VOLUME #72: February 2001

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Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Sicamicanico (#6201)

Name: Sicamicanico

Rank: Sub-Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Flight Member

Scandoc Transmission Code: thestickydicky@icqmail.com

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 9 years after Endor

Place of Birth: Yavin 4

Marital Status: Single

Family: Mother was Kirana Ti, one of the first batches of Jedi to study at Skywalker's Jedi Academy. I was concieved in a moment of weakness between her and Kam Solusar, another of the Jedi trainees.

Social Status: Poor

Quote: People Keep on learnin' Soldiers Keep on warrin' World, Keep on turnin' Cause it won't be too long. Powers Keep on lyin', While your people Keep on dyin' World, Keep on turnin', Cause it won't be too long.

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: As a product of parents both strong in the force, my obvious Force Sensitivity was recognised by Skywalker and he begun training me at an early age. However, being the fool that he is, Skywalker botched my training and I submitted to the Dark Side. My subversion to the Dark Side was narrow mindedly accepted by Skywalker, my parents and the New Rebublic as a whole, as if by finding a different path in life, I became less of a person and a completely evil 'creature'. This rejection forced me to evaluate the force and life as a whole, this resulted in an epiphany that meant that my time as a creature of the Dark Side was not permanent and I was able to find a middle ground between the Light and Dark sides, with none of the weaknesses of either, but unfortunately without most of the strengths. As a result, I became a wanderer, looking for my place in the galxy.

Significant Events of Adulthood: After a period of mixing with unsavoury characters and some considerable success as a bounty hunter, specialising in hunting down Jedi the soul-less work began to take a toll and I began to look for a more fulfilling and worthwhile path of life. This search led me to the Imperial academy, where with my force-enhanced abilities swiftly obtained a position in the Imperial Navy.

Alignment and Attitude: Strongly against the New-Republic, with their foolish subserviance to the Jedi - in particular Skywalker which resulted in my betrayal and becoming outcast from society under the New-Republic's dominion. As a result, I am firmly alligned with the Empire, who may yet be able to restore order to the Galaxy.

Former Occupations: Jedi trainee, bounty hunter, assasin, mercenary, thief, murderer, smuggler, etc.

Hobbies: Plotting the downfall of the New Rebublic, flying, killing Rebels.

Tragedies: My repudiation from mainstream society and more importantly my family and sense of self.

Phobias and Allergies: Allergic to stupid Gungans with fucked up names (please - Jar Jar Binks?) who talk like a retard. This allergy is only countered by killing these creatures in large groups.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Empire represents my own force alignment on a galactic level - it is goodness tinged with darkness to create a more stable and whole entity. The system that the Empire ran, while in power was shown to be more effective than that of the Old Republic and the New Republic, despite its somewhat oppressive nature. The Emperor's Hammer is the embodiement of this and the strength from which the Empire gains its power - the military.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: By enlisting in the EH, I am able to take a part in this military might and do what I love - Flying, and killing Rebels.

Other Comments:

ID Line: FM/SL TK-6201/Scorpion 3-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

Submitted: 2/9/2001 9:18:00 PM


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