The following are the entrance requirements for entrance to the TIE Corps for those who own only Xwing vs. TIE Fighter (XvsT):

Flight Member status requirements:

Completion of single Player training, with fair performance(mission evaluation) or better minimum X-wing vs. Tie Fighter rank of officer 1st grade or better Completion of 50 missions or more. Completion of All free-for-all melees with lead plaque or better.

Flight Leader status requirements:

Completion of ALL training, with fair performance(mission evaluation) or better completion of All free-for-all melee missions with nickel plaque or better. minimum X-wing vs. Tie Fighter rank of Veteran 1st grade Completion of 80 missions or more. Completion of Triathlon (tournament) with silver plaque

Squadron Commander requirements:

Completion of ALL training, with good performance(mission evaluation) or better Completion of ALL free-for-all and shooting gallery melee missions with silver plaque or better minimum X-wing vs. Tie Fighter rank of Ace 2nd level. Completion of 100 missions or more. Completion of Triathlon tournament) with gold plaque. Completion of any three combat engagements with good(mission evaluation) or better.


Long Live The Empire!
TO/FA Zach/CS-6/SSSD Sov. MSTR(Sith)/MAA (ret.) [IWATS] MoH/IC/GOE/MoI-gc/MoT-rh [AW]


Since FA Zach will be taking off for the summer, 1997 to pursue offline activities, his CA:TO,
AD Andrew
will be taking over as the EH Training Officer...


X-Wing versus TIE Fighter has been released and the AW is BOOMING! With over seventy members, and training every couple of days, the AW is rapidly approaching a point where it will begin competition with other clubs. The following is the TAC officer's report:

The following is Vice Admiral Andrew's guide to TIE Fighter:
Part One:

Battle 1

Pre-Battle Awards: Bronze Combat Medallion in TIE Fighter and Assault Gunboat. Training Patches in the 3 TIEs (Fighter, Interceptor, and Bomber) and the Assault Gunboat.

Mission 1

Your first active TIE Mission sets you on a Platform Outpost in the Javin Sector. You will fly a TIE Fighter, armed with no missiles and has no shields.

Completing the Mission

This mission is quite simple to complete, provided you have practiced in the combat chamber and have flown training missions. As soon as you enter the mission, target the platform, and press ALT+F5 and save it to memory. Soon, Some freighters and transports will arrive. ID the Transports first, by flying close to them, and the follow up on the Freighters. You will notice Freighter #3 carrying Rebels… Illegal cargo. Fire some lasers at it, but not for long. Soon some shuttles will come out of hyperspace. Attack them and destroy them ASAP. Quickly some more vessels will arrive. ID these, and if the shuttles are still around, bob and weave to avoid laser fire (Beta and Gamma will usually distract them). When all shuttles are destroyed, Freighter #3 captured, and ships Identified, you have completed your Primary and Secondary Objectives. (Not all ships' contents need to be identified. Only the 5 Freighters and 2 Transports.)

Tips for beating the Shuttles and Identifying the new Transports at once

In fact, the shuttles are easy to defeat. Just use the ENTER key and stay behind them. Fire as quickly as possible, setting recharge to increased rate or max. rate. Put the Corellian Transports and Container Transports in memory location and whenever your near try to ID one or two.

Mission 2

On to your second mission, now you should have a feel for battle and defensive strategy. In this mission you can make things happen. You can complete your goals and be inducted into the Emperor's Secret order. Also, you get to fly a TIE equipped with missiles, and can use them for serious damage to enemy fighters.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

When you enter, you are again in the Javin sector, but this time things aren't so friendly. Soon after, an X-Wing, followed by more exit hyperspace, and following is Y-Wings. If you chose to carry missiles, arm them by pressing the "W" key. You can either fire lasers at your target or missiles (NOT Torpedoes, Rockets, or Bombs!!!). I suggest quickly taking out the X-Wings, the move onto the Y-Wings. In the midst of the battle, a rebel shuttle shows up. DO NOT attack it. Instead, ID it like you did the ships in the last mission. Gunboats will arrive and disable it, and a Transport will come and capture it. In a bit, the ISD Hammer will exit hyperspace, giving you extreme capital firepower. Yet, 3 Rebel Corvettes exit hyperspace as well, and the destruction of all 3 is a Bonus Objective.

