Squadron News
- LT Kisaki has passed the Squadron Management II course with a score of 96%. Excellent!
- CPT Lohr Zadash was promoted to the rank of Major.
- CPT Shae Kitane was awarded an ISM for excellence in XO duties, December 2000.
- LCM Tiger was awarded an ISM, activity during the previous month. Does this guy ever go offline?
- CM Darkstar was promoted to the rank of Captain for his extended service to the squadron.
- Captain Darkstar stepped down from the position of Flight Leader in Flight 2 to make way for LCM Tiger to gain some command experience.
- MAJ Lohr Zadash lays a thumping on the Wing Commander General Ricaud in the BGAPL. The assigned FREE-TIE was changed from 25 to 100 when it was found by General Ricaud to be buggy.
- LCM Tiger gains a FL position then announces he'll need two weeks leave due to a massive smack down laid on him by his teachers. Something like: 3 midterms, 2 finals, 3 regular exams, 4 major assignments. I'm glad I'm not Tiger for the next few weeks.
Our XO's word for the week! Let's listen.
XO's Corner
Hi Squadron. The Deadline for the Battlecry Competition is over. Let’s wait how we did and how high the participation was... well, there’s always a next time.
The other competition... let’s call it a draw. I’ll cut the „Medal of Compassion" in two and give it to WC Ricaud and myself, plus half of the barrel each. :)
[holds her head]
Ungh... those head-aches are killing me. Well, as there’s nothing important yet I’ll leave you alone now. Should anything occur, I’ll just squadmail you.
Oh yeah... I would like to remind you that the various Hammer Flights still have no Nickname/Motto. If you come up with suggestions for your Flight, feel free to send them in. I’m sure Hammer 1-1 can help us then to make them official. :)
Next time then.
FL/CPT Shae Kitane/Hammer 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
When it comes to being sweet, and deadly at the same time, CPT Kitane comes off reminding you of a succulent feed of sweet and sour Chinese. Can't get enough of a good thing? Let her know, It'll make her day, if not yours.
Squadron Status
- Some change in command, but other than that business as usual.
- Medals and promotions have been flowing in like milk and honey. Nice to see.
- Activity is great in most areas, some could use improvement though, all in all a pretty a good week.
Activity Report
CMDR/MAJ Lohr "Beggar" Zadash
- Promoted to the rank of Major.
- Bested his WC for the Relentless' Ace title in the BGAPL.
- Conducted normal CMDR duties.
- Basically had a blast bugging the crap out of his WC and his fellow CMDR's.
FL/LCM "Swamp Chicken" Tiger
- Appointed as flight leader.
- Requested leave from the 13th of this month to the 27th. Reason: School.
- Signed up with IAA (INTERNET ADDICTS ANONYMOUS) classes. *joke* Note: must re-train to use e-mail.
FM/CPT "The Silent One" Darkstar
- Promoted to the rank of Captain.
- Stepped down from the FL position to give the 'youngster' some experience.
FL/CPT Shae "I miss you Humpy" Kitane
- Submitted TC-TIE 145.
- Submitted TC-TIE 161 with possible high scores.
- Submitted Flight Report.
- Submitted weekly column.
- Consistant with communication with CMDR.
FM/LT Shino "Getting into the Groove" Kisaki
- Returned to active duty.
- Submitted DB-TIE 1, 2, 3, 4.
- Reported in.
Cadets and Flight Certifcation
12:18 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Cadets! If you've completed the Flight Requirements, log in and go to the Flight Certification page. You can upload your completed pilot file and be instantly certified and complete that portion of your training!
XO/SA Compton resigns, FSE/SA Kawolski new XO
00:03 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
With today marking his two-year anniversary of holding the position of Executive Officer, Sector Admiral Compton has announced his resignation and is stepping down from his position.
As posted in NL #70:
I hereby step down as Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. That is the hardest sentence I've ever had to type in my life. It's been a fun ride, but it's been a long one, and I simply don't have the time that this position needs anymore. I really wish I did, but it wouldn't be fair to you, the members of the Emperor's Hammer, if I were to remain as XO any longer; you deserve more than I can give. I can only hope that you feel the years I've devoted to the Fleet as XO have been good ones, and I sincerely hope the EH Territories are an even better place now than they were two years ago.
Sector Admiral Kawolski has also officially been named the new Executive Officer today! You can see the new XO Homepage, along with the rest of Compton's letter, at: http://www.kawolski.com
A Command Attaché (CA:XO) has already been selected: Vice Admiral Slade, who has previously served as CA:TAC and COM of the DGN Lichtor V and has been instrumental in creating many of the graphics and banners you see throughout the fleet, the tiecorps.org layout graphics, and the new XO site graphics.
More announcements, as well as a formal introduction, are to come!
Viewing NL #70 online
16:03 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
If you'd like to view Newsletter #70 online, you can do so at http://www.isdcolossus.com/index.html.
07:36 - AD Theodore [theodore@tiecorps.org]
For exemplary service aboard the ISD Relentless and dedication to Wing IX as its Commander
...I have today processed a promotion request to General for Valtane Gavryn Ricaud.
Congratulations General Ricaud.
6 Years of the Emperor's Hammer
00:03 - GA Ronin [garonin@aol.com]
Today...Jan. 7th...marks our 6th anniversary...Congrats everyone !!!!
Fast CO homepage access
16:54 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
If you want to see one of the Command Staff (CS-12)'s homepage, just use their CO abbreviation.tiecorps.org.
For example, to view the IO's homepage, go to http://io.tiecorps.org/
I'm glad to see the Squadron message board being used, if only by Shae, Tiger, and myself, along with a few others outside the squad. Try it out if you haven't already, its great fun.
As mentioned by the XO, we need a squadron motto/nickname as well as ones to go for every flight as well. I was thinking of hosting a competition and awarding medals for winning submissions. Tell me what you think and if this is a good idea.
Oh yeah, and update your INPR's will you?
Well that is it from the desk of the CMDR, have a good week and hey, my inbox is getting lonely ;)
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
MOTTO: Forging the universe for order
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=32
1) MAJ Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) LCM Tiger (force_filled@hotmail.com)
2) CPT Darkstar (solo@datasync.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) CPT Shae Kitane (n99768@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Shino Kisaki (jokerswild29@hotmail.com)
4) TBA
Total: 5
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (3)
Submitted by,
CMDR/MAJ Lohr Zadash/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless