Hammer Squadron
1.29.2001 - MAJ Lohr Zadash
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron.
Squadron News
- We have advanced to the finals in the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs, due to the fact the ISD Colossus somehow was eliminated. Perhaps this is in reflection of their recent troubles. Too bad, I was sort of hoping we would get a chance to beat up on their best squadron. We can save that for later ;). In the meantime, we are to face of in a three way [no Shae, its not what you think :P] against Typhoon and Ranger Squadrons using the infamous FREE-TIE 134 : Save the Immortal. Remember when we bested Tornado Squadron with it? Lets do it again!
- Once again same time same channel, Hammer Squadron (yeah that's us) has snagged the Wing Commander's Own Title! In the official scores released yesterday evening, Hammer had on an average per pilot close to 7000 points more than the second placed Shield squadron! Comparing last month's WC's Own Competition, we lead by just over 1000 points! Is that an improvement or what? Despite Technical problems had by CPT Kitane she submitted a tfr with a respectable score. LCM Tiger dropped in with his sleigh, 12 reindeer and santa suit to boot; to give me his tfr, although he was officially on leave! Excellent showing by everyone and congratulations on you all being awarded an ISM for your efforts!
- Many thanks to our XO, CPT Kitane for the mission walkthroughs that she provided for both FREE-TIE 141 and 92. I tried to improve on them, but it just wasn't possible. Oh and thanks go out to LCM Tiger as well for his tips on FREE-TIE 141. I tried, but that Flight 3 of T/D's kept stealing those R-41's.
- Major Zadash earned himself two LoC's on the 20th of this month in the XvT EuroComp (that puts the count up to 13) and managed to bag a perfect score on the Computer Basics IWATS Course.
- LCM Tiger returned from leave on Saturday the 27th.
- Major Zadash has attained the rank of Pilot Officer in the MPHG that will represent the Wing in Multi player competitions.
- That wacked out Einstein riddle? I solved it, don't ask how, I tried to redo it in my head and I can't, I must have fried that last brain cell. :P
- Major Zadash was awarded a Commendation of Loyalty for unknown reasons. Maybe something to do with being loyal? Maybe not. Must have pleased someone higher up at some point.
Now something totally exciting and new... no wait... it's not new its our XO's column.
XO's Corner
Uh-oh... this month’s Wing Commander’s Own Competition seems to be pretty close. I’m afraid my score will lower our average. I apologize and vow, to have technical problems should a mission be buggy for TIE Disk in the future. :P
Being in a hurry I’ll have to keep this one short to get it into the next WSR. So have fun the next days.
FL/CPT Shae Kitane/Hammer 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Editor's note: Despite her serious technical problems (the mission was unplayable due to the fact that key craft did not show up on her version of Tie Figher) she managed to overcome the problems to some extent(by being a fast and badass pilot)and submitted a tfr with a respectable score. BTW Shae, we're waiting on that recipe for cheesecake you were talking about earlier.
The Goodies bag is coming your way very soon with a complete walkthrough the park for FREE-TIE 134. Want to bag both those Frigates and the ATR? [opens the bag] Stay tuned!
We've had a great week with activity coming in leaps and bounds. With everyone showing that they really want their squadron to be known just not at home but across the Battle Groups. With this spirit and drive, The name Hammer WILL be known far and wide all to the glory of this wing, known as the FIGHTING NINTH! We love to fight, and it shows!
Squadron Status
- Fully active after an extremely busy week with both the WC's Own competition and the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs.
- Despite both competitions pilots were busy flying missions and battles of opportunity.
- Going to full throttle for the BGAPL Ace Squadron FINAL match.
Activity Report
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash
- Submitted FREE-TIE 141 for the Wing Commander's Own III competition.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 92 for the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs.
- Awarded an ISM for being a member of winning squadron, Wing Commander's Own III.
FL/LCM Tiger
- Submitted FREE-TIE 141 for the Wing Commander's Own III competition.
- Submitted CAB 3.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 139.
- Submitted Flight report
- Awarded an ISM for being a member of winning squadron, Wing Commander's Own III.
- Submitted DB-TIE 4.
FM/CPT Darkstar
- Submitted FREE-TIE 141 for the Wing Commander's Own III competition.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 92 for the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs.
- Submitted FREE-XvT 28, 29, 30, 31.
- Submitted FREE-XvT 32 w/high score.
- Awarded an ISM for being a member of winning squadron, Wing Commander's Own III.
FL/CPT Shae Kitane
- Submitted FREE-TIE 141 for the Wing Commander's Own III competition.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 92 for the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs.
- Submitted CAB 4.
- Submitted Flight report.
- Submitted Column XO's corner.
- Awarded an ISM for being a member of winning squadron, Wing Commander's Own III.
FM/LT Shino Kisaki
- Submitted FREE-TIE 141 for the Wing Commander's Own III competition.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 92 for the BGAPL Ace Squadron Playoffs.
- Awarded an ISM for being a member of winning squadron, Wing Commander's Own III.
Flight Office Page updated
AD Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
The Flight Office page has had a make-over! In addition to this, important links and details have to been updated to meet with current information & policies. The page is located here
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me.
ISD Colossus Commodore named
AD Theodore [theodore@tiecorps.org]
Former WC, now RA Troutrooper, has been promoted to the Commodore position aboard the ISD Colossus. Many qualified people applied to VA Jarak and myself, but TT has been entrusted with the task of returning the COL to her recent glory. Thank you all and goodluck TT.
AD StarLion [colstarlion@hotmail.com]
Just a few reminders from the Tactical Office regarding BSF's:
- Players are allowed to skip 1 mission per battle. If gameplay errors would force you to skip 2 or more missions, stop playing the battle and inform the Tactical Office immediately. BSF's with more than 1 mission that has been skipped will be denied.
- While sharing information about a battle is not prohibited, sharing your pilot files IS. If you are found to be sharing pilot files, you will find yourself (And the person you shared it with) brought up to the HCI for cheating.
- CMDR's and above: If a pilot has skipped a mission in a battle, you MUST check the "No High Scores" box on the BSF form.
- Audits: You have 1 (one) week to supply the requested Pilot file for an audit. If you do not within that time, the BSF will be automatically denied.
Questions concerning pilot files or the BSF system should be directed to Admiral StarLion
CA:TAC's Appointed
AD StarLion [colstarlion@hotmail.com]
Thanks to all those who applied. As of today, (And according to Tactical Report #1), the new CA:TAC's have been selected; Congratulations to the newly promoted Rear Admiral Arso Slyth and the newly-returned to action Admiral Havoc!
New IS in effect
HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
The new Iron Star system is now officially in effect. The Training Manual has been updated with the new description and medal image. Competitions submitted for approval must now meet the new guidelines laid out. The TIE Corps and Naval Corps have been mailed. If you can't wait for the email or you're a CA or CO, you can check it out at http://www.imperialacademy.org/is-mail.htm.
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
MOTTO: Forging the universe for order
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=32
1) MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) LCM Tiger (force_filled@hotmail.com)
2) CPT Darkstar (solo@datasync.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) CPT Shae Kitane (n99768@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Shino Kisaki (jokerswild29@hotmail.com)
4) TBA
Total: 5
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (5)
Submitted by,
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash/Hammer/ISD Relentless
CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports