VOLUME #71: January 2001

CO Reports
SGCOM Reports
Advisor Reports
TC Reports




Battle Board
Duty Roster
Medal Board
Sqd. Rdy. Room


Episode II
Gaming News



TIE Corps
Bounty Hunter's

Corporate Division
Dark Brotherhood
EH Directorate
EH Strategists
Hammer's Fist
Imperial Senate

Infiltrator Wing
The Fringe

Science Officer Releases New Patches and Editing Tools

Here is a summary of all new patches and files added to the Science Office archives over the last month.

=== New Patches

1. T-Prot-XWA.zip - TIE Protector for X-Wing: Alliance. This is the Fleet Commanders personal ship and is more
than capable of looking after itself in even the most novice of hands. Patch created by SCO/AD Kermee based
upon a Dagger Engineering Corp design. Use species 184 in missions. Uses XWA install v2.1

2. T-Prot-XvT.zip - TIE Protector for X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. This is the Fleet Commanders personal ship and
is more than capable of looking after itself in even the most novice of hands. Patch created by SCO/AD Kermee
based upon a Dagger Engineering Corp design. Use the Missile Boat in missions

=== Updated Patches

1. SSSD-XWA.zip - Sovereign class Super Star Destroyer for X-Wing: Alliance. Our flagship, home of many pilots
and not to mention the command staff, and the biggest ship known to exist other than the under construction
Eclipse class Super Star Destroyer. Patch updated by SCO/AD Kermee to use XWA install v2.1. Use species 185 in

2. MC90-XWA.zip - MC-90 Mon Calamari Cruiser for X-Wing Alliance. The current flagship of the Infiltrator wing
and largest known vessel in the New Republic navy. Patch updated by SCO/AD Kermee to use XWA install v2.1 Use
species 186 in missions

These updated patches (and the new T/Prot patch) use a new version of the install script, v2.1, which edits
the necessary lines in various on installation rather than overwriting the entire file making it more
compatible with other patches. As a result there is no longer any need to be concerned about the order of
which these patches are installed, and the capital ships can be installed over top of older patches which do
not yet have any install script. They also make it possible to set up patches so they can all be installed
side by side as manpower allows. Additionally, some other minor improvements have been made including removing
the annoying TIE patch warning. These improvements are only now possible thanks to a couple of specifically
written programs from CA:SCO Den Darkhill & myself.

=== Files

1. custom_acts.zip - A tutorial on how to use custom backdrops (planets, galaxies etc.) in XvT missions by CM
Fenn Logan.

2. ZTMaker.zip - A recreated version of patchmak from Windows TIE Patch (the program that creates the patches)
updated to run better in windows 95/98 by CA:SCO/VA Den Darkhill.

3. UGE-modules-XW95-PLT-viewer.zip - A module for the Universal Game Editor that will display the Historical
mission & TOD mission scores for a X-Wing 95 pilot file, as well as the kill data, by SCO/AD Kermee.

4. tiepatch.c - Source code to the command line version of TIE patch used in XWA patches with the v2.1
install, by CA:SCO/VA Den Darkhill.

5. header.e - Source code to a command line header utility which emulates the unix head & tail tools. Used in
XWA patches with the v2.1 install, by SCO/AD Kermee.

6. isblank.e - Source code to a command line utility which checks if a given line in a text file is empty and
if it isn't fills it with some text. Used in XWA patches with the v2.1 install, by SCO/AD Kermee.

AD Kermee, Fleet Science Officer.
[ http://sco.ehnet.org | sco@emperorshammer.org ]
- SCO/AD Kermee/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign {Legionnaire}
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-ghx2/LoC ISx10/MoC/OV
- DJK (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC-KC


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