Dark Brotherhood
1.5.2001 - GM Darth Zoraan
. . . Millennial Edition News Update . . .
"If you will not be turned . . . You will be destroyed!"
--Emperor Palpatine
January 5, 2001 - 809 Members as of Today!
Trivia/Meeting Info: http://www.darkbrotherhood.com/comm/comm-irc.asp
Trivia for the DB Meeting of December 9, 2000 . . .
1st Place: DJK Incandescence (Obelisk)/AED/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
2nd Place: KE Trevarus Caerick (Krath)/P:KHP/CON/Naga Sadow
Trivia Moderator: DJK Crix Madine III (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
Trivia for the DB Meeting of December 23, 2000 . . .
1st Place: DJK Incandescence (Obelisk)/Dinaari of Taldryan
2nd Place: KE Trevarus Caerick (Krath)/P:KHP/CON/Naga Sadow
Trivia Moderator: DA Arania Lawakiro(Krath)/KHP
All are awarded a Legion of the Scholar, or add-on.
** ADDRESS FROM THE IRON THRONE [From Grand Master Darth Zoraan] **
1. Welcome, Dark Jedi Brethren, to the Millennial edition of the Holocron . . . It is indeed an interesting moment, to know with all certainty that a new millennium has turned in the chronological history of the world, but to be unable to pinpoint how the beginning of this thousand years differs greatly from the end of the last.
It seems to be a month of anniversaries, as the Emperor's Hammer will celebrate six years on December 7th, with the Dark Brotherhood not trailing far behind. What we must consider is our growth and continued development; that we must bind together, unified in Darkness, building upon those things that make us powerful as a collective, and learning from the mistakes of the past.
Interestingly enough, Emperor Palpatine once predicted that his reign of darkness in the New Order would span a thousand years. As the most powerful and oldest surviving order of Dark Jedi in the modern world, I urge all disciples of Darkness to consider that the fate of this prophecy is in our own hands. The will of the Dark Side may be with us, but it is our own dedication that will ultimately determine our success. I, for one, look forward to another millennium of Darkness. ;)
2. The Lost Clan, Alvaak, has seen an interesting progression in its development. Those of you who have investigated their history, know that this band of Dark Jedi serve as the personal Clansmen and trained warriors of the EH Fleet Commander, be they bodyguards or escort pilots.
This unique status of the Clan is by no means changing, even as Primarch / Grand Admiral Ronin has relinquished the position of Alvaak Consul and transferred it to Sith Battlemaster Keiran Idanian. While the Alvaak Consul will run the daily operations of the Clan in combination with its Proconsul, be it known that I have conferred Primarch Ronin the title of "Overlord of Alvaak" in reflection of his retained reign over the Clan and its existing leadership.
3. A Dark Jedi known throughout the Brotherhood will be honoured today . . . The man I am speaking of is Primarch Ronin, one of the first to ever sit on the Dark Council, the original Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, and an author of the original Dark Side Compendium, who has served as Consul of Alvaak in recent years.
While he has achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Primarch through his natural and immense growth in the Dark Side, recent recommendations of several individuals have made me of the opinion that a more tangible representation of his contributions is warranted. I am therefore presenting Primarch Ronin with the Silver Sash . . . "The second-highest Brotherhood Award in existence, it is a great honour for any Dark Jedi. Those who receive it may wear it with their formal robes, telling anyone who sees them that they are an important figure." Congratulations. :)
4. The Commander of the Guard, Obelisk Battlemaster Blade, has unfortunately decided to resign and commit acts of rebellion against the Iron Throne, even on the verge of seemingly revitalising the Guard and his originally-intended elevation to Obelisk Battlelord in this Holocron. Needless to say, Obelisk *Warrior* Blade is no longer CoG, although please note that applications are not yet open. If necessary, I will call for them on the DB News page, but I am first beginning my search with a review of the runner-up candidates from the last set of applications.
5. Please note that the Knight Commander of the Brotherhood, Sith Warlord Shadow (ScubaJoeB@aol.com) may be delayed in answering e-mail until further notice, due to a natural disaster (ice storm) in his area. I will say on his behalf, however, that the re-vamped Envoys of the Grand Master are progressing well. :)
** DEPUTY GRAND MASTER UPDATE [From Dark Jedi Master Torquemada] **
To reduce some of the email workload on GM Zoraan he's decided to delegate confirmation authority for new AED appointments to me. The procedure for submitting AED selections remains exactly the same as before; the only thing that's changing is who the final confirmation comes from.
