Dark Brotherhood
2.2.2001 - GM Darth Zoraan
Weekly News Update for the The
Weeks of January 21st and 28th, 2001
"If you will not be turned . . . You will be destroyed!"
--Emperor Palpatine
February 2, 2001 - 818(?) Members as of Today!
Trivia/Meeting Info: http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/comm/comm-irc.asp
Trivia for the DB Meeting of January 20, 2001 . . .
1st Place: KAP Nightflyer(Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto
2nd Place: OBM Rizlib (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Trivia Moderator: DJK Crix Madine III (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
All are awarded a Legion of the Scholar, or add-on.
** ADDRESS FROM THE IRON THRONE [From Grand Master Darth Zoraan] **
1. Welcome to another two-week edition of the Holocron . . . As most Dark
Brethren are aware, DarkBrotherhood.com was out for the better part of the last
business week, but has been fully restored thanks to our Lord Chamberlain
getting after the hosting company. The @darkbrotherhood.com aliases still seem
to be slightly on the fritz, and using DC members' real e-mail addresses is
recommended where possible. Please report any other alleged errors or outages to
LordZoraan@aol.com and thedek@home.com.
2. After conference with the Deputy Grand Master, I am pleased to herein name
Dark Adept Z'lar Kahn (zlarkahn@superchango.net), a former Obelisk High
Commander, as the new Commander of the Grand Master's Royal Guard. This
selection was made with difficulty from a number of HIGHLY qualified Obelisk. A
brief settling/regrouping period will of course be needed; Adept Kahn will soon
publicise through the DB News page or other common media when Initiates are
being accepted again.
Congratulations, Adept Z'lar Kahn, and welcome back to the Dark Council . . . :)
3. After serving with diligence at his current rank for over eleven months --
services including remarkable assistance to the Obelisk High Commander and two
months of active service as Consul of Clan Satal Keto -- I herein elevate
Obelisk Battlemaster Corran Force to the rank of Obelisk Battlelord.
4. Approved with my blessings today is Dark Adept Arania's elevation of Krath
Archpriest Mairin to the rank of Krath Epis. Mairin is a long-standing member of
the Dark Brotherhood, and actively served in Darkness as an Archpriest for a
formidable period of time, including her most recent instrumental efforts in
developing material for the Shadow Academy's upcoming DSC course. The general
consensus, as initiated by the Krath High Priest, was that she could not grow
further in Darkness at her previous rank. Congratulations!
5. There has been a revision to the process by which House Leaders are
appointed. In short, the Deputy Grand Master (Master Torquemada) is now
responsible for appointing ALL House Leaders, and Order Leaders are additionally
being consulted in the process. Consuls recommending Quaestor and Aedile
appointments should now address their recommendations to the appropriate Order
Leader in addition to the previous GM/DGM/MAA.
All Summit Leaders should review the revised Summit Leader Appointments Decree
at the Grand Master's Throne Room (http://members.aol.com/LordZoraan/).
** DEPUTY GRAND MASTER UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master
Torquemada] **
Some of you may have heard that the competition that I talked about last week
will include / be against subgroups in the EH. This is, in fact, the basic
idea... and while the details still need to be worked out, and some valid
concerns have been voiced, the SGCOMs who've responded so far seem guardedly
optimistic about the concept.
As I said last week: more on this as it develops.
** DEPUTY GRAND MASTER UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master
Torquemada] **
There's been a (small) change in the approval procedure for HOUSE (not CLAN)
Leaders. The Consul should add the appropriate Order Leader to the list of
people he or she sends the recommendation to (currently GM, DGM, and MAA).
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The roster stands at 818 members. That's down from 823.
2. The following summit appointments were made this past week:
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
OBM Zsinj (Obelisk)/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
KP Rhys von Pohl (Krath)/PCON/Alvaak
4. I apologize about getting this out late. Apparently, I sent it incorrectly
last night and I didn't realize until this afternoon.
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The DB site is down, so no roster count this week. Last week it was 818.