Bonus Objectives

One of the bonus objectives is the capture of the SHU, but that is pretty well covered. The other is the destruction of the three Corvettes, which can easily be accomplished if you: 1) Keep your distance when attacking. Turn around from far away. 2) Let the bombers and gunboats do their thing. They will do heavy damage. 3) The destruction of these Corvettes is STRONGLY recommended!!!

*- I sometimes take Heavy Bombs, since 1 can destroy a CRV… Leaving only 1 left if both hit.

Mission 3

Its on to a new craft, the Heavy Assault TIE Bomber. I suggest taking along Torpedoes in the mission, because of their speed and accuracy. You'll notice the TIE Bomber is more durable, but slower. However, this mission has no real need for speed.

Completing the Mission

As soon as the mission loads, target the first Cargo Ferry (CARG). When you have a red lock, fire 4 torpedoes at it (2 sets of 2). Target the next, and do the same. Do it again, and although you have no more Torpedoes left, you should order your wingmen to attack the last CARG. Now go after the shuttles and remaining craft. The shuttles can be EXTREMELY dangerous, so I suggest finishing them quickly. Now go and finish off any other remaining craft. Not that difficult, eh?

Mission 4

Now you get to fly the fastest TIE yet, the TIE Interceptor, its durability second only to the Bomber. It has been modified so it can carry missiles.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

When you exit the hanger, you notice some strange looking shuttles, known as escort shuttles. Although the are no match for the Frigate, you should not the laser cannon on the rear. It's a nasty reminder of how vulnerable you really are. Attack some of the fighters, the ones that are after you. When that threat is cleared, your wingmen should be able to handle the rest. Now move close to the SPC an ID it. You'll notice the stolen goods it's carrying, and the empire wants them back! Help the TRNs disable it, and then fly point patrol while the platform is being captured. Any fighters that remain should be destroyed. Don't worry to much about the PLT, the transports can handle it.

Bonus Objectives

The bonus objectives for this mission are pretty straight-forward. You have missiles, so go after a ESC/S in Calf flight with them. You can safely fire from 2.5 clicks away with missiles, and the destruction of 1 completes a bonus objective. The next is to capture the Gopher. This shouldn't be to tough. Just distract it from firing on the TRN by shooting at it. That should give the TRN a chance to fire Ions on it.

Mission 5

Again, you will fly a new ship, the Assault Gunboat. A Gunboat is slower than a TIE Interceptor, but has shields and can carry 16 missiles. It also has Ion Cannons, so you can disable craft as well.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

There is one bonus objective, and there is one secondary. Your main objective is to take out the fighters. As soon as you enter, target the closest craft. If anything is attacking you, go after them. Better to be safe than sorry. Now, when all the B-Wings are destroyed, go after any remaining fighters. When all primaries are met, destroy the containers.

Bonus Objectives

When you meet your primary objectives, the cruiser launches more fighters. Destroy as many as possible with simple dogfighting tactics.

Mission 6

Again you will fly an Assault Gunboat, but with many reinforcements and the standard load of 16 missiles.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

When you exit hyperspace, you will be near a vast mine field of both Type A and Type C mines. Type A mines look star-shaped and fire a laser. Type C mines are cone shaped, and although they fire no lasers, when they are destroyed the fire a concussion missile! I suggest in attacking only the Type A mines for now, because you have more things to worry about, and don't need multiple missiles on your tail. The cruiser only has 4 Starfighters, so destroy all of them (they should be no trouble). Now you can go after mines in detail. Destroy all mine type A's first. Each mine group you destroy is a Bonus Objective! Now, if the CRL is nearly destroyed (Hull 50% or less) go after the Mine Type C's one at a time. When it fires a missile, chase it and destroy it. When the CRL is almost destroyed 2 shuttles will leave as well as some transports. Inspect and disable the shuttle carrying the Rebel Officer, and destroy the other. Now take out the transports and the Containers. Finally, finish off the rest of the mines and head home!

Bonus Objectives

The bonus objectives are pretty well covered, simply blow away the mines and make sure the shuttle is captured.

Battle 2

Pre-Battle Awards: Silver Medallion in all 3 TIEs flown so far, Gunboat Silver optional.

Mission 1

Back to a standard TIE Fighter, without missiles

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

When you enter the battle, throttle up to 100% power. Target the M/CRV and order your wingmen to attack it, while you set your cannon recharge rate to Maximum. Now, attack it yourself. After a fighter makes and attack run, re-submit to order to attack it. If it fires on you, bob and weave and keep ordering your wingmen to attack it. Soon it will head after the conveyors. When it does, its open season. Blast away at it, and once the M/CRV is destroyed, go after the Y-Wings, inspecting the conveyors as you go by. Before you annihilate the M/CRV, make an inspection sweep of it, to complete a goal. You'll notice a conveyor is carrying stolen Imperial goods. Help TRN Epsilon by distracting the conveyors (shooting at them).

