1.26.2001 - AD Theodore
"This is a public service announcement...With
guitar...Know your rights all three of them...Number 1...You have
the right not to be killed...Murder is a CRIME!...Unless it was
done by a...Policeman or aristocrat...Know your rights...And Number
2...You have the right to food money...Providing of course you Don't
mind a little Investigation, humiliation And if you cross your fingers
Rehabilitation...Know your rights...These are your rights...Wang...Know
these rights...Number 3...You have the right to free...Speech as
long as you're not Dumb enough to actually try it."
/me turns down the audio-feed with a strange anti-establishment
but socially conscious feeling
Flight Office Report for the week ending January 26, 2001
First I'd like to report that numbers in the Fleet continue their
slow creep upwards. The Sovereign, ASF, Avenger, Navy, and Daedalus
all saw increases in their numbers this week and there has been
a ton of activity. I do want to remind all of you to be sure your
superiors are cc'd on all transfer requests, so there are no surprises.
Next, on a very serious note, RA Chei-Ras has been honoured in RL
with a significant promotion and has had to step down from the COM
of the ISD Colossus. This leaves the Col with limited, but dedicated
and active pilots who are doing their best to keep the Col in service.
If, however valiant their efforts, the Col does not show significant
increases in assigned officers, there is a real possibility she
will be decommissioned. I love the ship and don't want to see this
happen, but an understaffed and declining ISD is more detrimental
to the EH than are the Rebels. Anyone who wises to join the Col
in her fight back to the shape which earned her the Fleet Commander's
Own for 2000 are encouraged to make your desires known and I can
assure you that efforts expended on the Col's behalf will be noticed.
In keeping with my promise of news from the various wing, I present
the introduction to a report from WING V , WC/MAJ Proton, who has
seen great success in recruiting recently.
"Urghh," Major Proton sighed, flexing his writing hand. He dunked
the aching
limb into a desk-side container of bacta.
"All these new sublieutenants. All these transfers ... the paperwork
week has been amazing," Proton said, nodding to one of his personal
assistants, Leroy the jawa. The chittering Leroy retrieved from
the WC's
desktop a huge sheaf of Imperial dossiers and assignment documents
for return
to storage at the Flight Office. Snippy already had transmitted
electronic documents.
Proton stretched back in his comfy chair (not as comfortable as
Inkwolf's, but very close >:) ), flexed his muscles and gazed through
sweeping viewport in the rear of his office. Forty-five TIEs, Missile
and Assault Gunboats shot from the SSSD Sovereign hangar bay in
formations, all bearing the distinctive emblem of Wing V.
Another demanding training mission of Wing V was under way.
Proton jumped to his feet, waving in dismissal to his three assistants
as he
headed toward his personal craft, TIE Fighter Desperate, to begin
and monitoring of his wing's training.
Dude, the massive Tusken raider, displayed a jagged, toothy grin
exchanged low-fives with Leroy and Snippy. Their new home in Wing
V was a
good one, indeed.
Finally, I'd like to announce the resurrection of the TCCOM Award
to recognize the continued efforts of one Wing which has demonstrated
excellence in activity, communication, and camaraderie over the
last month. With all the activity in the Fleet this last month it
has been difficult to narrow the field, but one Ship keep rising
to my attention and for this reason, I'd like to announce that the
TCCOM award winner for January, 2001 is Wing XIII, the ISD Grey
Wolf. Throughout January the GW produced many BSFs and high activity
in on-line competitions, but that is not the end of their activity.
The GW has high morale led by many fine officers who keep constant
communication going and fun a primary goal. They have been active
recruiting and earning medals and promotions as well as encouraging
continued IWATS education. For this and more, I am happy to present
VA Cyric with this award. (the engraved version will be presented
That's it...as always Have fun and behave like an officer
FO-TCCOM-Legal/AD Theodore/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign

Command Staff