Dark Brotherhood
1.19.2001 - GM Darth Zoraan
News Update For The Weeks of January 7th and 14th, 2000
"If you will not be turned . . . You will be destroyed!"
--Emperor Palpatine
January 19, 2001 - 823 Members as of Today!
Trivia/Meeting Info: http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/comm/comm-irc.asp
Trivia for the DB Meeting of January 6, 2001 . . .
1st Place: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette(Sith)/Archanis of
2nd Place: GRD Griffin (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
Trivia Moderator: KP Raistline Majere(Krath) M:HRLD/Ektrosis of Taldryan
All are awarded a Legion of the Scholar, or add-on.
** ADDRESS FROM THE IRON THRONE [From Grand Master Darth Zoraan] **
1. Comparing the release date of this Holocron to the dates to which it applies,
it is indeed the most behind-schedule issue I've compiled . . . However, the
Holocron for the week of January 21st will also be distributed this weekend,
thus putting the system back on track. :)
2. In the interests of bringing all dark brethren up to speed, a recap of some
notable events that have occurred in the past two weeks . . .
- Battlelord Mav was removed from the position of Consul of Taldryan
- Obelisk Warrior Blade, after an unfortunate decision to continue his abusive
behaviour, was expelled from the Brotherhood by the Justicar - his absence from
ALL aspects & areas of the Brotherhood is to be enforced
- Lord Jac Cotelin, Grand Master Emeritus, was appointed to the position of
Consul of Taldryan
- At the urging recommendation of Lord Cotelin, Battlelord Mav was appointed to
the position of Proconsul of Taldryan
- Obelisk Battlemaster Syn Kaek, also an Imperial Vice Admiral, is standing
trial before the EH High Court of the Inquisitors. To comply with their wishes,
he is suspended from all Brotherhood positions, ranks, and honours pending the
conclusion of his court marshal.
. . . In re-reading the above list, I realise that only one item stands out as
being a particularly happy one. This is what happens when individuals start
thinking more of themselves than the Brotherhood and decide to do foolish
things. Congratulations on your appointment, Lord Cotelin. :)
3. To fill the position Sith Warlord Shadow vacated when he became KCB, I have
appointed Sith Warrior Nist (Nist@btinternet.com) as a Magistrate to the Grand
Master . . . Besides lending me general assistance upon request, Warrior Nist
will be maintaining a regular presence at the DB Message Board (http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/mb/),
responding to routine questions & matters on behalf of the Iron Throne.
4. We welcome the new EH Executive Officer, High Admiral Kawolski, back to the
Brotherhood . . . After his departure some time ago, I have restored his
previous rank of Sith Warrior. The tradition of the Fleet Commander &
Executive Officer -- the Dark Brotherhood's most powerful allies in the Imperial
fleet -- being well versed in the Ways of the Dark Side yet remains unbroken. :)
5. Word of Dark Adept Shups' resignation from the position of Headmaster has
likely, by this time, circulated far and wide . . . I'm herein pleased to
announce that the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy is Dark Adept Shups. I
granted him a retraction to his resignation. :)
He has maintained the Shadow Academy for many months with a reputation of great reliability
& zeal -- even earning the Emerald Dagger for his performance
-- and I hope he chooses to remain for a time to come.
6. Now that more pressing issues have found their resolution, myself and the
Deputy Grand Master hope to name the new CoG, to begin rebuilding the Guard once
again, by the time of the next Holocron . . .
The position of Commander of the Guard itself constitutes Dark Council
membership, with a minimum rank of Obelisk Battlelord. The DGM and I are
reviewing the runner-up candidates from the previous set of applications,
however any Dark Brethren ranked BATTLEMASTER or above -- who did NOT apply when
the position was last open and are interested -- should send applications to
LordZoraan@aol.com and Torq@home.com BY Saturday the 27th. It is not necessary
that applicants currently be a member of the Obelisk Order, so long as they are
willing to re-align themselves with the Obelisk upon appointment.
Before submitting, prospective applicants are asked to review the Grand Master's
Royal Guard announcements at the end of this Holocron.