2. The following summit appointments were made this past:
DJK Terek Kesh/AED
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
DJK Khaarandrass The Wolven (Obelisk)/Dinaari of Taldryan
** SHADOW ACADEMY UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shups] **
- Released early; see the last issue of the Holocron
** SHADOW ACADEMY UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Dark Adept Shups] **
1. SA Grads 01-25 through 02-01
ACO Agent XL(Obelisk)/Dorimad Sol of SP
ACO Alinz Twilight(Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto
ACO Goldeth Kyrystar (Krath)/Qel Droma of Arcona
ACO Kadath (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
ACO Halcyon(Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
ACO Zedder Netzach(Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan
2. The Obelisk Studies Course is ready to go!
** CHANCELLOR UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master Howlader] **
1) Medals:
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: JH Khaarandrass The Wolven (mr_cookie_wookie@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: OBM Jordan (freakshow57@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/16/01
Reason: For leading his brigade into a very tight race against the once
almighty Vashino Brigade. Khaar has also displayed an amazing amount of
acivity. I am just sorry I had to wait to give this medal to him.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJM Astatine (jpboyce@indigo.net.au)
Awarded By: OW Magus Lionheart (EricDJ@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/25/01
Reason: Big time help with the Clan Arcona webpage and House Galeres
Webpage. He provided us with the needed scripts to work our pages.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: GRD Kaiann (crusher@k-town.de)
Awarded By: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded On: 1/19/01
Reason: Creating a concise House history, thus winning the competition,
will be updated by future QUA's and also used in web-site.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: GRD Nashaa KamBuel (jjracz@att.net)
Awarded By: KP Shae-Lynn Jade (eviltyrant2000@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 1/13/01
Reason: For many recent fiction submissions.
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: DJK Den Darkhill (darkhill@emperorshammer.ca)
Awarded By: SW Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (RGOATHAM@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For Placing 1st in the XvT Section of HLKs competition with HOO,
achieving the highest score out of both the houses.
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: DJK Sequoh Marden (kamm@incasoftware.de)
Awarded By: DJK E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)
Awarded On: 1/22/01
Reason: Winning the XWA variant of HOO vs HLK comp. congrats!
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: DJK Den Darkhill (darkhill@emperorshammer.ca)
Awarded By: SW Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (RGOATHAM@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For Placing 1st in the TIE Section of HLKs competition with HOO,
achieving the highest score out of both the houses.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBM Ricardo (bantha_34@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/14/01
Reason: GRD Gord won a TIE Fighter competition in his battle-team (in
3 pilots participated).
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH CrimsonAngel (alphacrimson@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SW Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (RGOATHAM@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For Placing 2nd in the XWA Section of HLKs competition with HOO,
achieving the second highest score out of both the houses.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Jae K`Sunis (jak10900@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (I3AboveTheNight@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/25/01
Reason: For excellently serving House Archanis as Hyperion Flight
as well as advising his Quaestor. -Flech
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH Janos Silverwulf (silverwulf@ireland.com)
Awarded By: SW Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (RGOATHAM@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For Placing 2nd in the XvT Section of HLKs competition with HOO,
achieving the second highest score out of both the houses.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH Roth Jalis (RothJalis@cs.com)
Awarded By: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (I3AboveTheNight@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For winning the monthly X-Wing Alliance competition in House
Archanis. -Flech
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Reaper (paul@reeves110.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded By: DJK E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)
Awarded On: 1/22/01
Reason: Second in the TIE variant of HOO vs HLK competition. Congrats!
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DA Arania Lawakiro (lwaxanatroi@myokay.net)
Awarded By: KE Trevarus Caerick (jedimaster155@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 1/22/01
Reason: Winning the Krath X-Mas song butchering competition.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Saitou (chris_bishop417@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: KAP Karva Dronaal (msimon15@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 1/22/01
Reason: For winning the January House Competition.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: SW Callista (muehj007@mail.uni-mainz.de)
Awarded By: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (I3AboveTheNight@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For winning a monthly TIE Fighter competition in House Archanis.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Darkfenn (hawk291@juno.com)
Awarded By: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (I3AboveTheNight@aol.com)
Awarded On: 1/23/01
Reason: For winning the monthly X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter competition in
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Kryndath Del'Chanar (darkmagics@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KE Trevarus Caerick (jedimaster155@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 1/26/01
Reason: Winning the "No-The" Krath Story Competition
** CHANCELLOR UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master Howlader] **
1) Well, since Darkbrotherhood.com is dead, there are no weekly medal related
things. However, I do have a rant :P
2) <Rant>The Medal Suggest form is not a toy. Please actually THINK when
you want to suggest a medal, instead of just mindless clicking. If you recommend
yourself for a Golden Lightsaber, it is NOT going to get approved. In fact, if
you recommend yourself for ANY medal it is not going to get approved, and you're
just going to end up looking stupid </Rant>
3) Medals:
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJM Astatine (jpboyce@indigo.net.au)
Awarded By: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded On: 1/29/01
Reason: great work on the ASP roster and news board, also help in getting
myself started with ASP. Hugely improved the Qel-Droma site because of his
(Note: Only one medal approved this week, due in part to a domain outage.)
