Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Colonel Raith Sienar (#1019)
Name: Raith Daelin Sienar
Rank: Colonel
Current Assignment: TIE Corps Reserve, M/FRG Phoenix
Scandoc Transmission Code: raith@emperorshammer.ca
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 25 years prior to the Battle of Endor
Place of Birth: Imperial City, Coruscant
Marital Status: Single
Family: Father, Mother, Two sisters
Security Clearance: Level 18, Special Permissions |
Social Status: Well-to-do
Quote: "Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctoral gift that no one ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So, you're stuck with mostly undefinable whipped mint crap, mindlessly wolfed down when there's nothing else to eat while you're watching the game. Sure, once in a while you get a peanut but it's gone too
fast and the taste is fleeting. In the end, you're left with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth shattering nuts, which if you are desperate enough to eat leaves nothing but an empty box of useless brown paper wrappers."
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Born into wealth because of his relation to his uncle, the CEO of Sienar Fleet Systems (For whom he was named after). Raith enjoyed a nice childhood, free of the usual scum and villainy of the galaxy because of his social status. When Raith was old enough, he entered the Imperial Center for Higher Learning and began studying flight tactics. When he graduated, (with honors) he went into the Imperial Officer Flight School and eventually went into Imperial Navy Service. In the navy, he served as a TIE pilot for several years in the Sesswenna system, travelling around as part of the Diplomatic Vanguard, a wing dedicated to protecting important Imperial dignitaries, diplomats, and ambassadors. This work did not particularly suit Raith, as it didn't provide enough action for him. No one ever bothered to attack dignitaries. Eventually Raith was shipped back to Coruscant for an inquiry into the events surrounding the death of an important diplomat. After the hearing, Raith was dismissed from Imperial Naval service, and joined his close family in the business of shipping the TIEs and other craft made by his uncle's company.
Significant Events of Adulthood: Eventually becoming the owner of the family's shipping business after his father retired, Raith became quite wealthy, but would often gamble it all away, barely recovering and almost sending Sienar Military Transport into financial ruin. The company would always recover, but its reputation would be tarnished a bit, and it would lose business to the ever-competitive Xizor Transport Systems. Several dull years passed and more gambling and close economic shaves ensued. Eventually, through various contacts, loopholes in COMPNOR, and Holonet leaks, Raith discovered that Xizor Transport Systems had been contracted out to ship the largest amount of durasteel the Empire had ever moved. XTS was to become the primary Imperial transport contractor. This did not bode well with Raith, and he stormed his way down to the Imperial Palace, demanding to see the Emperor himself. He was refuted and told to not poke his nose in affairs concerning Xizor. Ever resourceful and determined, Raith made his way into the inner workings of the Imperial Palace by using fake IDs, calling in favors, and the like. Upon finally getting into what he thought was the Emperor's inner sanctum, which was actually security checkpoint 394-A, he was promptly arrested. The whole event became embarrassingly public, with many political officials even going out of their way to discredit the Sienar family. These politicians were no doubt being paid off and instructed by the "noble" Prince Xizor. Raith’s lack of foresight had cost him his business, his family honor, and his reputation. (Which was, not much anyway) Suprisingly, with most thinking that Xizor had won the long transport battle, Prince Xizor disappeared and his conglomerate with him. It was rumored that the Prince had crossed Darth Vader... something that even the common lower-level Coruscant street hobo knew not to do. Lord Darth Vader himself agreed to spare Raith's life, and even reinstate the service of Sienar Military Transport as the Empire's primary shipper on the conditions that he placed someone else as head of the company. After all, The Empire still needed a transport company, and XTS was permanently defunct. Raith, with his life spared, still was cast out by society... he could never regain his position or regain the lost money. He lived for several months as a wandering outcast. After this, he decided that the outer rim was the place to go; it had lots of opportunity for rebuilding his life.
Some years after the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of the Emperor, Raith was again a large corporation owner. This time of a successful Outer Rim mining business in the Minos Asteroid Cluster. He set up his own operation, not bound by Imperial or Rebel law. After frequent rebel vs. Imperial skirmishes on his doorstep, the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet had seized the surrounding area. Not one to let an immense opportunity such as this go to waste, and feeling the itch to return to piloting, Raith sold off his mining chain to the Hammer and joined its TIE Corps ranks.
Alignment and Attitude: Ambitious, calm and collected; very respectful of commanding officers.
| Positions Held: Flight Member, Aleth Squadron, Wing III, SSSD Sovereign [06.30.99 - 07.01.99] Flight Leader, Aleth Squadron, Wing III, SSSD Sovereign [07.01.99 - 07.26.99] Commander, Beth Squadron, Wing III, SSSD Sovereign [07.26.99 - 01.18.00] Wing Commander, Wing XIV, ISD Intrepid [01.18.00 - 11.12.00] Morale Officer Assistant [4.18.00 - 08.15.00] Flight Member, Beth Squadron, Wing III, SSSD Sovereign [11.12.00 - 01.7.01] |
Former Occupations: Imperial pilot, two-time business owner.
Hobbies: Collecting miniature models of the craft he pilots, collecting firearms, and playing Sabacc and other games of chance.
Tragedies: Losing a close friend in combat once.
Phobias and Allergies: 
Personal View of the Empire and EH: Raith believes the Empire to be the rightful rulers of the galaxy, and not even the New Republic can stand in the way to victory.
Reason for enlisting in the EH: To serve the Empire, and to help restore order and rule to the galaxy; to escape his past, create a new image for himself.
Pertinent Links: Academy of Tactics Homepage: http://aot.ehintel.org |
Other Comments:
ID Line: Colonel Raith Sienar
TIE Corps Reserve Member - #1019
RSV/COL Raith Sienar/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
Submitted: 2/16/2001 5:00:00 PM
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