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The roster stands at 800 members. That's up from 775.
2. The following summit appointments were made this past week:
KAP Mejas Doto (Krath)/M:HM/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
KP Ace (Krath)/Alvaak
DJK Mark (Sith)/Alvaak
DJK Var Zoraan (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 29/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The roster stands at 783 members. That's down from 800.
2. The following summit appointments were made this past week:
DJK Mini Minkus (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
DJK Mini Minkus (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum
DJK Kidouses (Krath)/Gladius of Tarentum
** MASTER AT ARMS UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shotgun] **
1. The roster stands at 809 members. That's up from 783.
2. The following summit appointments were made this past week:
SBM Keiran Idanian (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
DJK Rhys von Pohl (Krath)/PCON/Alvaak
KAP Karva Dronaal (Krath)/QUA/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
OBM Mordann (Obelisk)/QUA/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
DJK Scithe (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
KP Zulaan Eronaile (Krath)/AED/Aleema of Satal Keto
OBL AceOfDrkndHrts (Obelisk)/AED/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
3. The following noteworthy elevations were made this past week:
DJK Rhys von Pohl (Krath)/PCON/Alvaak
** HEADMASTER & SHADOW ACADEMY UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Shups] **
1. Grads of the Shadow Academy 12.13.00 through 12.22.00
ACO Ahriman'sabaoth (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan
ACO Andreev Anton (Sith)/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
ACO Braxton (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
ACO D'tara Shierra (Krath)/Gladius of Tarentum
ACO Figaro (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan
ACO Gidda (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
ACO Kano (Krath)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
ACO Karhu (Obelisk)/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
ACO Neo (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
ACO Talithorzs Zon (Krath)/Qel Droma of Arcona
ACO Wil_Striker (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
2. Sadly, 19 Apps and 1 Novice, were flushed today for not completing their training in the 60 day time period.
** HEADMASTER & SHADOW ACADEMY UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Shups] **
1. SA graduates for 12.22.00 through 01.05.00
ACO Chaose (Sith)/Ludo Kreesh of Naga Sadow
ACO Horus Talon (Obelisk)/Cestus of Tarentum
2. I am hoping to choose my praetor soon. For those who will not be chosen, I will be taking one magistrate as well.
** HERALD UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Kaine Mandaala] **
A Finished GOA is assembled, but might not be posted yet.
- None
A Requested GOA is being evaluated and assembled.
- OBL AceOfDrkndHrts
- JH CrimsonAngel
- JH Jae K'Sunis - Again, I know.
An Incorrect Request is missing mandatory information, thus cannot be
completed. See the DSC or HRLD Site for correct information requirements.
** HERALD UPDATE FOR 29/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Kaine Mandaala] **
A Finished GOA is assembled, but might not be posted yet.
None this week, due to holiday hours.
A Requested GOA is being evaluated and assembled.
Members who submit an incorrect request are not named.
DJK Mike
An Incorrect Request is missing mandatory information, thus cannot be
completed. See the DSC or HRLD Site for correct information requirements.
** CHANCELLOR UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Dark Jedi Master Howlader] **
1) Just one thing, people, stop trying to Suggest Medals for yourselves, its getting quite annoying, and please thinking about your reccomendations and your suggestions, instead of blindly clicking.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJK Werdna Elbee (werdna_elbee@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 12/24/00
Reason: Consistency in submitting Phyle reports and promoting
activity among his Phyle members.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJK Sabé (sabeccc@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: KP Shae-Lynn Jade (eviltyrant2000@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 12/18/00
Reason: For being the unofficial Rollmaster of HMR for months.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: KP Boromir (austin@powerlink.net)
Awarded By: KAP Nightflyer (nightflyer@home.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: For the creation and maintenance of the (really nice)
House Aleema web page.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: JH Khaarandrass The Wolven (mr_cookie_wookie@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: GM Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin (Coutinho.2@osu.edu)
Awarded On: 12/25/00
Reason: Khaarandrass's victory in Grand Master Jac's Apprenticeship
competitions showed his zeal for activity and his love of the
Brotherhood. Khaarandrass deserves every medal allowed.
