Hammer Squadron
1.17.2001 - MAJ Lohr Zadash
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron.
Squadron News
- It's been an interesting week. Funny to say that, as I write this report. Going over this last week's activity has been a real eye opener. As the report progresses perhaps you'll understand what I mean.
- The Wing Commander's Own III Competition has commenced. Assigned is Free-Tie 141. Capture the ISD Rommel with a plethora of wingmen in Tie Defenders! Oh btw if you have the disk version of Tie Fighter, forget about flying, the mission won't be completable for you.
- For those of you in the MPHG (Multi Player Honor Guard) whoops, looks like I'm the only one from this squadron. [clears throat] So, Lohr make sure you challenge Ricaud in the near future and whip his wimp ass into shape. Or, if he's not around thrash Tom around a bit for fun to warm up.
- Ship patches and battles that require them: If you want to fly them that's your business but, as LT Kisaki can tell you, sometimes its just not worth the hassle if the pilot file gets messed up. I certainly won't process a file that could get you hung for "cheating" just because you played a battle with a stupid ship patch and can't explain what the hell went wrong in there. I wouldn't expect you to. But, I expect our dear Tactical Officer would as he prepared to send you ass to the HCI.
- Commencing next week, and in the following weeks Hammer Squadron will be challenging other Squadrons across the Fleet. The choice in who we challenge will be up to you, but looking at the results of my request for feedback on Squadron/Flight[s] motto and nick suggestions... Wow, not even one suggestion in my inbox. I don't need to tell you that this is indeed unsatisfactory.
- Glad to see that, at least one pilot updated their INPR. Tiger didn't. He is on leave now. Shino doesn't have one, and neither does Darkstar. Shino, if you don't know what that is exactly e-mail me or your flight leader and it will be explained. Darkstar, I'd appreciate it if you'd take the time to fill it out, if only to humor me.
- No, column this week, CPT Kitane is on strike. Something about Lohr leaving the toilette seat up one too many times. [shrugs] As if! [Bickering ensues] word of advice: no matter how beautiful, no matter how sweet her voice sounds when your head is silly with drink, NEVER "feed your head" from her love nest and then expect to be free from commitment or 'whatever' they like to call it.
Squadron Status
- Basically idling. I take full responsibility. And this coming week expect the whip to be cracking.
- [Shifts into 1st gear] Wing Commander's Own III! Saddle up.
Activity Report
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash
- Conducted CMDR duties as per normal.
- Moderately active on IRC.
- Processed 1 BSF this week, which I did not submit to the database due to an error, caused by a ship patch. Had heart attack from shock.
- Uses the message board quite frequently.
FL/LCM Tiger
- On leave till the 27th.
- Rumored to be on IRC though.
FM/CPT Darkstar
FL/CPT Shae Kitane
- Submitted Flight Report.
- Reported in.
FM/LT Shino Kisaki
- Submitted DB-TIE 5. Was not processed due to an error caused by the A-9 Interceptor Ship patch.
- Reported in like a good Flight member.
Battlecry 11 Released
22:43 - CPT Werdna Elbee [werdna_elbee@emperorshammer.ca]
Battlecry 11 is out now. You can get if from http://battlecry.emperorshammer.ca. Here is what is in this month's issue: -
- XvT & XWA Week of War Stats
- Big Competition Still Running (except Flying Contest)
- Flying Contest Results (and news on a little problem with that)
- Writing Contest comes to a close, but there is still a new part to read
- IRC Fun
Also, there are a lot of great submissions this month (which explains the large file-size). Off the top of my head, there is a history of the EH by VA Jarak, a Flash animation by CM Tack and RA Moreco, the next parts of "Old Friends" by CPT Werdna Elbee and "Sword Squadron" by LCM Badlan, as well as many other marvelous pieces of work.
Career Histories
22:42 - RA Ramos [Magedon42@aol.com]
The Logistics Office is now starting a new project to collect the personal histories of TIE Corps and Emperor's Hammer members. The LO would like all EH members who wish to submit their personal histories for posting on a database shortly to email their career portfolios/stories to EHStories@egroups.com with your name and rank in the Subject. A template will be released shortly to help you compile your careers and if you need any assistance what so ever please email Rear Admiral Ramos Kanzco for more information.
Outer Rim Changes Servers!
15:19 - AD Zsinj [slookabill@home.com]
Outer Rim for now will be on Innernet. It will still be in #outerrim, and here are Servers to possibily join:
Updated battles
09:04 - FA Striker [EH_Striker@mail.com]
A bunch of battles which should have been uploaded some time ago have been updated:
- TC-TIE Battle 23
- TC-TIE Battle 28
- TC-TIE Battle 66
- TC-TIE Battle 87
- TC-TIE Battle 106
- TC-TIE Battle 115
- TC-TIE Battle 117
- TC-TIE Battle 123
- TC-TIE Battle 165
- FREE-TIE Mission 133
- DB-TIE Battle 1
- BHG-TIE Battle 1
- BHG-TIE Battle 2
- TC-XWA Battle 7
- TC-XWA Battle 12
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
MOTTO: Forging the universe for order
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=32
1) MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) LCM Tiger (force_filled@hotmail.com)
2) CPT Darkstar (solo@datasync.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) CPT Shae Kitane (n99768@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Shino Kisaki (jokerswild29@hotmail.com)
4) TBA
Total: 5
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (4)
Submitted by,
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports