1.11.2001 - VA StarLion
Tactical Staff Report
This week marked the beginning of several changes for the Tactical
Staff, and a few goodbyes.
First of all, the Tactical Staff would like to thank Fleet Admiral
Striker, for all of the hard work he’s done for us while he has been
Tactical Officer. We would like to wish him good luck in all he does
in the future, and hope that his experiences in the past few weeks
will make him stronger.
Secondly, the Tactical Staff has had a recent AWOL check, and with
the conclusion of that and with the resignation of a few members,
we have trimmed the ranks somewhat. Currently, I am NOT searching
for new testers, but with the changes mentioned below, open places
may soon be appearing.
Thirdly, with the resignation of Fleet Admiral Striker, I WILL be
looking for a TCC:XWA. The requirements for the position are as follows
- Must own XWA, and AlliED (registered
version is preferred).
- Must be able to dedicate time to
assigning battles, and checking/playing them to ensure that they
are corrected.
- Must be able to file reports on
a consistant basis.
All applications should be sent to Vice
Admiral StarLion
After a slump in the number of battles tested, the organization of
the Tactical Staff has been altered.
Tactical Surveyors are now asked to declare a single platform for
testing. The Tactical Surveyors will be split into three teams, one
for each platform (XvT and BoP are considered 1 platform for this
purpose). When a team is reduced by a sufficient number of members,
new testers will be sought for that platform only at that time. This
will help ensure that all of our battles are being tested when they
are assigned.
Lastly, the Tactical Staff and Phoenix Engineers Team have a new home,
on the newly refurbished Platform Dagger. Last used by Project Reno,
the Platform has been given a completely new look and it's own website.
Dagger Website)
Submissions/Suggestions/Comments are welcomed.
Tactical Head Coordinator,
CA:TAC/VA StarLion

Command Staff