VOLUME #71: January 2001

CO Reports
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TC Reports




Battle Board
Duty Roster
Medal Board
Sqd. Rdy. Room


Episode II
Gaming News



TIE Corps
Bounty Hunter's

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EH Directorate
EH Strategists
Hammer's Fist
Imperial Senate

Infiltrator Wing
The Fringe

Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Major Drake (#2821)

Name: Dracionis Krynar

Rank: Major

Current Assignment: Wing Commander, ISD Colossus

Scandoc Transmission Code: paulintheUK@yahoo.com

Gender: Male

Race: Correlian

Date of Birth: UNKNOWN

Place of Birth: Coruscant

Marital Status: Single

Born on Coruscant, he was given up for Adoption at an early age..Hence no fixed Birthdate. Has decided not to persue the tracking of his parents.
One brother, Solaris was located when he was a fighter pilot. Drake keeps in close contact with him.

Social Status: Well-to-do

Think your the greatest?....Guess again..

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence:
Put into a care home and his adoptive family cared for him while young. Excelled in school and on School breaks would assist his Uncle on his frieghter.
When he was 16 on one of these frieghter runs, the frieghter came under attack from Pirate forces. His Uncle was killed by a laser shot to the Bridge. Drake to the helm on the secondary bridge and steered the ship to safety. Then he knew he wanted to be a starfighter pilot.

Significant Events of Adulthood:
Breezed through the pilot traing courses with his Friend Fredicon Tyconis "Tycho" and took part in several campaigns on behalf of the empire..
On a secret mission to deliver a cargo of a lethal biogenic weapon to a planet, he was shot down by ground fire. The cargo was spilled and he became infected with Vicasian Plague. He has to have regualar to ups of gentically modified Anti-bodies to fight the infection.
Just after Endor, His long serving friend, companion and wingman Tycho defected to the Rebels leaving behind a son and a wife. Drake has sworn to bring back there father and husband. No matter what it takes..

Alignment and Attitude:
Imperial through and through. Generally a cool, contemplating figure, he is generally wary of people and occasionally will sit quietly in his quarters reviewing combat footage rather than a beer in the cantiana. To him, each kill must be better than the one before..He is a arrogant pilot, viciously assaulting Rebel squadrons on his own.

Former Occupations:
Freighter Hand

EH Career
FM/Pi Squadron/ISD Colossus
FL/Pi Squadron/ISD Colossus
CMDR/Nu Squadron/ ISD Colossus
CMDR/Praetorian Squadron/ DGN Lichtor V
FM/Praetorian Squadron/ DGN Lichtor V
Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
FM/Eta Squadron/ISD Colossus
Spiritual Journey/ Outer Rim
FM/Omicron Squadron/ISD Colossus

WC/Wing VIII/ ISD Colossus

Studying and devising new starfighter tactics
Pyschology (Particulary of other pilots because one day he might need to save them)

Tragedies: See above..

Drake was once one of the best, if not the best pilots around. Late in 2000 he was accused of cheating to gain a measly 6 FCHG points, A claim that he passionantley denied. Many people protested to a certain EH Command staff member, most notibly SA Compton, Fleet XO at the time.
However, that very same certain EH Command officer did not agree and sent him down. The result was the loss of key members of the Colossus, upset over Drake's treatment. Drake immediatly left for an unknown planet in the Tyran Sector, Taking Doombringer with him.
Drake has always protested his innocence over this matter. There is no reason why he would do it in the first place. Drake will ONLY return when his name has been cleared of these disgraceful lies.
Ammendnum: Drake has returned to the Colossus to save it from closure. He is still fighting to clear his name.

Phobias and Allergies: No known phobias or allergies..

He is very superstitious though and will not fly on missions if there are Sunspots on the Sun.. Meaning if there is increased solar activity he will not fly because of a saying he picked up..

"Sunspots on the sun, pain will surely come.."

Personal View of the Empire and EH:
The Empire was the rulers of the galaxy, they had dominance of the skies and overwhelming might and through a freak defeat, they lost everything..

The Emperor's Hammer will bring that dominance back and thus restore peace through out the galaxy

Reason for enlisting in the EH:
Drake considers it the best way to hunt Rebels and find his former friend..
The Emperor's Hammer is the largest strike fleet of the scattered remenants of the Empire..They will succeed..And Drake will make them succeed!!

Other Comments:
Drake is one to watch...watch him go!!
-Former Tactics Teacher, Grenville Huron

It is HIGHLY Recommended that all pilots fly "Fury of the Colossus" as soon as it becomes availible. It is my finest work to date.
The Colossus is my home and im damned if I sit back and let it get shut down..

ID Line: WC/MAJ Drake/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Submitted: 1/30/2001 8:20:00 PM


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