VOLUME #71: January 2001

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Episode II
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TIE Corps
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Hammer's Fist
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Infiltrator Wing
The Fringe

Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Fleet Admiral Nightflyer (#298)

Name: Nightflyer, Jacen Thaerūn

Rank: Fleet Admiral

Current Assignment: EH Security Officer

Scandoc Transmission Code: nightflyer@home.com

Gender: Male

Race: Near-Human (Hapan)

Date of Birth: 03/14/15 before Battle of Yavin

Place of Birth: Galllinore City, Hapes

Marital Status: Single

Family: Jacen's parents were killed in a Rebel raid while vacationing in the Core Worlds. He has a younger sister, Dana, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: "Any complaints may be directed to my lightsaber."

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Jacen was born on the planet Hapes, in the Hapan Cluster. When he was two years old, his parents managed to dodge the border patrols to exit the cluster, and he and his family began travelling around the galaxy. One terrible winter evening, on the world of Corellia, a Rebel raid attacked the city he, his parents, and his sister were vactaioning in. His parents were both killed in the raid, and his sister was taken hostage by the Rebels. Jacen was only 10 years old at the time. He was taken in by a kind, older couple who lived on Corellia, away from the "mean streets". He always considered these two to be his adoptive parents, though he was old enough to be aware of what happened to his "real" parents.

Significant Events of Adulthood: When Jacen was 17 years old, he packed his bags, said goodbye to his adopted relatives, whom he called his aunt and uncle, and traveled to Coruscant. There, he enlisted in the Imperial Naval Academy, studying to be a starfighter pilot. He excelled in his training, and grauated from the Naval Academy in just over a year. Afterwards, he was posted to the ISD Malevolent, where he served for four years, which was destroyed in the Battle of Endor. In the midst of the battle, he escaped on a Lambda-class shuttle, and joined forces with Grand Admiral Ronin, Fleet Commander of the Emperor's Hammer.

Alignment and Attitude: Jacen believes, reasonably, that joining up with the Empire would help him to hunt down and kill the Rebels that kidnapped his sister. He is also thoroughly corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force, which lends much to both his power and his hatred of the Rebels.

Former Occupations: Scavenger, Imperial fighter pilot.

Hobbies: Martial arts, reading, bantha-riding.

Tragedies: The death of his parents, the kidnapping of his sister.

Phobias and Allergies: None.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Empire was the great stabilizing influence, untill those damned Rebels tricked the Emperor and destroyed our second Death Star. The Emperor's Hammer is by far the most mighty military force since the Empire itself, and is the logical successor to the Empire.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: Since his old unit was destroyed, Jacen reported to the first Imperial unit he met up with. This was the Sovereign-class Star Destroyer Sovereign. The logical next step was to sign on as a pilot with that ship. Hence, the enlistment.

Other Comments:

ID Line: SO/FA Nightflyer/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign, KAP(Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto, SS/PC/ISM x3/OV-3E

Submitted: 1/29/2001 7:18:00 PM


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