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Firefox]
1) The results for the Sith Competitions are still delayed. As soon as the new
TAC, Starlion, is done with his verifications, I'll be able to tell you who are
the winners.
2) Another competition is in the works, but this one will be quite different.
More news later on this.
3) The Avenger is currently at 71 pilots, almost the equivalent of one full
wing! Go us! :P
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Sith Warlord Firefox]
1) The TAC finally got back to me about those pilot files. I'll send all the
results and who won what to each Clan by tomorrow at worst!
2) I'm currently talking with the Order Leaders and most Clan Leaders about a
huge competition. Stay tuned for more details.
3) The Avenger is presently at 73 pilots and climbing! The last closed squadron,
Flayer, will soon open. We will be fully operational after the great downsizing
2 years ago!
** KRATH UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Arania Lawakiro] **
1) Be sure to finish Phase 1 and get started wih Phase 3
2) I have various new ideas in the works... some of them based on your
suggestions so stay tuned.
3) I'm gone for the weekend., I might respond to emergency mails, but not sure
** KRATH UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Dark Adept Arania Lawakiro] **
1) There will be a Phase 4 for Minds of Hate. Details will be posted shortly.
2) Phyle Competition Phase 2 Round 2 will have slightly improved rules. Due to
the need to adapt them, Round 2 might be one or two days delayed.
3) All Houses please remember to send in their run ons for Phase 1 of MoH in
4) Scholar of the Month for January is DJK Cuchulain (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco
of Scholae Palatinae. Congrats.
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 26/01/2001 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1.) "Huh? What was that?" was the sound of Vanshino Brigade as Dark
Avatar Brigade screamed past to take a considerable lead in the Brigade League.
Making their appearances on the scoreboard for the first time are Wraith and
Soulfire Brigade with 4 points each.
2.) I've got a short "to-do" list for the Obelisk Studies. So, that
project should be coming online shortly, I would assume.
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 02/02/2001 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1.) Dark Avatar continues to lead the Brigade League, so they receive the
Brigade Citation for January.
2.) The Obelisk Studies website (http://www.isdchallenge.org/obelisk/studies/)
is now fully operational.
** ENVOYS UPDATE [From Sith Warlord Shadow] **
I am proud to announce that the Society of Envoys has another new member.
Envoy - SBM Keiran Idanian (KeiranIdanian@aol.com).
We are now up to a total of 16 members. 6 full and 10 honorary.
The new Envoy webpage should be out very soon. As I said before my office is
always open to anyone in need of help, question or just wants to chat.
** GRAND MASTER'S ROYAL GUARD UPDATE [From Grand Master Darth Zoraan] **
The new Commander of the Guard, Dark Adept Z'lar Kahn, is currently settling
into his position. His initial announcements as CoG will appear in next week's
In the interim, I encourage all dark brethren to familiarise themselves with the
Grand Master's Royal Guard through its chapter in the Dark Side Compendium
(http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/dsc/). Even though an Obelisk-based Society, the
Grand Master's Royal Guard is open to Dark Jedi of ALL orders who possess Jedi
Knight (Dark Forces II) and sufficient skill to defend the Iron Throne.
Queries may be addressed to zlarkahn@superchango.net.
Special Feature: The Obelisk Studies Course
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi:
Grand Master's Throne Room:
The Dark Side Compendium:
The Shadow Academy:
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi Message Board:
In Darkness,
Master; Fleet Admiral Darth Zoraan,
Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Dark Lord of the Sith / Governor Plenipotentiary of Eos

GM Reports