Bonus Objectives

Fly point patrol, generally protecting the TRNs and any captured conveyors. When it's all done, head home.

Mission 2

You now get to go with a TIE Bomber, but I suggest taking along Heavy Rockets instead of missiles. Now, you should go after the closest M/CRV (The Gallot) and fire 2 rockets at it. After the rockets are fired, head back towards the VSD Protector, and fly around it, it will pay off. No sooner are you flying patrol, when a M/FRG exits hyperspace about 2 clicks away from you! Dump your remaining rockets on the Dromon, then order the TUG to reload you. Continue to do this until the Dromon is destroyed. Now, go after any remaining ships, and do inspection runs of the Youst and the surrounding containers.

Bonus Objectives

Even after the remaining Ripoblous ships enter hyperspace, help with the capture of the Youst and containers. Dump all your rockets on the Youst until its shields go down (or you run out!), so the TRNs can capture it. Like most missions, fly patrol while the TRNs do their job.
Mission 3

Now, some Ripoblous citizens want political asylum, and are in a SPC. However, shuttles and Y-Wings from BOTH sides are attacking it. You will fly TIE Interceptor, with plenty of help.

Completing the Mission

When I play this mission, there is a pattern I use that never fails to work.. The Y-Wings are trying to disable the SPC, so go after them first. Order your wingmen to do evasive maneuvers. They should attack Y-Wings. If there is a break in the Y-Wings fire, take out a shuttle. Even if the Glas is disabled, it will still be rescued by the Protector. Just make sure that if it is disabled, then take out the shuttles!!! Lastly, this mission isn't very difficult. You should have no problems taking out the Y-Wings and shuttles. Remember, Alpha and Beta squadrons will assist you too. If you need more help, you can call for reinforcements, and a couple of GUNs from Rho squadron will arrive.

Destroying Flight Group Typhoon (Bonus Objective)

These Escort Shuttles can be very difficult. I usually won't call reinforcements until these E/S's arrive. TIE Bombers will launch, however, and you can order your wingmen to attack. If you want to go in for the run, then bob and weave. Pull away when your .30 km away from the Escort Shuttle you are attacking. With over 5 TIEs (even more with Gunboats!) attacking, the E/S's will get confused, and you most likely won't get fired upon.

Mission 4

You get to fly a Gunboat again, and you get missiles, but this time your on the defensive, not the offensive.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

When you exit the jump, you'll notice your surrounded by 2 Frigates. Luckily, you don't have to attack them, but the do launch fighters. Help disable the shuttles quickly, you want to be in and out. When the fighters get in range, they will most likely attack you and the transports. If and when you are under attack, simply have your wingmen cover you, so you can protect the transports. However, if more help is needed, call for reinforcements (2 gunboats). When there is a break in action, I suggest going for the inspection run of the two Frigates, because they jump to hyperspace pretty quickly after primaries are met. Also, you will notice that 2 Cargo Ferries arrive and a M/CRV. Like the frigates, you do not have to destroy these, just inspect them. Target the closest CARG and weave around the lasers. The do the same with the M/CRV and the other CARG, keeping your shields up at all times. Now go and inspect the Cruiser, which is not to difficult. When that is done, you can head home or destroy remaining ships. It's up to you.

Bonus Objectives

Since you have shields, the Bonus Objectives aren't tough to meet. You just need to keep your cool, and know when to turn around (right after you insect it!). The CRS is not difficult at all, because you can inspect it before it gets in gun range! The 2 frigates however, can be a challenge. After the shuttles are disabled, go and inspect them, taking out ships as you go. Lastly, don't get to hung up on these goals, you get very few points, but can get you into the Secret Order.

Mission 5

Again you fly a TIE Fighter, but in a very different mission. The first TIE Advanced fighters are being sent to your ship!

