- Membership at 108 -
This week has seen many fine officers long overdue promotions,
finally given those promotions by myself and RA Aeolus "Whitewind"
Almasy. First of all, our BUDR of the Bureau of Operations (BOO) has been
promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (LC)! Congratulations LC Jordynn!
Also, our BUDR of the Analysis Bureau (ANLY) has been promoted also to the rank
of Lieutenant Colonel! Congratulations to LC Emon!
DiploServ has also seen promotion activity, in the form of
both BRLR's making the grade of Captain (CPT)! Congratulations to CPT Jenos
Antilles and CPT Trevarus Caerick!
After their ongoing service to the Intelligence Division, by
running most of the administrative tasks in the ID, I have awarded VA Raith
Sienar and RA Aeolus "Whitewind" Almasy the Golden Medallion of
Foresight (GMoF) each! Congratulations to them!
This week has seen the settling in of our new TTDR, RA
Samuel Shadd III. He will be taking over the AoT and also remaining as Commodore
of the DGN Lichtor V! Congratulations RA Shadd!
Expect an increase in Intelligence Operations this week, as we
have been dormantly planning things for a couple of weeks now... this week looks
set for the time for them to come together!
Thank you for your time, that is all!
Fleet Admiral Samuel "Stalker5" Rothwell
Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate
SDIR/FA Stalker5/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V/[AoT-***TTDR***]
KP (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae