Flight Officer
2.10.2001 - AD Priyum Patel
That's right, another report from
me! I really am spoiling you. Anyway...
Big news in the TIE Corps this week:
Admiral Theo has stepped down as Flight Officer/TCCOM to be able to spend more
time with his family. He has decided to keep the position of Imperial Counsel
and continues to advise the Fleet Commander in all things legal. I'm sure everyone
is very grateful for the time and effort Theo put into the position and the
best of luck to him with whatever the future brings.
As for a replacement? Me! Could you
be any luckier? :P
Many thanks to those of you who have
congratulated/warned me about my promotion. At this moment in time, I'm NOT
looking for a new Command Attaché. I will have need of one, and when
I do, I'll announce it on the TIE Corps news page (with requirements & duties)
- most likely at some point over the weekend. Until then, please DO
NOT send me any applications, or I'll be forced to set some wild Munkys
onto you...
Music Corner!
Last week's song was Rising Sun
by Massive Attack, as so many of you rightly guessed. And not "Bob the
Builder" as one of you thought. Unfortunately my stash of "special" Brick Stars
was stolen a couple of days ago, so you'll have to settle with some kebabs from
round the corner instead. This week's song...
was angry when I met you
I think I'm angry still
We can try to talk it over
If you say you'll help me out
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
No need to fight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll be alright
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes and my body aches
(Push it, make the beats go harder)
(Push it, make the beats go harder)
I'm sorry that I hurt you
Please don't ask me why
I want to see you happy
I want to see you shine
Can ya tell what it is yet?
Compared to last week, this week
has been relatively quiet. CMDR turn-over remains surprisingly high...so congrats
to all those new Commanders out there.
One point that I have to bring up
is transfers. I'm still receiving several transfer requests each day that don't
follow the current policy, as outlined in the Fleet Standing Orders. Just for
convenience, I'll copy them below:
1. A pilot wishing to transfer
should request the transfer first from their own Commander. This allows the
Commander time to find out the reasons why the transfer is being requested.
If there is a problem in the Squadron, now is the time to correct the problem.
2. The pilot should then find out the email addresses of the Commander and Wing
Commander of the Wing to which he or she wishes to transfer. If you can't be
bothered to do this much, you're obviously not ready for the level of commitment
that a transfer to a new Squadron involves and your transfer request will be
denied immediately.
3. The pilot should now send a transfer request to their Commander, cc'ing their
own Wing Commander and the Wing Commander and Commander of the Squadron they
wish to join.
4. The Commander of the Squadron to which you are transferring
should reply to all addressees on the transfer request, remembering to cc the
Flight Officer.
5. The Flight Officer will then approve the transfer.
The Flight Officer should be
the last person to hear about a request for a transfer, not the first. By the
time it gets to the Flight Office, the request should be ready for approval.
Any requests that reach the Flight Office without having first been to all relevant
commanding officers will be rejected immediately, and the person sending the
mail will be invited to read Fleet Standing Orders.
Please please please follow this...you might think that its too much effort,
but I don't like seeing Commander's complaining about not being kept in the
loop when one of their pilots suddenly disappears from the Roster. Its annoying
With my appointment as the
new FO/TCCOM, I have some plans that I think will improve life in the TIE Corps
and hopefully add some more fun. It'll take a bit of time to get these things
going...I'll be relying on the Flag Officers for their support and help. I'll
also be looking to you for your ideas and comments. If you do have anything
to say, no matter how insignificant you might think it is, then please feel
free to email me at spellfire@btinternet.com
Quote of the week
(RA_Andron): kneel before the
Lord......closer dammit! :P
Quit of the Week:
*** Quits: `Kawolski (Treat your
girlfriend to breakfast in bed. Have your wife make it.)
Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer, TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-AMB/AD Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

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