Training Officer
Report #57
1.13.2001 - HA Astatine
Things have been pretty quiet lately with time being wasted on holidays and whatnot. I've begun finally sorting through all the applications I've been sent and started appointing new Professors. New IWATS staff are:
* VA Ari - Professor of VBS
* MAJ Fondor - Professor of TIE Tactics
* CM Flelm - Professor of ICQ
The first two courses can now be considered active at the time of writing. I still need to finish some updates for the ICQ course. COL Mell managed to get back online just before I was going to fire him, and I've decided to keep him as TOA so that's the end of that. Positions still open include XvT Tactics, RedED, Rebellion Tactics, RPG Stats, RPG Characters and XWA Mission Design. Details are available at Also, IWATS has passed 6,000 total graduates, TIE Mission Design reached 50 graduates and Computer Basics has passed 100 graduates.
Work on the EH Encyclopedia is proceeding well. I've got a team of researchers together and have started allocating them specific areas of research. If you're interested in helping out with this, email me at The research allocations so far are available at Also a form is up for people to nominate who they think should be in the Encyclopedia. The form is completely anonymous and is at Please list only one name in the name field and you can nomimate as many times as you see fit.
Thanks to the IO for the Site of the Week award. The RO site (the bit everyone sees) is done, I just need to finish the admin code, which should be done this weekend. Also, check out the cool site I made for House Aleema at That's about it.

TO Reports
Command Staff