Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Colonel Firebird (#153)
Name: Scion Altera
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Current Assignment: Commander
Scandoc Transmission Code: keeler@teleport.com
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 11/28/1981
Place of Birth: Ahregan, Hela (Phare System)
Marital Status: Single
Family: Parents, still at home. No siblings.
Social Status: Poor
Quote: There are three types of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't.
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Several close friends died during his late teenage years, giving him something of a distance from other people; although outwardly he is friendly and outgoing, he is reluctant to let anyone close to him because of his early losses.
Significant Events of Adulthood: Fresh out of school, his charm and wit were able to land him an incredible job, which allowed him to leave the planet Hela despite his parents' poverty.
Alignment and Attitude: He strives for order and peace, and sees the Empire as the only feasible way to achieve it.
Former Occupations: Tour guide, mechanic, corporate hacker, software designer, pilot, bouncer, and bartender.
Hobbies: Upgrading spacecraft, downhill skiing, whitewater rafting, game theory/design.
Tragedies: The suicides of several of his childhood friends during his childhood.
Phobias and Allergies: Allergic to many types of grass, as well as alcohol.
Personal View of the Empire and EH: Order and peace are critical to the survival of the galaxy. The Empire will accomplish the task more quickly and more efficiently than any other group, and will maintain the galaxy in such a way that everyone is provided for equally. Goods will be efficiently distributed. The only other group capable of ruling are the rebels, whose haphazard ideas of democracy will only serve to extend the suffering of many innocents as they bicker and argue instead of accomplishing their goals.
Reason for enlisting in the EH: They made him an offer he couldn't refuse: the opportunity to fly state of the art craft in battle, and the freedom to pursue his own hobbies. In addition, the chance to use his skills at leadership to help others achieve their goals, while serving to improve the administration of the galaxy. Who could ask for anything more?
Other Comments:
ID Line: CMDR/LC Scion "Firebird" Altera/Koph/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
Submitted: 1/9/2001 1:46:00 PM
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