Hammer's Fist
Report #18
2.17.2001 - Ares
Membership: 55 stormtroopers
This week has had some excitement. First off, the text for version 7 of the Hammer's Fist Field Manual is completed sans the new uniforms chapter to be finished by next week. This new manual is a massive compilation, revision, and clarification of all existing manuals in use up to now.
The HF Domain site, while back online on http://thedek.ehnet.org/hf ,is not to remain there. For some reason the FTP capability is lost, so it cannot be updated! Colonel Zsinj is going to pay out of pocket for setting up and hosting the HF domain site. The Hammer's Fist owes this officer a debt of gratitude. The new Field Manual will make its debute with the site when it is up at its final home.
There has been a change in the General Staff. Commander, Development Bridagier General Wolver and his assistant have left the office of HF Executive Officer. I have, after much deliberation and consultation, installed Colonel Ironfist, former Battalion Commander of Pheonix Battalion, as the new HF Executive Officer and Commander, Development. With him he brings new energy, drive, and ideas to the office that it has lacked since I left the very same office. I shall except much of him and his shoulders will feel every inch of that weight. Do us proud, CD/COL Ironfist.
Along with the Field Manual being completed, the Carrida Stormtrooper Military Academy, run by Lieutenant Colonel Lander, is now devising a new training course to replace the aging SSTBC (basic course). After that, he and his assistant are updating the other courses in the Stormtrooper Certification line. Also, three new recruits are welcomed into the subgroup.
Prefect, Hammer's Fist
PRF/HG Ares/GS-1/DRD Retribution =MS=

PRF Reports