Logistics Officer
Report #3
1.28.2001 - RA Ramos Kanzco
LO Announcements:
1. Surprises Surprises Surprises!!! The Logistics Office has four surprises planned for the EH in the next 4 weeks. The first one will be announced at the EH meeting next week...the site of the completed LO site and EH Historial Archives!
2. The EH Historical Archives are finished and ready to be uploaded pending beta testing. If any Commodores+ wish to see them and give me opinions on them please Email me!
Important LO Subjects
a. List of LO Staff
LO Projects and their Heads
1. EH Internationlization Project- Ted Tiger-lo@emperorshammer.org
2. Ship Histories- Krax Tarnisar-miner49er@excite.com
3. General History- Ramos- magedon42@aol.com
4. File Collection- Darksaber-darksaber_mpk@hotmail.com
5. Career Collections- Ramos( I need interviewrs)
6. LO Webpage- Rand- mferin@jedi.nu and Mell- Mell@isdcolossus.com
7. Subgroup History- Ximeno- khalitar@gmx.net
8. Newsletter submissions and links to outside SW world- Ramos- magedon42@aol.com
9. DB History- Shinari- neo@crimson-net.org
10. Database- Darkov- SOD@emperorshammer.org
LO News Service and people working on it :
Ramos- Leading it and two old Wing Commander and Commodore Hand books
Fondor- SW Galaxies, commentaries on NJO, Review force.net- Fondor_bhaal@hotmail.com
Tack- Book Reviews- btack@techie.com
LC DS-61-4- Episode I examination- mortis703@aol.com
Rand-Reviews- mferin@jedi.nu
Ximeno- Book Reviews, Old Avenger Stuff- khalitar@gmx.net
b. Posistions Open and their Descriptions
Staff Writers- Please email magedon42@aol.com if you are interested in writing opinions for the EH NL.
Editors- Please email magedon42@aol.com if you are interested in compiling SW news for the NL.
Historians- If you are interested in compiling history of the EH please contact miner49er@excite.com and magedon42@aol.com
c. Time of LO Thinktank meeting on IRC next week
Next week the LO will have a meeting with all our staff Saturday 11:30 PM EST
d. The Emails of all updated Historical lists
BHGHistory@egroups.com (For the BHG)
CDHistory@egroups.com (For the Corporate Division)
CSHistory@egroups.com (For the Command Staff)
DarkBrotherhoodHistory@egroups.com (For the DB)
EHDirHistory@egroups.com (For the Directorate)
EHFiction@egroups.com (For any EH related fiction)
EHHistory@egroups.com (For any General EH history)
EHStories@egroups.com (For any officer stories)
FMCHistory@egroups.com (For any FMC history)
HFHistory@egroups.com (Hammer's Fist History)
IWHistory@egroups.com (Infiltrator Wing History)
TCHistory@egroups.com (TIE Corps History)
e. Announcements and reports from the LOAs
I may have a little hold-up in my NJO article.. as I am currently reading the latest one to try and catch up.. it only came out in Australia last week. I will have it done within a week however.
My first subgroup history will be the IW, as I said, and I am working on interviews at the moment. I know you were once TO of the IWEG, so if you have anything to add, any ideas for me, or anywhere you think I could find info, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.
Thats it from me this week, but anticipate me changing my name soon to Khalitar, update your address book :P
Cya next week.
LOA/CPT Ximeno/SSSD Sovereign
f. Awards to people who have helped the LO over the last month!
PC went to LCMKrax Tarnisar for hard work
PC Went to Commander Darksaber, hard work.
4. My personal thanks to CPT Shakur of Tornado Squadron, for making excellent graphics for the new LO site, FA Darkov and CPT Rand Al Thor for constructing the LO pages, LCM Krax Tarnisar, CM Darksaber, and CPT Ximeno for being instrumental in collecting old files and lists so far, and the staff of LO writers who have made up our contribution to the NL you will see soon!
5. The EH Newsletter Archives are up at www.jedi.nu/yodavin Thanks to INQ FA Yodavin for hosting these NLs. Soon there will be a request form on the LO's site to help anyone asking for old files or history. Stay tuned!
CA:LO/RA Ramos Kanzco/CA-11/SSSD Soverign

LO Reports
Command Staff