** DEPUTY GRAND MASTER UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master
Torquemada] **
A proposal has come to me suggesting that the DB engage in a little friendly
rivalry with other subgroups in the Emperor's Hammer as the next
"Vendetta" event. While obviously there are quite a few details to be
worked out (not least of which is that I haven't actually approached the other
groups yet), I'm curious to know whether there would be any interest in this
sort of thing or not. Email me at torq@home.com with your opinions; I'm
particularly interested in the opinions of those who hold dual membership in the
DB as well as, say, the TIE Corps, the Senate, or the Hammer's Fist.
** DEPUTY GRAND MASTER UPDATE FOR 19/01/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master
Torquemada] **
I won't be able to attend the meeting as I'll be at the NAMM show in Los Angeles
all day Saturday.
One of our members has suggested a fantastic idea for the next competition and
I'm working on putting it together. I believe it's something that the
Brotherhood has never done before.
Please don't ask me when it will happen as even I don't know yet; I'll make
further announcments as the plans come together.
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The roster stands at 806 members. That's down from 809.
2. No summit appointments were made this past week.
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
DJK Darkfenn (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
DJK Khan (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
DJK Smitroc (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
DJK Jae K'Sunis (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
4. I'm looking for someone who is good at graphics to do a little work for me.
E-mail me (MAA@darkbrotherhood.com) if interested.
5. I'm curious to know how the brotherhood feels about the job I am doing.
What's bad, what's good, suggestions, etc. Please feel free to send me any
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 19/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The Office of the Master at Arms has officially opened! One of the most
important items you can find there is a document listing all of the membership
policies applicable to DB members. Hopefully, this will help to clear up any
confusion over how the roster is run. (For those of you who are gifted in HTML,
please feel free to laugh at my limited skills, hehe) <http://www.personal.psu.edu/mtk143/maa>
2. The roster stands at 823 members. That's up from 806.
3. The following summit appointments were made this past week:
SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (Sith)/QUA/Archanis
of Taldryan
OBM Jordan (Obelisk)/QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan
DJK Kir Katarn (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan
4. No noteworthy elevations were made this past week.
1. After speaking with Grand Master Zoraan, amongst others, I have retracted my
resignation and Lord Zoraan has reinstated me as Headmaster. My thanks to all of
you who asked me not to leave and encouraged me to stay. I won't be returning
any of the parting gifts though. :P
2. Graduates of the SA from 01.05.01 through 01.25.01
ACO Astarosta (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
ACO Dark Angel (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona
ACO DarkHawk (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
ACO Demosthenes (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
ACO Doublecrosser (Krath)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
ACO Evangelion (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
ACO Exar Khaland (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
ACO Fehj al Mahaid (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
ACO Jaguar (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
ACO Keronium (Obelisk)/Galeres of Arcona
ACO Lethan Rogers (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona
ACO Nightcrawler (Obelisk)/Kirleta of Satal Keto
ACO Ryan Halcyon (Krath)/Gladius of Tarentum
ACO Sharad_Hett (Obelisk)/Dinaari of Taldryan
3. A total of 60 Apprentices and 1 Novice were flushed since the 5th for not
completing their SA training within the alloted time frame of 60 days.
** HERALD UPDATE [From Dark Adept Kaine Mandaala] **
The office of the Herald is currently conducting a GoA Search. If you have a GoA
with rivets or screws in the corners of the nameplate, please send your Name and
Dossier Number to Kaine Mandaala. Most of the GoA's issued before my time are
conflicting with the guidelines I have instituted. These conflicts must be
Several GoA requests have arrived in the past 2 weeks. They will be processed as
soon as possible.
A note from Kaine Mandaala:
Hello all -
In this troubling time, it's tough to know who you can and can't talk to. I
would like to state that most of the Dark Council is working hard to fix the
apparent problems, but in the meantime if you have any concerns, you may voice
them though me. Please send your comments in an e-mail titled "VOICE OF THE
DC" and I will try to gett hem resolved through the proper channels. This
is to ease the flow of concerned mail being sent to GM Zoraan, and other members
of the Dark Council.
Time has become a little more available lately, as have I. If members wish to
voice concerns to me, they can.
