Training Officer
Report #58
1.26.2001 - HA Astatine
After a lengthy delay from the Operations Office, due to waiting for an updated medal image, the new Iron Star system is now totally in effect. The Training Manual has been updated and the entire TIE Corps and Naval Corps emailed, so noone really has an excuse for submitting competitions that are outside the rules.
Work on the EH Encyclopedia continues. So far there's about 95 nominations, although most aren't the kind of stuff I want. The form is still up at Research is also ongoing, and I've started researching the position of Training Officer myself. In addition, I've started the slow migration towards shared content between the Encyclopedia and other resources. The IWATS Core exam and Training Manual are now using the same images for the positions entries. The subgroup commanders have also been put on notice that they must inform the Training Office of any updates to their subgroups that would affect their respect entries, as the Training Office cannot pro-actively go through every subgroup page and manual every week, combing for updates and changes.
IWATS continues to go well. mIRC/1 has passed 900, and the Computer Basics course has passed 130. And a new poll is up on the site. Something slightly less serious that the previous ones.
HA Astatine - TO

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