Bounty Hunter's Guild
Report #6
2.3.2001 - Trench
Some sad news to report. Cathleen Eilis, longtime hunter and
current Judicator, is retiring from the BHG due to personal reasons.
She will be sorely missed; her service to the BHG was exemplary.
However, a retired member -- in fact, a BHG Hall of Famer -- is
coming out of retirement to assume the vacated post. I speak of
none other than Ehart, one legendary in the ranks of the BHG. He
has returned from leave and has been installed as Judicator.
An overhaul of the current competition structure is forthcoming, in
order to install new activities with which the hunters can busy
themselves when KAGs are not in progress. That said, with only
one event -- fiction -- left to be graded, KAG standings are as
Thunder: 805
Daichi: 514
Phoenix: 354
Omega: 246
Skylla: 218
Dragon: 137
Thunder has a seemingly insurmountable lead, but history shows
that 'tis best to wait until the final bell has rung before assuming
Another venerated member, Tad Taliesin, has been promoted to CH
of Dragon. As you see above, Dragon lagged in the standings in
this KAG. Under Tad, there is little doubt that Dragon Kabal will do
much better next time. His Kabalmate, Aonin, CRA of Thunder,
has resigned from his post.
Aonin will remain in the BHG. Unfortunately, Shay'la DuKahn
Ludsorkim and Ian Jackson, two notable and valued members,
have to step away for some time, if not permanently. We regret
their loss and wish them the best.
It might seem as if the slew of retirements is bad news; while we
regret the loss of members, the BHG has never been short of
qualified replacements. We wish them well, and wish their
successors the best of luck in their new positions.
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench

DP Reports