** CHANCELLOR UPDATE [From Dark Jedi Master Howlader] **
1) About all these recent problems that are going on...I have but one thing to
say: Don't do anything stupid :P
Medal: Grand Cross of the Dark Side
Awarded To: KPN Voranyen (paploo944@aol.com)
Awarded By: KAP Alex (alexchurch@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: Long Standing Service to Qel-Droma and Arcona
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJM Astatine (jpboyce@indigo.net.au)
Awarded By: KAP Nightflyer (nightflyer@home.com)
Awarded On: 1/12/01
Reason: For the creation and maintenance of the House Aleema webpage.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: OBM Corran Force (corran_force@isdchallenge.org)
Awarded By: OWL Dreadnaught (dreadnaught9@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/8/01
Reason: For outstanding assistance to the Dark Council, specifically to
Obelisk High Commander.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: GRD Kaiann (crusher@k-town.de)
Awarded By: DA Arania Lawakiro (lwaxanatroi@myokay.net)
Awarded On: 1/9/01
Reason: Winning the "without the" story competition.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: ACO Raim (theraim@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/9/01
Reason: Run-on Competition winner!
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: KP Meshuggah Blitzkrieg (harkov5040@aol.com)
Awarded By: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: Tied for first place in the monthly Ektrosis trivia competition
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: DJK Betja jun (manicthelad@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: Tied for first place in the monthly Ektrosis trivia competition
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Kaiann (crusher@k-town.de)
Awarded By: DA Arania Lawakiro (lwaxanatroi@myokay.net)
Awarded On: 1/9/01
Reason: Doing a dang good job on the Krath Primer on krath.org (without
being asked to do anything)and fixing several smaller errors.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Schjoldager (schjoldager@wanadoo.dk)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/7/01
Reason: Run-on Submission
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK DarkArchon (XxDarkArchonxX@juno.com)
Awarded By: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: Tied for second place in the monthly Ektrosis trivia competition
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Arso Slyth (arsolimese@aol.com)
Awarded By: SBM Ricardo (bantha_34@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: DJK Arso Slyth won the banner creation competition,
in his Battle-Team.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Airchios Elcyk, II (airchios@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: Tied for second place in the monthly Ektrosis trivia competition
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Mike (darkjedi@otelo-online.de)
Awarded By: DJK Cuchulain (darkboba@madasafish.com)
Awarded On: 1/6/01
Reason: For winning the House Trivia >>consecutively
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Firefox]
1) The Sith Competition is going well, but I expected more participation. Then
someone pointed out to me that just because I had no life during the holidays
didn't mean that others were in the same position. So, after consulting with the
Sith Houses leaders, they all (those who bothered to reply to me) were in favor
of extending the competition for one more week. Instead of ending January 6th,
it will end January 13th.
2) Please note that I am carefully checking what the various Sith leaders are
Make what you will of the previous statement. :)
(Grand Master's Note: This set of announcements is applicable to the previous
Holocron, wherein I announced that the SHW didn't submit any, due to a mis-communication.)
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Firefox]
1) The Sith Competition is officially ending tonight at midnight. I'll be
releasing the results and awarding an awful bunch of medals not too long after
this (I hope)
2) Another competition is in the works. But due to the recent troubles, I'll
probably wait until the beginning of February to start it.
3) If you have comments on the competition that just ended, mail me (magius@quebectel.com).
If you think it sucked TELL ME!! Otherwise I can't improve. I'd rather give the
Sith what they want.
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE FOR 19/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Firefox]
1) Due to an extremely busy week and the very real possibility of cheating, the
results of the Sith Competition are delayed. As soon as the pilot files have
been checked, I'll be able to release the scores and reward everyone. :)
2) I strongly encourage people to watch what they say. Tempers fly very easily
in this time of crisis. Behave responsibly.
** KRATH UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Arania Lawakiro] **
1) Upcoming competition: Minds of Hate
"...and from the shadows it crept and seized control..."
This is kind of a RoS for the Krath Houses only. It consists of 3 phases: Run
on, story and poem. It will start either later tonight or tomorrow. Please visit
krath.org, the info will be there asap.
Point system as usual...
Note: if you are rogue, you can participate nonetheless.
2) Winner of the Lower Decks competition is PRT Shadonyx (Krath)/Qel-Droma of
Arcona. As there were only 3 submissions, i didn't bother to figure out who got
2nd and who got 3rd.
