Naval Commander
Report #1
1.27.2001 - VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
Naval Corps Report #1 - 27th, January, 2001
Current Naval Corps Membership: 51
To Start with, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me get this position, I hope that over the period I serve as the NavCOM that the Navy increases its membership, and that its activity continues to rise :)
I also wish good luck to VA Bargon, where ever he takes his career from this point. He served as Naval Commander for a good deal of time, successfully running our first major wargame, for which he will be greatly remembered in the NCs history.
So, onto business. Seeing as I was only appointed last night, I apologise for this report being a few hours late. Also, due to the same point, I have little to really say currently, but I do have a few things to announce about the future of the Naval Corps:
1.) Operation: Conquest, is currently being postponed indefinitely, as I know that participation by TUCs has only been ranging from 25%-75% a day, and this is too low currently to move on with Conquest. Having been TFC of Crusader, I know that Crusader's TUCs were sending daily movements 75% of the time, so I will need to look into Monitor's members before I recommence the wargame.
2.) Some Major Naval Corps changes are currently being worked on by myself and Chief of Staff Quake, these are still in very initial stages, but should ultimately result in a dramatic increase in NC activity. More details on this will come as the project develops more.
3.) IWATS: Naval Staff is currently undergoing corrections, aswell as making it a more worthwhile test, this should be completed by myself and Quake sometime in the next couple of weeks.
4.) Naval Corps FAQ: This another idea thats already in production, and should hopefully come out around the time of the new NS course, for the notes and the FAQ will be very closely connected.
5.) With my leaving of TFC of Crusader, the position is open. However, I've already selected my replacement, I just need to talk to him to make sure he still wants it, I also beleive that TFC Raven of Monitor may be leaving, that will most likely be open applications.
Thats pretty much it for this week, hopefully i'll be able to announce the new TFC of Crusader by the EH meeting today.
Thankyou for your time
Naval Commander, Vice Admiral Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
NAVCOM-SCOA/VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/Naval Corps

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