his assistants, namely Captain
NiksaVel, CMDR of Knight Squadron, as the new IWTOC. Along with this comes a
promotion to the rank of Major (MAJ).
New Knight CMDR
With NiksaVel´s
promotion to IWTOC, Captain Vengeance has been appointed CMDR of Knight
Wing I WC resigned
Commander Neo, Wing
Commander of Wing I, resigned from his position this week. Currently he has a
place in the IW reserves.
New Wing I WC
Commander Trevor Rastyn, the IW PMO and former CMDR of White squadron, has been
promoted to Wing Commander of Wing I on the MC-90 Renegade.
A replacement for him as White CMDR is still being sought, but the announcement
should be out within one or two days.
changes in the IW fleet
For quite a long
time I have thought it necessary for the IW to concentrate its strength while
relatively weak in numbers, and to move together closer. Therefore, I have
issued the following orders:
1) Ares
squadron on the Fear is CLOSED effectively NOW.
Former Ares members have been placed in other squadrons in Wing II.
2) Shadow
squadron on the Warspite is also CLOSED effectively NOW.
Former Shadow members were all placed in Panther squadron in Wing I.
You will notice
that this brings the IW down to two wings with three squadrons each.
This allows me
to go to step three....
3) The MC-90
Warspite and the MC-90 Fear are CLOSED for squadrons NOW.
Now to a new
home for the two wings...
4) A newly
captured MC-90 is open in the IW NOW: the MC-90 Renegade
Both wings are
now placed on the MC-90 Renegade under the command of their current WCs.
COM of the
MC-90 Renegade is Captain Astix, former COM of the MC-90 Warspite.
5) The Elite
The IW Elite is
placed on the reopened MC-60 Warhammer.
This MC-60 will
only hold the Elite squadron, no COM and now WC. The Elite CMDR is put under
direct command of the BGCOM / IWXO.
Now we need an
Elite squadron...
Shadow squadron
will be reopened on the MC-60 Warhammer. The selection process for the new
CMDR of Shadow squadron is still running, but it should be done in the next
few days.
New IW squadron roles and
With the changes in
the IW´s structure, the squadron roles and ships had to be redone. Here´s the
current list:
Wing I:
Knight: Slayn
& Korpill B-Wing
Panther: Incom T-65 A3 X-Wing
White: W-Wing
Wing II:
Razor: Slayn & Korpill B-Wing
Black: Incom T-65 A3 X-Wing
Enforcer: Dodonna/Blissex R-Z1
"Marauder" A-Wing
Wing I:
Knight: Heavy
Panther: Strike
/ Space Superiority
White: Interception
/ Escort
Wing II:
Razor: Heavy Support
Black: Space
Superiority / Strike
Enforcer: Interception
/ Recon
Shadow Squadron (Elite):
Ship: Incom T-65 A3 X-Wing
Role: Special Operations / VIP Escort
IW Order of Battle
A modified Order
of Battle for the IW was made necessary by the changes in the IW´s structure.
is the current OoB for the Infiltrator Wing. Ships with pilots on them are put
in italics.
Battle Group
Task Force
M/FRG Ka'tal
M/FRG Avalon
Corvette Bellum
Task Force
MC90 Warspite
MC90 Fear
M/FRG Krayt's
Gunship Vindictive
Gunship Scimitar
Corvette Vanquish
Corvette Archon
Battle Group (Training, Reserves & System Defenses)
Force I
M/PLT Destrier
MC90 Despot
MC60 Heisenberg
M/FRG Fermi
Corvette Meteor
Corvette Daring
Corvette Harlow
An old award revived
An old IW award,
the "Chosen One", has been revived. While it was awarded to the
highest scorer on the IW Battle Board in former times, it is now given to the
leader in the IW´s ongoing effort to increase in size.
The Chosen One (CO) is the member (except for IWCOM and IWXO) who has recruited
the most pilots to the IW since 1st January 2001.
Currently the title is being held by First Lieutenant Abel Malik of Razor
Echelon Guardian -
The high honor of
wearing the Echelon Guardian for this month went to Sergeant Major Viper
Axxemann, XO of White squadron.
Ended - the Run-On
The Run-On comp results as submitted by LCM Trevor Rastyn
Number of posts:
Trevor Rastyn: 35 posts
Astix: 25 posts
Viper Axxemann: 18 posts
Abel Malik: 13 posts
Figaro: 12 posts
Moreco: 9 posts
Xavier Sienar: 4 posts
Valin DarkFyre (ret.): 3 posts
Neo Rising: 2 posts
Brad Tack: 1 post
Hawkeye: 1 post
Neo (ret.): 1 post
Torres (ret.): 1 post
Zothip (ret.): 1 post
Awards were given out for development of the
story and characters, as well as the number of posts.
Astix for 25 posts, he earned a CBVw/2 stars and an MC2
Viper Axxemann for 18 posts, he earned a CBV and an MC2
Abel Malik for 13 posts, he earned a CBV and an MC2
Figaro for 12 posts, he earned a CBV and an MC2
Moreco for 9 posts, he earned an MC1 and an MC2
Xavier Sienar for 4 posts, he earned an MC2
Neo Rising for 2 posts, he earned an MC2
Brad Tack for 1 post, he earned an MC2
Hawkeye for 1 post, he earned an MC2
Neo (rsv) for 1 post, he earned an MC2
Torres (pending) for 1 post, he earned and MC2
Valin Darkfyre (ret) for 1 post, he earned and MC2
Zothip (rsv) for 1 post, he earned an MC2
For running the competition, as well as having the most
posts - and very good ones at that - himself, I awarded Trevor Rastyn a Victory
Cross medal (VC).
Running - the IW melee
Multiplayer competition, run
by FLT Neo Rising.
IWers can challenge other IWers for an online head-on, results
are scored for the final result.
Closing date not exactly known yet.
Coming up - IW volunteers against
Demon of the Immortal in XWA-SP
The mission is ready, done
by Major NiksaVel. Due to the changes in the IW, I´ve decided to postpone the
start of this comp until (probably) some time next week.
other projects
The new databased IW roster is coming
along rather nicely. The first useful beta should be up within the next two
weeks or so, according to the developer, the Infiltrator Wing Flight &
Training Officer Colonel Mutilator.
respectfully submitted,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Rear Admiral Talren Moreco
PIN 2134
IWCOM/RA Moreco/IWCS-1/MC-60
[BCI] [LoM] [SV] [MoD] [VC-blue] [CBV w/1] [MC1x6] [MC2x4] [OotF] [MoI-gc]
[mod. A-Wing: Porta Nigra] [R2-Unit: TriGun]
[Professor of the Captain´s Exam]