Logistics Officer
Report #2
1.19.2001 - RA Ramos Kanzco
+++++-------Logistics Office Report #2-------+++++
Welcome to the Second Logistics Office Report for the year of 2001!This week has been a very busy and active one to say the least. The Logistics Office's main duty is to connect the members of the Emperor's Hammer to the other side of the Star Wars universe. Planning is in effect to start the Sentinel Project up again, History and EH Careers are being collected rampantly, but also the LO has a new task and a new mission. We appointed two new LOAs this week:
Captain Ximeno
Captain Rand Al Thor
Welcome to the Logistics Office!
1. The Logistics Office is also starting up a new group called the Imperial News Service. Each month the reporters in the service will be assigned in writing articles for submission to the Logistics Office. Than the LO will compile this articles for submission in one big archive format for the EH Newsletter. For example, new Episode II updates/photos, Star Wars Galaxies updates, new books coming out or soon, reviews on SW-related sites, SW Gaming updates, New fan fiction/movies etc. Any submissions you would like included in our submission should be emailed to RA Ramos Kanzco(magedon42@aol.com) by January 30th.
2. The Logistics Office site is being worked on by Captain Rand and should be up by this wednesday. Captain Ximeno is working on different subgroup histories within the EH.
3.The Logistics Office is now starting a new project to collect the personal histories of TIE Corps and Emperor's Hammer members. The LO would like all EH members who wish to submit their personal histories for posting on a database shortly to email their career portfolios/stories to EHStories@egroups.com with your name and rank in the Subject. A template will be released shortly to help you compile your careers and if you need any assistance what so ever please email Rear Admiral Ramos Kanzco for more information.
4.The new EH Historical Archives Project site is being coded by SOD Darkov. After this site goes up the LO will upload all of its files to the databse. After this the LO will be starting up the Sentinel Project again where we use analysts and archivists to catalog EH History. Look for more to come in the next couple days:)
5. The LO needs your help in gathering fiction, graphics, old rosters, INPRs, Personal Histories, Ship Histories, Subgroup Histories, Monumental EH desicions, Wing Histories, Squadron Histories, Histories of CS officers, old Subgroup manuals, old subgroup webpages, old subgroup commander histories, and anything else you think can be essential or non essential in helping the Logistics Office in archiving the history of the EH. Here is a list of email addresses you may history to:
BHGHistory@egroups.com (For the BHG)
CDHistory@egroups.com (For the Corporate Division)
CSHistory@egroups.com (For the Command Staff)
DarkBrotherhoodHistory@egroups.com (For the DB)
EHDirHistory@egroups.com (For the Directorate)
EHFiction@egroups.com (For any EH related fiction)
EHHistory@egroups.com (For any General EH history)
EHStories@egroups.com (For any officer stories)
FMCHistory@egroups.com (For any FMC history)
HFHistory@egroups.com (Hammer's Fist History)
IWHistory@egroups.com (Infiltrator Wing History)
TCHistory@egroups.com (TIE Corps History)
Thank you,
CA:LO/RA Ramos Kanzco

LO Reports
Command Staff