Imperial Senate
1.19.2001 - Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr
Imperial Senate's weekly report Membership count 118
The Imperial Senate is overcoming many obstacles. Our Record Tender has resigned his leadership duties, so I am currently looking to fill the two places that he was assigned to under my predecessor. I'm also creating a questionaire to fill the position of Tactical Committee Chairman. I am, however, going to authorize the membership of that committee to run a comepition that had been previously approved. I shall soon be speaking to some of the creators of this competition to charge them with carrying the competition out. Aside from that, we may be losing on Committee Chairman to inactivity, as he has not updated his e-mail address, and a notice was placed on the news page in regard to this matter.
When looking at things in perspective, the Senate is doing well. I had worried that the fall-out from my predecessors departure would have been greater. I'm quite pleased to see that the membership of the Imperial Senate was able to see beyond any one individual and place their concerns in the Imperial Senate itself. I say this with the utmost admitation towards my membership, and I intend for this statement to be a compliment to them.
Discussion in the leadership regarding a proposed restructure to the club, which would be passed on the the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer have slowed down. I'm taking this as a sign that very few ideas are left to be offered, and the compromises set forth are agreeable to all sides. I'll be aiming to address the status of our talks this weekend in preparation of preparing a formal proposal.
This report is a rather short, this shall be amended quickly. As leadership positions are filled once more, I shall be receiving reports from leaders of Committees and have more information to draw upon.
Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr
Chancellor of the Imperial Senate (Aurora Prime) /HC-1
{Dean of the Imperial University-RET}{IWATS-M-M/2}
"Paradise on my right, Hell on my Left, and the Angel of Death behind"

CHS Reports