3) Krath.org now has informations about the work of the Order of the Krath, and
the links section was updated. You can now go to the House sites directly from
there. My Magistrate Ciara will update this section once a month so it should
stay up to date.
4) Scholar of the Month for December is GRD Kaiann(Krath)/Qel Droma of Arcona.
5) Again, if anyone has complaints, suggestions, improvement ideas regarding the
Krath or the DB as a whole, mail me about it. and please to so before you
complain about it in public. Thx :o)
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1) The Brigade League is going great, with Vanshino brigade taking a commanding
lead. This week's most valuable member is definately sergeant Rizlib of Vanshino.
Check http://www.isdchallenge.org/brigade for score details.
2) The Obelisk Studies website is almost finished.
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 19/01/2001 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1) The Brigade League is still progressing nicely. Dark Avatar has taken a 2
point lead over Vanshino, so it's a close race. I'd like to see a little more
participation from the other brigades that appear to be lagging behind, and
especially from those brigades that have yet to score a point. I'm planning on
adding some special features to the Brigade League soon, like special matches
(cage matches) and such, so be sure to keep an eye open.
** ENVOYS UPDATE FOR 12/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Shadow] **
This is my fist report to the Dark Brotherhood as a whole. I am Sith Warlord
Shadow, newly appointed Knight Commander of the Brotherhood. Some of you may
already know me, (have hung around for over four years now) for those who don't
I hope to get to know you better. My door is always open. (scubajoeb@aol.com)
Since the revamping of the system we are now up to 15 members. Other then the
honorary titles bestowed on Tau members we are up to 5 full members (Including
myself). So you should start noticing us around more often.
Knight Second Class
SBL Marcus Constantine Augustus, III
DJM Royal
KAP Kartena
If you wish to learn more about us please read the revised Envoy's section in
the Compendium (<http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/dsc/>)
We will also be on the look out for other Dark Jedi we feel that have what it
takes to be one of the Elite of the Society of Envoys. We are by invitation
only, so don't bother to apply. We will know who you are by your activity and
Loyalty in the DB.
"In Darkness We Live"
Knight Commander Shadow
** ENVOYS UPDATE FOR 19/01/2001 [From Sith Warlord Shadow] **
Everything is running smoothly at the moment. Still on the lookout for potential
Have started work on an Envoy webpage. Should have it up soon.
All for now.
** GRAND MASTER'S ROYAL GUARD UPDATE [From Grand Master Zoraan] **
I'll utilise the CoG's column to re-cap the details of what I require for the
position, for the benefit of any last-minute applicants . . .
The Royal Guard is composed of nothing less than the Grand Master's most
ruthless Obelisk warriors . . . For its Commander -- recognised as 'champion of
the Grand Master' throughout the Brotherhood -- worthy skills in Jedi Knight are
a MUST. The new Commander of the Guard will be additionally responsible for:
- Being a Dark Jedi of the Brotherhood in good standing, and displaying conduct
befitting of a Dark Council member.
- Active communication, including prompt (48-72 hour) e-mail responses and
submitting weekly Holocron announcements.
- Maintaining the GMRG roster on DarkBrotherhood.com, including awarding and
removing the GMRG ranks of subordinate Guardsmen.
- Ensuring that the GMRG has an updated website.
. . . and above all, "rebuilding" the GRMG according to the tenets
laid out in the Dark Side Compendium (http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/dsc/), with
minor revisions negotiable. With an active CoG, the GMRG will again start
accepting Initiates and testing their worthiness. He and his appointed
Preceptors shall also "train" the lower-ranked Guardsmen in JK via
organising inner-competitions, in ladder or weekly-meeting format. The eventual
aim (when the GMRG returns to activity) will be to seek out & engage various
online "JK Clans", as a true test of our warriors' worthiness, and a
demonstration of the Brotherhood's might.
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi:
Grand Master's Throne Room:
The Dark Side Compendium:
The Shadow Academy:
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi Message Board:
In Darkness,
Master; Fleet Admiral Darth Zoraan,
Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Dark Lord of the Sith / Governor Plenipotentiary of Eos

GM Reports