VOLUME #72: February 2001

CO Reports
SGCOM Reports
Advisor Reports
TC Reports




Battle Board
Duty Roster
Medal Board
Sqd. Rdy. Room


Episode II
Gaming News



TIE Corps
Bounty Hunter's

Corporate Division
Dark Brotherhood
EH Directorate
EH Strategists
Hammer's Fist
Imperial Senate

Infiltrator Wing
The Fringe

Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Bob-Fett (#4009)

Name: Bob-Fett

Rank: Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Stalker squadron, SSD Avenger, Wing I

Scandoc Transmission Code: rowan_rob@hotmail.com

Gender: Male

Race: Mandalorian

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: NeeHa

Marital Status: Single

Family: Wife and son; Deceased

Social Status: Poor

Quote: "Ouch, Quit It"

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: I grew up on the streets of NeeHa, pretty much living a non-existant life. Doing odd jobs and learning the skills that one needs to survive in this galaxy. I assisted many bounty hunters, assassins, and mercenaries and learned lots and lots about ground warfare. But my dream was always to fly.

Significant Events of Adulthood: When the Old Republic disbanded and became the Empire, I knew that was the life for me. So I quickly applied for the Imperial Academy and after passing all the requirements I was accepted. After many missions and accomplishments I was lucky enough to be assigned to the flagship of the Imperial Fleet, the SSD Executor. After showing my capabilities I was offered an assignment in Special Ops. It turned out they were putting together a special squadron named Black Wing Squadron. Black Wing's main mission was to deal with the rebels Rogue Squadron. They issued us newly invented Tie Defenders. But on our first mission, which was supposed to be the end of Rogue Squadron along with the rebel fleet, tragedy struck. That battle later became known as the battle of Endor. After the loss of my squadron along with the Death Star, the Executor, Darth Vader, and the Emperor himself, Captain Pellaeon of the SD Chimaera gave the order to retreat. I reluctantly hyperspaced back to Coruscant.

Alignment and Attitude: The Empire is the ultimate law in the universe and will one day reign again. The rebels think they have won the war, but have merely just won a battle in a war that is about to be over, with the Empire regaining its rightful place as the ultimate power in the universe.

Former Occupations: Mainly just hanging around with the scum of the universe.

Hobbies: Besides flying all kinds of spacecraft theres an ancient game I learned from a galaxy far far away. Its called golf and it rules.

Tragedies: My father, a Mandalorian Protector, knowing that the end was near, sent his wife and unborn son into hiding. He was killed along with the extermination of the Mandalorian race by the Light Jedi in the Clone Wars. So I never met my father.

Phobias and Allergies: Allergic to wookie hair.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: I was part of the Empire during the glory years and know what the New Order stands for and how glorious the Emperor was. So I will do everything in my power to continue the tradition.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: After returning to Coruscant I realized the Empire was dying. Without the Emperor or Lord Vader their really weren't any strong leaders. Issard had taken over the Imperial City and most of the Admirals had declared themselves warlords and seperated from the Empire. So I had heard about a special group when I was in Special Ops called the Emperor's Hammer. After using some connections and passing the requirements I joined the Tie Corps.

Other Comments: None.

ID Line: FM/LT Bob-Fett/Stalker 1-3/Avenger Wing I

Submitted: 2/18/2001 6:44:00 AM


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