Destruction of Admiral Fett
FM/CPT Jdf1984/Echo 3-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
entire ISD Intrepid was awakened by a blaring alarm as an Interdictor
Cruiser drew it out of hyperspace. Quickly the, Intrepid came under
attack by a horde of TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, and TIE Advanced
fighters. Quickly, MAJ Raith got his pilots out of bed and to their
fighters to help ward off the enemy fighters. Krayt Squadron and
Asp Squadron were the first to respond to the alarms and scramble
their fighters.
"Get the rest of the Squadrons
scrambled, Raith!" yelled CPT Jdf1984 over the COM. "We're
not gonna last long out here if you don't!"
"I'm workin' on it, I'm workin'
on it!" replied MAJ Raith. "I'm in as much danger as you
guys are!"
"Cobra Squadron and Copperhead
Squadron have been launched," declared RA Pel. "Viper
Squadron will be out there with you shortly."
"They had better be!" exclaimed
"Viper Squadron to the rescue!"
announced CPT Prophet. "Having fun yet, boys?"
"You know it, Proph! We're gonna
wipe the floor with these guys!" exclaimed Jdf1984. "Krayt,
listen closely. We are going to make a run on the Interdictor, and
try to take it out. All Flight leaders check in."
"Flight 2, checking in,"
announced LCM D. Rizen.
"Flight 3, checking in,"
reported LCM Ender mBind.
"Alright, that's everyone, let's
go! Flight 2, I want you to assemble off the right side of Flight
1. Flight 3; I want you in formation on the left wing of Flight
1. Got it?" asked Jdf1984.
"Got it!" exclaimed both
Flight Leaders.
"OK, here we go! Lusankya, can
you and the rest of Copperhead provide some cover for us?"
"Of course Krayt, we'd be happy
to!" replied CPT Lusankya.
Krayt Squadron soared through space
towards the Interdictor Cruiser, as Copperhead provided cover against
the swarm of fighters that tried to impede their progress. With
impeccable precision, Flights 2 and 3 released they're warheads
at the enemy cruiser and pealed off, with Flight 1 releasing theirs
a minute later to insure accuracy. As Flight pulled away, the warheads
from the other Flights hit, taking out the shields on the Cruiser.
A few moments later, the rest of the warheads hit, destroying the
Interdictor and freeing the Intrepid.
With the inability to escape taken
care of, the pilots had a much-improved attitude as they worked
to eliminate the rest of the enemy fighters. With this task competed,
they returned to the Intrepid. RA Pel called a meeting between himself,
the CMDRs, and MAJ Raith.
"Now, I am going to tell you
exactly what has happened. A little while ago, a man known as AD
Fett left the EH in order to create his own Strike Fleet. He apparently
has done a rather good job with it, and has decided he wants to
establish his fleet as the most powerful fleet in the galaxy. We,
as members of the EH, stand in his way. He is trying to destroy
the EH, and he is laying traps for all the ships he can. Luckily,
we were fast enough to respond to this trap, and survive while destroying
the forces he sent after us. We were extremely lucky. He did not
come after us with as much s he has against other ships. He had
a VSD with him against one of our fellow ISDs, the Grey Wolf, and
they had a very hard time escaping."
"Sir, I was just wondering,
If this guy wants to be the best, why doesn't he come after us with
all he has against all we have?" asked Jdf1984.
"He is afraid he will lose,
CPT, and the truth is, he would. We have a far superior military
to his. He only ambushes our ISD's and VSD's because he is pretty
sure he can win against us that way, by wheedling down what we have
until just the Avenger and the Sovereign are left. Then he feels
he can out number us." Replied Pel.
"Well, I for one want to go
directly at this punk and take him out!" declared CM Jourdain.
"As do I," seconded CM
"I'd like to wipe the floor
with those scum," added CPT Jdf1984.
"We can't do anything without
the approval of GA Ronin, guys. I'm sorry about that, because I
would like to take a crack at them as well," Pel told them.
This announcement by MAJ Raith over
the COM awoke a very groggy CPT Jdf1984 a few weeks later and he
dressed and stumbled to the briefing room as soon as he could.
"Well guys, we are gonna get
what we want. The ASF has been ordered to locate and destroy the
Fleet commanded by AD Fett. The ISD Grey Wolf, ISD Vanguard, the
VSD Aggressor, and us are going to destroy that son of a bitch,"
Pel told them, with a huge smile on his face.
"Reports indicate that he is
located with his main fleet around the planet of Blearthmore. We
are heading there as we speak, as are the rest of the ASF,"
stated Raith. "You are all now free to go brief your Squadrons.

raced down the corridors to where Krayt Squadron was housed. He
burst into the quarters shared by his two FLs, LCM Rizen and LCM
Ender mBind, and he woke them both saying, "We finally get
to go after that son of a bitch, Fett!"
Both FLs whooped in anticipation and
ran to wake the members of their flights, who were also still sleeping.
All of the pilots were ecstatic when they heard the news, and raced
to the Cantina to celebrate over rounds of Flaming X-Wings, their
favorite drink.
the Intrepid exited hyperspace just outside of the system where
Blearthmore was located, they discovered that the rest of the ASF
was already there, waiting for VA Patel to give the order to attack.
When the Intrepid had scrambled all of her fighters, the capital
ships spread out to surround the system.
VA Patel's voice rang strong and confidant
over the COM, although it was just one word; "Attack."
The members of Krayt Squadron all
let out a whoop of glee as they charged in headfirst towards their
prey, an ISD known as the Omnipotent. This was AD Fett's flagship,
and the one they had to destroy to make sure the threat would not
return on a later date. With Flight 3 from Crusader Squadron as
cover, the fearless members of Krayt Squadron rocketed towards their
goal, the looming ISD at the center of the fleet that Fett had with
"Watch out Krayt 1!" CM
Ya-qoob warned over the COM. "You've got a bogey on your tail!"
"Thanks Ya-qoob!" replied
"I got him, Sir," said
LT CTXclr.
"Thank you, 5," acknowledged
As more and more threats were dispensed
with, Krayt Squadron got closer and closer to their target, the
Omnipotent. CPT Jdf1984 gave the same orders as before, having Flight
2 line up to the right, and Flight 3 on the left. This time however,
they were going to approach this differently.
"Alright Krayt, this is what
is gonna happen. We wait until we are 5 clicks from the target and
then release our payload en-masse. We have to make every one count.
Crusader, please go at those shield generators for us," said
"Can do, CPT. We're on it now,"
acknowledged Ya-qoob.
"Thanks, CM. Now boys, transfer
all shields to your front, we don't want any of those turbolasers
taking one of us out. Transfer all other spare power to your engines,
we wanna get this done quick." Ordered the CPT.
Krayt sped through space, until they
reached the point where they were supposed to fire.
"Crusader and Avenger have the
shield generators down, fire all warheads! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"
shouted Jdf1984.
"Now, switch power to lasers,
pull off, and pick yourselves a fighter and take it out. Good luck."
As Krayt proceeded to find targets
and shoot them down, the ISD Omnipotent burst in to flames behind
them, spewing debris and spiraling toward the planet in which it
had been in orbit. The ASF cleaned up what was left of a panicked
mess of a fleet that was left behind in the wake of the death of
Fett and the destruction of the Omnipotent.
on the Intrepid, Krayt was being congratulated and having drinks
bought for them in the Cantina. Everyone regarded them as the heroes
of the day. All of them went to bed drunk, and LCM Rizen was heard
to be telling Ender that "
. had better stay out of my
bed, you dirty piece of
CMDR/CPT Jdf1984/Krayt 1-1/Wing
XIV/ISD Intrepid