Flight Officer
2.3.2001 - AD Priyum Patel
Greetings all...
If you're wondering why I'm writing
the FO report this week, I'll explain below, but now - some song lyrics to get
your feet tapping...
seen you go down to a cold mirror
It was never
clearer in my error
So you lick a shine upon your forehead or
Check it by the signs in the corridor
You light my ways through the club maze
We would struggle through the dub daze
I sink myself in hair upon my lover
It's how you go down to the men's room sink
Sad we talk if how madmen think
I sink myself in hair upon my lover
I don't know her from another miss
I don't know you from another
See me run now you're gone...dream on"
Can you guess the song? First person
to email me with the correct answer gets one of my "special" Brick Stars (unless
you're on the Challenge, in which case you get an extra bucket of chicken-feed
next week).
Anyway, onwards to business...
Incase you haven't heard by now,
as of 8:35 EDT, January 31, 2001, Admiral Theo became the proud father of a
7lb 8oz baby girl! Understandably, he's taken a brief leave of absence to spend
as much time with his wife and daughter as he can, effectively leaving me in
charge (you can run for the hills AFTER you've finished reading the report :P).
This means that for the time being,
I'll be processing all of your email updates, promotion requests etc. This doesn't
mean it's "Take Advantage of Pri Week" as someone on IRC suggested...:P
When you're requesting a roster update
of one sort or another, please remember the following things:
- Where possible, please use the
automated forms. It simply makes things easier for both parties.
- When emailing the Flight Office
with a request, please provide us with as much information as possible - namely
things like PINs, ID lines etc. For example, if you want to change your name,
you have to tell us the new one! (You'd be surprised....)
- When Transfer requests are involved,
PLEASE be sure to CC all the Officers involved. It simply means that they
are kept in the loop, and don't find out that they've suddenly lost half their
Squadron to another Wing.
- Most importantly, when
emailing with an update, be sure to email both myself (spellfire@btinternet.com)
and Admiral Theo (theodore@tiecorps.org)
Please AVOID using fo@emperorshammer.org,
as its become pretty unreliable as of late. NOTE: AD Sarriss has transferred
to the Reserves, so there's no need to CC her anymore.
I've caught up with all the promotion
requests that had started to build up amongst other things. If any requests
seem to be taking an undue amount of time, please email the request again, and
my apologies in advance.
The Flight Office had a
make-over recently. Important details and links have to been updated. The page
is located at http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flightoffice
If you have any questions about the information there, or comments, then they
are most welcome.
This past week has seen an uncommonly
large number of Flag Officer appointments. The reason? Who knows, but I'm sure
crop circles are involved somehow...
Many congratulations to the following:
- Rear Admiral Troutrooper, the
new Colossus Commodore
- Rear Admiral Ender mBind, the
new Vanguard Commodore
- MAJ Drake, new Wing VIII Commander
- MAJ Brakka, new XIV Commander
- MAJ Khadgar, new Wing XV Commander
- Rear Admiral Renier, new Crusder
Not to be out-done by the Flags,
several new CMDRs were also appointed during the course of the week. There are
far too many to list here, but congrats to everyone of them.
As you may remember from last week's
FO report, the Colossus was in need of some help...well, it seems to have gotten
it. Their numbers are up to 31, and I know more are on the way - its important
now to solidify activity on the Ship. It seems now that the Col is saved, and
WON'T be closed down just yet :)
A new bi-weekly, Fleet-wide
competition is being started by LC Ford of Psi Squadron. Dubbed "Saturday Night
Fever", it involves two pilots pitting their skills against each other using
TIE Fighter. More information can be found on the competition page located at
and you can email LC Ford at Karrde23@aol.com
with any questions you may have. The first run of this competition starts on
the 10th of Feb.
A general reminder, the
TIE Corps meeting will be held at 9PM GMT / 4PM EST on Sunday in #Tiecorps.
If you have any news to announce, please make sure you prepare it PRIOR to the
start of the meeting.
Quote of the Week:
(@VA_Jarak): To me there isn't seperate
entities, there is just the TIE Corps Battlegroups.
Quit of the Week:
** Quits: `Kumba (Illiterate? Write
for free help.)
Admiral Priyum
Flight Office Command Attaché
CA:FO-AMB/AD Priyum Patel/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

FO Reports
Command Staff