Completing the Mission

Contrary to most belief, you should stay around the Escort Carrier and protect it, because the fighters around the Protector are more than capable of taking on the pitiful Z-95 Headhunters that show up. Therefore, when the Escort Carrier arrives, fly to it. This is very important, because as soon as they arrive, Dimok AND Ripoblous forces have arrived in a team effort against the Empire! Now, don't go after the Z-95s it is imperative that YOU destroy the Y-Wings that swarm around the Escort Carrier. (Basically because no other fighters will, and the safety of the _____ is your responsibility). Now, you might notice the TIE Advanced are getting attacked. Don't break unless their shields are down, because you only need 50% of the T/As to end up safe on the Protector for you to complete a primary goal. When the Y-Wings subside, you can then head for the area around the VSD and take out any remaining fighters.

Bonus Objectives

The Bonus Objectives are simple. 100% of every TIE Advanced group must complete their mission (safely make it into the Protector's Hangar).

Battle 3

Pre-Battle Awards: Gold Medallion in 3 TIEs (Fighter, Bomber, and Interceptor), Silver in Gunboat, Bronze in TIE Advanced.

Mission 1

With the Outer Rim overrun by pirates, the Emperor wants to create a new base, and you are now under the command of Vice Admiral Thrawn. You fly a TIE Bomber, an I suggest taking torpedoes.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

First off, I suggest inspecting Containers is the Following order: Container A's, Container B's, then Container D's. When you inspect them, you'll notice only 1 has base equipment, and the rest are empty. For extra points, you can destroy the Empty ones, but don't get too hung up, you have a mission to complete. Inspect everything so HLFs get in and out safely. Protect them from oncoming fighters and any other possible problems. When there's a break in the action, you can take out any of the remaining containers, or fighters that aren't attacking the lifters. Lastly, use your torpedoes on the Corvettes, if they are still there.

Bonus Objectives

The Bonus Objectives are very easy to complete. Attack any rebel craft using standard procedures. Center your attacks on the Transports.

Mission 2

You now have to clear the way for the base's location. Again, you will fly a TIE Bomber with 12 torpedoes.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

First, target the Clavier, a Corvette that is very close to you (in lock range). When you get a full lock, fire 3 PAIRS of Torpedoes, so you can destroy it. Next target either the Leach or Grapler (I prefer the Grapler). A regular pilot will be able to get off 1 or 2 pairs of torpedoes before pulling away from the Z-95s and other craft that attack you. After the first pass of the fighters, dump the rest of your torpedoes on the CRV you started on. Usually, the fighters aren't a threat, but if so, eliminate them (the Containers aren't going anywhere). Take your time when destroying the containers. You can attack any Container B's, and any Container A's from group DLC11A. Remember, inspect ALL containers from group CRM908A! One Contains rebels, an it must be boarded, so be patient, and let the ATR finish before you obliterate it.

Bonus Objectives

As easy as they come, make sure ATR Tiger gets home safely. It's not to tough, considering there should be no enemy craft left in the area.

Mission 3

Flying a TIE Fighter again, which you should be a veteran with. You must protect the area you just claimed, and await for the relief of the base construction crew and Vice Admiral Thrawn.

Completing the Mission

About a minute into the mission, a FRG arrives, and launches fighters. It will first launch Z-95s, then B-Wings. Go after the B-Wings, because your wingmen will be busy with the Z-95s. When things get hectic, call reinforcements. As more fighters come from the FRG, take them out. Soon TIE Bombers will arrive to attack the Frigate. After most of the craft are destroyed, Y-Wings will arrive, and attack either the Ludwick or you. Stay on them, they aren't to tough. As the battle thins out, the Base crew and craft will arrive. Just stay around until everything comes. Group Gorfun tends to be a bit late from time to time.

Bonus Objectives

If the frigates shields go low enough, they will launch escape shuttles. Get on them quickly, destroy them, and you've met the objective.

Mission 4

Again, you're in the protection phase, but this time you have a Gunboat and plenty of help. I recommend taking torpedoes.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

A bit after you enter the mission, 2 Corvettes and some Y-Wings arrive. Immediately get a lock on the 1st Corvette and dump 6 torpedoes on it. Now, you can either break and go after some Y-Wings, or quickly take out the other Corvette. Either way, you should reload when there is a break in the action. Soon, 2 more Corvettes will exit Hyperspace. This is a good time to reload, and take these two out. Now concentrate on the fighters. The A-Wings should be annihilated, so go after Y-Wings, then X-Wings. When the SHU Shakker arrives, disable it quickly. Break from fighter pursuit when the Transports come (Destroy them all quickly). And when shuttle group Proto arrives (Destroy them as well). Then finish off any enemy craft. When the Stalwart arrives, go home.

