Hammer Squadron
1.4.2001 - CPT Lohr Zadash
CMDR/CPT Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron
CMDR/CPT Lohr Zadash reporting in for Hammer Squadron.
Squadron News
- CM Shae Kitane was promoted to the rank of CAPTAIN for excellence in service. Congratulations.
- LT Shino Kisaki was awarded a Commendation of Bravery for here tenacity in flying and snagging high scores. She was also awarded a Palpatine Crescent for December's activity. Despite being on leave for over half the month, she managed to submit 9 battles (with 5 mission high scores and 1 battle high score) and 4 Free Missions. Congratulations Lieutenant!
- LCM Tiger was appointed Acting Flight Leader in CPT Kitane's absence and did an excellent job, submitting an excellent Flight Report. Nice work.
- As of yesterday, CM Kitane has returned from leave.
- Tomorrow, LT Kisaki will be returning from leave.
- For those of you plan on participating in the Battle Cry Competition, the deadline is Saturday the 6th of January.
- CPT Zadash has challenged the Wing Commander COL Ricaud for the Relentless BGAPL Ace title using FREE-TIE 25.
- CPT Shae Kitane refused an offer to join the Elite Praetorian Squadron. She knows where the best reside. It's aboard the Relentless!
XO's Corner
Greetings Squadron, enjoyed your free week[s]?
Now that the holidays are over for most of us, it's time for an (inofficial) competition. I hereby announce the "Who got the wackiest christmas present" Contest. The winner will get the "Commendation of Compassion" and a barrel of spirit to drown the sorrow with.
"The first contestant is your beautiful XO, Shae Kitane!"
[Walks over to a mysterious object, covered with a cloth. Smiles into an imaginary camera and pushes a button on a remote control.]
"AHH! *gasp* ... ahem... wrong button..."
[Now a drumroll can be heard, raising the excitement to it's peak.]
[Yanks the cloth away, then puts her hands on the hips, triumphant look on the face.]
"Try to beat *this*!... You don't know what it is?"
[Rolls her eyes.]
This, my uneducated bunch, is Edvard Munch's famous "The Scream"! PVC, inflatable and standing over 50" tall. Impressive, hmm?
Okay... the contest will end next week, he he. I'll see you then.
FL/CM Shae Kitane/Hammer 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Captain Kitane loves a good party. Whether it be locked up as a Prisoner of War during an Imperial exercise and forced to consume Champagne and Lobster, to just chilling at the Star Drifter Lounge with friends; she lives by a rule: Whatever you do, have fun! Share those thoughts? Have some hilariously silly yet morbid experiences to share? Drop her a line, she'll love you for it.
Squadron Status
- Hammer just out of the gate, back from holidays, ready to take on the wing whenever the challenge arises.
- An Active recruiting program has been initiated. Numbers to increase, according to how much priority and effort the squadron puts into this project.
Activity Report
CMDR/CPT Lohr Zadash
- Conducted normal CMDR duties (responding to e-mail, submitting BSF's submitting reports, MSE's, ect.)
- Active online (mIRC) Basically tons of things.
FL/CM Darkstar
- Congratulated Shae and myself on our promotions.
FL/CPT Shae Kitane
- Promoted to the rank of Captain.
- Submitted her column XO's corner.
- Submitted TC-TIE 163 with high scores on the Battle's Total score and mission 5.
- Submitted TC-TIE 162.
- Enjoyed a tactical refresher course with Lohr over the holidays. (SWAT 3)
- Was invited to join Praetorian Squadron. (refused)
- Basically had a blast the entire visit home. DSL [sigh]
FM/LCM Tiger
- Appointed acting Flight Leader during Shae's extended leave (DEC 27th - Jan 3rd).
- Submitted weekly flight report.
- Active on IRC. Talked my ear off.
- Submitted TFR's for TIE and XWA portions of the Battle Cry competition.
FM/LT Shino Kisaki
- Submitted TC-TIE 8.
- Submitted TC-TIE 9 with high score on mission 2.
- Submitted TC-TIE 10.
- Submitted FREE-TIE 1, 2, 3, 4.
- Awarded a CoB for completing 51+ missions.
- Awarded a PC for outstanding activity in December.
- Despite officially still being on leave managed to be quite active.
Squadron Citations
16:01 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
The Squadron Citations page has been updated to include a total count of the number of citations held by each squadron.
TIE Tactics course closed
20:11 - LC Tiberius [lpoole@magma.ca]
Due to real life circumstances, the IWATS TIE Tactics course is now *closed*. I will attempt to send marks to all those who have been waiting so very very long. You have my deepest apologies for my lapse.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in running an IWATS TIE Tactics course, e-mail myself and TO Astatine. Thank you again for your patience in this difficult time.
CMDR's Address:
I just want to say how well we've done this first month aboard this ship. It couldn't have happened without each and every one of you being part of this team and pulling as one.
In the days ahead, we will remain triumphant if we never forget consistency along with constancy. We've shown the fleet what we can do aboard the Colossus. Its time we gave a little back to the Relentless, our new home. Continue your fine work, and the name Hammer and the name Relentless will be words spoken around the fleet with respect and honor attached to them. It's attainable to you, what will you do?
One primary goal that I've set for us is recruiting more members. I consider keeping my word to be a serious thing. I told our Wing Commander that we would recruit, and recruit we shall. The rewards are pretty nice from what I can see. So go out there, and earn yourself some medals. Every new pilot we bring in will bring more glory to the wing and to our ship. My personal goal is to attain a number of 8 active pilots in Hammer. That means 3 more pilots, .6 of a recruit per pilot for you statistic freaks out there. Totally attainable when you look at it that way.
To Shae, Darkstar, thanks for your congratulations on my upcoming promotion. Darkstar, I'm taking you up on that first round of drinks man! See you in the lounge when it becomes official.
Oh some interesting stuff on the Message board too [smirks]
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: CPT Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
MOTTO: Forging the universe for order
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=32
1) CPT Lohr Zadash (efalle@nbnet.nb.ca)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) CM Darkstar (solo@datasync.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
1) CPT Shae Kitane (n99768@hotmail.com)
2) LCM Tiger (force_filled@hotmail.com)
3) LT Shino Kisaki (jokerswild29@hotmail.com)
4) TBA
Total: 5
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (2)
Submitted by your fellow servant,
CMDR/CPT Lohr Zadash/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports