Imperial Senate
2.9.2001 - Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr
The last couple of weeks were hectic, but thankfully, things have finally calmed down. First of all, my new e-mail address, I was having troubles with Hotmail and Yahoo.
I'm pleased to announce that all of the Chairman positions have been filled in the Imperial Senate. I've had to deal with a recent exodus of positions. First, Jaccr Crais has been named the Chairman of the Design Committee. Plif has been named Chairman of the Trivia Committee, formerly known as the Intelligence Committee, Rand Al'thor has been named Chairman of the Literature Committee, and KDOG has been named Chairman of the Debate Committee.
I've worked closely with some of these members, heard very good things about others. I'm sure that these people will work closely with me and work hard for the Imperial Senate. I look forward to working with them.
Krnydath Del'Chanar, my Deputy Chancellor has a new competition in the works for the Imperial Senate. I'll be speaking with him in the next week to learn more details. I'm confident that it will be a good competition.
I'm debating the release of the proposed reforms to the Imperial Senate. The current state of unrest in the leadership positions has me wondering what I should do. Now that positions are fillled, I'll be voicing my concern with the Senate leadership.
The Core test for the Imperial Senate has been temporarily removed. Educational Councilor Ayudanter and various other Senators have pointed out the complexity of the core test, that and recent grades have made us wonder if this should in fact be carried out. With the advice or Ayudanter and my Administrative Councilor, Belzedar D'arkangel, I'll be reviewing the current manual to make changes. Once that is done, a new core exam can be designed. The current manual wasn't the reason for the exam being so difficult, however, it seems prudent to ensure that the manual is up to date before creating a new test based off of that.
That is all for this week.
Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr
Chancellor of the Imperial Senate (Aurora Prime)/HC-1
[M-CRV:Augustus][CORT-YT:2000:Gbriel][SHU:Mithra][LXY:Komen][BSSw/BR][IP][RR][BGw/N/VS/SS][Estate][STU][CoCx4][CoKx6][CoL]{Dean of the Imperial University-RET}{IWATS-M-M/2}
"Paradise on my right, Hell on my Left, and the Angel of Death behind"

CHS Reports