Bonus Objectives

Make a quick inspection run while disabling Shuttle Shakker.

Mission 5

For this mission, you receive a new warhead to add to your arsenal. This Advanced Concussion Missile has 2 times the power AND speed of a regular one! This is an excellent warhead for taking on A-Wings (Hint Hint).

Completing the Mission

When you enter, ask for reinforcements. You'll get 6 extra TIE Bombers which you will need for the A-Wing onslaught. When the A-Wings arrive, get locks on them and take them out with 2 missiles. If one gets on your tail, it won't be there for long (The 6 other TIE Bombers will take them out). Soon X-Wings and other craft will exit hyperspace. Take them out as they come. I wouldn't worry, nothing seems to really attack the TRNs, just make sure you eliminate the threats as they come.

Bonus Objectives

Quite straight forward, you just have to take out the shuttles. Dump any remaining missiles on them, and finish them with lasers.

Mission 6

Last mission of this battle, and its not an easy one if you don't follow a pattern. You fly a gunboat against a mass of rebel craft.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

One minute into the mission the rebels arrive, in force. Take and disable the ATRs, because they can be finished off later. Now, fighters will arrive as well, and a shuttle. Take on the A-Wings, and order your wingmen to as well. Make sure you get to disabling that shuttle as well. Now, you can either go after the X-Wings or B-Wings. If the platform is in danger, take on the B-Wings. If not, go after the X-Wings. Either way finish off all craft, including the ATRs if they are still there. Be positive the capture operation went according to plan, also.

Bonus Objectives

Be assured the shuttle is successfully captured, and that the Shark is safe as well.

Part 2:

Battle 4

Pre-Battle Awards: Gold Medallion in TIE Interceptor, Fighter, and Bomber, Gold in Assault Gunboat, Bronze in TIE Advanced

Mission 1

There is but a new officer you will meet, Admiral Zaarin. He is the Empire's lead researcher for technology. You fly a TIE Fighter specially modified to carry missiles.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Right when you enter the mission, cycle through all the Cargo Ferries and inspect them. In 10 seconds, you will have completed your secondary objectives. Now, some enemy craft will exit hyperspace. Go after them head on, taking the closest Y-Wings first, and ordering your wingmen to attack other enemies. Destroy any torpedoes fired with your lasers, because they put a pretty big dent in the Ferries. Keep taking out the Y-Wings, using missiles if you have to. Don't worry to much about the Corvettes, when the Shamus arrives it will launch craft that are capable of eliminating these ships. Just keep taking the Y-Wings and the torpedoes as they come, its not that difficult. As for the docking operation, make sure no more Y-Wings are around. It's as easy as that.

Bonus Objectives

Strafe from attacking Y-Wings long enough to make an inspection run of the enemy Corvettes. Use standard avoidance tactics when getting close.

Mission 2

Like many historical missions, you must eliminate a supply base. You fly a TIE Bomber with 6 torpedoes.

Completing the Mission

Target the Corvette Shotgun, and prepare to launch all your torpedoes on it. Order your wingmen to attack the Petor, the other Corvette in the area. You'll probably notice that after you launch your torpedoes, that Y-Wings are on you. Take them out ship-to-ship and you can order your wingmen after the Transport. The containers aren't going anywhere, so just take out shuttles when the threatening Y-Wings have been destroyed. When the Shuttles are gone, you can take out the Transport if it is still around, then go after Containers and Y-Wings. I suggest that you ultimately destroy everything, so your score is high.

Mission 3

You get to fly a TIE Bomber again, but with a double load of missiles against quite a few Y-Wings.

Completing the Mission

As soon as you enter, request reinforcements. Next, target the closest Y-Wing, and order your wingmen to attack it. Now choose a target. Destroy it quickly with 4 missiles, and then take out as many more quickly and efficiently with either lasers or missiles. Be sure that the Container Order 5 is not destroyed! That is what the transport needs to dock with! Luckily, that is the last craft the Y-Wings will go after. Just to stay safe, you should destroy any torpedoes you see. Eventually, the Y-Wings will loosen up, and they will come from hyperspace. Make sure you promptly destroy them, and if you have missiles left, this is a good time to use them! Finish off the Y-Wings while and make sure Container A Order 5 stays safe.

Mission 4

The Empire has cemented its relationship with the Habeen. You will patrol in a TIE Interceptor as business contracts are signed and Hyperdrive Units are delivered.

