Flight Officer
2.24.2001 - AD Priyum Patel
Greetings all and welcome to this
week's report...
- Keeping with the theme that's been
going on for the past week - Cheating. You should all know by now that High
Admiral Kawolski has added a feature to the TIE Corps database that allows us
to catch those that either steal pilot files from other people and submit them
as their own, or share these files with their friends or clones. First time
offenders will be busted down to SL, lose all of their FCHG points and medals.
Simply put, it's not worth the effort and you'll get caught. Several people
were caught during the past week and have been charged. Whilst the HCI conduct
their investigation, these individuals have been suspended.
- Several days ago, Vice Admiral
Ichthys Chrusos (VitCarp) resigned from the position of ASF BGCOM, and from
the EH. For the time being, the reasons will remain a private matter, so please
don't bug me about it. I won't be accepting applications for the new Battlegroup
Commander. The replacement will be announced at Sunday's TC meeting.
I'll also be announcing my Command
Attaché then - if you're planning to send in an application, you have
until tomorrow night. The requirements were:
- Applicants must have been in the
TIE Corps for no less than twelve months.
- To have held a Command level position
(preferably WC or higher) for at least four months and to hold the rank of
Major or above.
- To hold no HCI convictions, nor
be currently under HCI investigation.
- To have a working knowledge of
TC regulations and policies.
- Applicants must have a basic knowledge
of HTML.
- Applicants MUST be able to check
their email at least once a day, and be able to reply promptly. Applicants
should also have a stable email provider (i.e. NOT Hotmail).
- Most importantly, applicants
must be reliable, mature and in good standing with the TIE Corps Flag Officers
and the Command Staff.
The duties of the Command
Attaché will involve minor updates of the rosters, acting as a liaison
between the Flight Office and Flag Officers, and helping me to update the Flight
Office page when required. The CA must be able to work off their own initiative,
as well as follow instructions given to them. All applications must be with
me by 24th February (next Saturday) and please put "CA Application"
as the subject of the email. If you wish, you may include ONE reference in the
application, but please don't get people to email me telling me what a great
CA you'd make. I'll contact them as and when needed. All applications should
be sent to spellfire@btinternet.com.
- Something that I'm forced to bring
up again - Transfers. The procedures for requesting a transfer are clearly laid
out in the FSOs, but a recap:
1. A pilot wishing to transfer
should request the transfer first from their own Commander. This allows
the Commander time to find out the reasons why the transfer is being requested.
If there is a problem in the Squadron, now is the time to correct the problem.
2. The pilot should then find out the email addresses of the Commander and Wing
Commander of the Wing to which he or she wishes to transfer. If you can't be
bothered to do this much, you're obviously not ready for the level of commitment
that a transfer to a new Squadron involves and your transfer request will be
denied immediately.
3. The pilot should now send a transfer request to their Commander, cc'ing their
own Wing Commander and the Wing Commander and Commander of the Squadron they
wish to join.
4. The Commander of the Squadron to which you are transferring
should reply to all addressees on the transfer request, remembering to cc the
Flight Officer.
5. The Flight Officer will then approve the transfer.
These aren't complicated, so please abide by them. Requests that don't follow
this will be rejected. HA Kawolski has assured me that he is working on getting
the new Transfer form working, so hopefully once thats online, things should
get easier.
Several Command-level appointments
and promotions were made over the past week in the Fleet, so congratulations
to the following:
- IO AbsoluteK, promoted to Fleet
- The new CA:ROs, RA Ace Armageddon
and RA Fodnor
- The new CA:LOs, RA Ian Jackson
and FA Yodavin
Quote of the Week:
(RA_Andron): 8ball does Sarriss want
in my pants?
(WyldeFyre): RA_Andron, You wish.
Quit of the Week:
*** Ricaud has quit IRC (TIE Crops
- EH Agricultural Subgroup, often mistaken for a mere typo.)
Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer, TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-AMB/AD Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

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