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: DJK Kir Katarn (wings3496@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: GM Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin (Coutinho.2@osu.edu)
Awarded On: 12/25/00
Reason: Kir Katarn has shown outstanding levels of activity lately.
He recieved Third place in Grand Master Jac's Apprenticeship competition.
Kir deserves a medal to flaunt his activenes
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: ACO Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim (Shayla_DL@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KP Ciara Tearnan (XCiaraTearnanX@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/22/00
Reason: For her efforts in helping to de-bug some of the errors
in the Gladius site, along with a help in making an online format
for tech. profiles.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: PRT Ghost Dog (ghost_d0g@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KP Shae-Lynn Jade (eviltyrant2000@yahoo.com)
Awarded On: 12/18/00
Reason: For his outstanding service to HMR.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: PRT Rhys von Pohl (tpohlman@peoplestelecom.net)
Awarded By: SBM Keiran Idanian (KeiranIdanian@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/16/00
Reason: For coming in 1st place in the Alvaak Writing Comp.
Medal: Bronze Scroll
Awarded To: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: GM Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin (Coutinho.2@osu.edu)
Awarded On: 12/25/00
Reason: Arion, despite Real Life time constraints, was able to
write an excellent story for Grand Master Jac's Apprenticeship
Competition. He took Second Place.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Kyle Katarn (Kyle.Katarn@isdchallenge.org)
Awarded By: DJK E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)
Awarded On: 12/30/00
Reason: winning OO inner com
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 12/29/00
Reason: Run-on Submission
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 12/29/00
Reason: Run-on Submission
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Kaiann (crusher@k-town.de)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 12/29/00
Reason: Run-on Submission
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Reaper (paul@reeves110.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded By: DJK E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)
Awarded On: 12/23/00
Reason: Winning the OO inner-house comp, TIE variant. Congrats!
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded By: OBL Kelric (black281@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 12/18/00
Reason: Message board design
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Stephen "War" Merz (merz08@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: KAP Nightflyer (nightflyer@home.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: For winning the House Aleema Warn-Up Competition.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH Var Zoraan (varzoraan@incasoftware.de)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Exellent Web site work for House Tridens, plus overall activity.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH Chrusos Ichthys (vitcarp@stardestroyer.org)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Winner, House Tridens Free-for-all, X-wing vs. TIE Fighter
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Alexandr III. Biges (biges@centrum.cz)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Winner, House Tridens Free-for-all, TIE Fighter
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: SW Shakur (Eightball08k@aol.com)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Contributions of graphics for House Tridens.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: JH Chrusos Ichthys (vitcarp@stardestroyer.org)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Excellent work as acting CMDR of a House Tridens battleteam.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Jerry (kaljerry@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Excellent activity and leadership of a House Tridens battleteam.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Dax Corrin (eggpine@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SW Proton (EHProton@aol.com)
Awarded On: 12/17/00
Reason: Winner, House Tridens Free-for-all, X-wing Alliance
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: SBL Marcus Constantine Augustus, III (EH-Marcus@cfl.rr.com)
Awarded By: GM Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin (Coutinho.2@osu.edu)
Awarded On: 12/25/00
Reason: Marcus submitted an excellent work for Grand master Jac's
Apprenticeship Competition. Participation and activity.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Shadowhawk (JulieHoos@usa.net)
Awarded By: GM Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin (Coutinho.2@osu.edu)
Awarded On: 12/25/00
Reason: Shadowhawk submitted an excellent writing for Grand Master
Jac's Apprenticeship competition. Participation, and activity.
** CHANCELLOR UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Dark Jedi Master Howlader] **
1. Weekly Medal Awardings:
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: JH Khan (lordjeffrey_99@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Amazing service to House Archanis
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: SW Jeff Loruss (rogue0101@rocketmail.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Excellent service as Aedile
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: JH Darkfenn (hawk291@juno.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: First place in the Clan Taldryan XvT Ladder
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: SW Chei-Ras (cheiras@bigfoot.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity above any sane person's ability.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: OBM Jordan (freakshow57@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Joint First place in the Clan Taldryan JK Ladder
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: DJK Dark (darktyco@traverse.net)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Joint First place in the Clan Taldryan JK Ladder
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: KP Arion Sunrider (arion_sunrider@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: First place in the Clan Taldryan XWA Ladder
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: SBM Baron Fel (Findolf1@aol.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity within House Archanis and superb leadership abilities.
Medal: Steel Cross
Awarded To: PRT Kaarl Roger (Roger.Ljungholm@ssa.stockholm.se)
Awarded By: SBM Khan (darth.khan@inwind.it)
Awarded On: 12/31/00
Reason: For outstanding service in this montly competition.
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: SW Brandon (alan.o@virgin.net)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity within House Archanis
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: OBM Devin Bron (devinbron@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Runner Up in the Clan Taldryan JK Ladder
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: DJK Shadowhawk (JulieHoos@usa.net)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Runner Up in the Clan Taldryan XvT Ladder
Medal: War Cross
Awarded To: JH Khan (lordjeffrey_99@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Runner Up in the Clan Taldryan XWA Ladder
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Crix Madine III (crix-madine@home.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity within House Archanis
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: SW Callista (muehj007@mail.uni-mainz.de)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity within House Archanis
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJK Shadowhawk (JulieHoos@usa.net)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Excellent service as marasgal, centurion, and squadron commander
in House Archanis.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DJM Corrupt (DBZero21@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: SBL Keirdagh Cantor (prigden@hotmail.com)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Activity within House Archanis
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: PRT Shadonyx (ryuujintrunks@home.com)
Awarded By: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded On: 1/5/01
Reason: Very high quality submissions for the Krath Wide Phyle competition
(Phase 1) and also for wining the Phyle motto competition. Rec. by TET Kaiann
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: DA Joker (jwalkersmom@yahoo.com)
Awarded By: KAP Mejas Doto (James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk)
Awarded On: 1/2/01
Reason: Having a major part in the creating activity in the House, taking a
summit position and placing in the top 3 for a Krath wide competition.
Medal: Dark Cross
Awarded To: GRD Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
Awarded By: SBM Drako (Oldie@isdchallenge.org)
Awarded On: 1/2/01
Reason: New Galthain Honour Guard - Winner of the Flying part of the
Mega Comp
** SITH & SSD AVENGER UPDATE [From Sith Warlord Firefox] **
The Sith High Warrior did not submit announcements.
** KRATH UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Dark Adept Arania Lawakiro] **
1) Do the competitions. Visit krath.org to find out the details.
2) Happy holidays everyone :o)
** KRATH UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Dark Adept Arania Lawakiro] **
1) I am on leave for the next two weeks or so, meaning I'll only sporadically answer mail. This is for very personal reasons, and I thus do not feel quite up top the task of dealing with a lot of EH stuff now. Please get in contact with my Praetor until I am back. You might find that at one day I am doing everything fine and at the next I do react funny (that is if you ever see me online). This has nothing to do with you or the EH, I am just not quite... err.. in my sane mind right now. But do not hope there... I am going to get this fixed and I'll be back :p
2) Krath fun competitions are over. My Praetor will judge them asap.
3) Please remember, when dealing with "higher ups" - show some respect... I am easygoing but I still cannot agree to anyone being disrespectful for no reason.
4) I will see too it that I get a lot of Krath site stuff done offline... if the comp gods agree...
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 22/12/2000 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1) The Brigade League will begin as soon as my praetor finishes with the website. Look for that to be happening VERY SOON.
2) The Obelisk Studies will be finished as soon as my praetor finishes with the website. That too, will be happening soon.
3) For any who weren't aware, LucasArts has cancelled production on Episode One: Obiwan. The game was to essentially be a Dark Forces 3.
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 [From Obelisk Warlord Dreadnaught] **
1) The Brigade League has begun!!!! See the website for details (http://www.isdchallenge.org/brigade/). Many thanks goes out to my praetor for the website.
** OBELISK UPDATE FOR 05/01/2001 Cont... [From P:OHC, OBM Corran Force] **
1. I would like to let everyone know I am very happy with how the Brigade League site turned out. I will be working more on it for a while longer. I will have a "Projects" page up that will display the features I wish to add.
2. I will be using some of the same features and adding them to the Obelisk Studies site. Once those are done I will begin laying out the new design for the OHC Site.
3. Important Obelisk URLs: http://www.isdchallenge.org/brigade & http://www.isdchallenge.org/oa
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi:
Grand Master's Throne Room:
The Dark Side Compendium:
The Shadow Academy:
Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi Message Board:
In Darkness,
Grand Master; Fleet Admiral Darth Zoraan,
Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Dark Lord of the Sith / Governor Plenipotentiary of Eos

GM Reports