Completing the Mission

Not much will happen until the Habeen Frigate Lendova arrives, but then things escalate. Some Y-Wings and some Corvettes exit hyperspace, dangerously close to the Lendova. Target a Y-Wing, and order your men to go after it. Now would be a good time to ask for reinforcements. Next, go after enemy craft yourself. Don't let them get vital shots on the Lendova or Shamus. As the deal concludes, make sure the transports reach the Shamus safely. If you haven't sustained any damage, you might want to go after the Corvettes. Quad-Lock your lasers and go after the gun turrets. You can also order your wingmen after them as a distraction. When the system is almost secured, the craft will leave. Chase after the enemy craft for big points.

Bonus Objectives

When each of the transports arrive, inspect it. Not that tough.

Mission 5

The last mission of this battle puts you in a Starfighter support role. You fly a Gunboat with an objective of eliminating enemy fighters so a FRG can be destroyed.

Completing the Mission

Fly support cover by taking out the closest enemy craft first. Usually, this is the A-Wing flight group. The A-Wings can be tough. Order your wingmen to cover you and take them 1 at a time. When the A-Wings are eliminated, I like to take out the enemy Corvette. Dual-Lock your lasers and take out the Laser turrets, then go after the hull and fuselage. Now I suggest take out Y-Wings and X-Wings. Get the ones attacking the Shamus first. When the Xerxes gets close to the Shamus, both will attack each other. Take advantage of this! Order your wingmen to attack it, and you should attack it as well, because you can do serious damage without getting hit from the Frigate. When the Frigate is finished, I suggest sticking around. Clean up, destroy remaining fighters and any Corvettes left to earn extra mission points.

Bonus Objectives

When the Xerxes is destroyed, go after the transport it launches and destroy it.

Battle 5

Pre-Battle Awards: Gold Medallion in TIE Fighter, Bomber, and Interceptor, Assault Gunboat, Silver in TIE Advanced

Mission 1

It's a trap! Admiral Harkov is a traitor! You must uncover this plot by safely clearing a minefield in a TIE Interceptor.

Completing the Secondary Objectives

Right when you enter the mission, destroy Gamma 2 and 3 because they are defector craft, and then call for reinforcements. As you head toward the Minefield, target the closest Container. Bob and weave around, jink away from shots, while picking off mines as you go. Stay close to the Osprey while waiting for the Shuttle and take out TIE Bombers as you fly around. When a TIE Advanced gets on your tail, chase it because you will most likely destroy it. When the Shuttle does arrive, transfer maximum power to engines and weave around shots thrown at you. While you move in, attack it and destroy it (don't forget to inspect it first, though!). You can head back to the Osprey or complete the rest of the difficult bonus objectives.

Bonus Objectives


As said earlier, when you enter the mission, destroy Gamma 2 and 3. When you make your run to inspect the Containers, destroy the mines. There aren't that many, so it should be no trouble. When you inspect the containers, destroy them, then head for the Osprey area. Once there, take the fighters as they come. Don't try anything spectacular, but don't get frustrated either. When the Shuttle arrives, inspect it, then destroy it. When you head back, take fighters out as you go. Again, it is recommended that you try not to complete these objectives.

Mission 2

Harkov's deceit has shown! You get to fly a Gunboat now, with loyal wingmen. The missiles you carry will be used early.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Right when you enter, throttle up and target the Corellian Transport. I initially drop 5 sets of 2 missiles on it, the drop 1 set of 2 more missiles. When you get in range, target it with ions and disable it. Inspect the CORT quickly, the destroy it. By now, you might have a Z-95 on you. I suggest to destroy it, a piece of cake in a Gunboat. Now, inspect the containers. Inspect ALL of them, and the station as well. Only after a container is inspected I suggest destroying it. Continue to eliminate the enemy fighters. Watch when the Protector comes, you can get some extra points. Destroy ALL the containers too, you get big points if you eliminate them all. When you think you've completed enough objectives, or are tired/damaged/or out of missiles, you can head home, but don't forget about the bonus objectives.

Bonus Objectives

As said earlier, go after the CORT. Also inspect everything before you destroy it. When the Protector arrives, attack it and complete another objective.

Mission 3

You must assist in the destruction of a rebel convoy headed to the Platform. You fly a Gunboat, but you won't encounter many fighters, so arm with Heavy Rockets.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Don't waste your rockets on the Freighters, you want to save them for the Corvettes. The first thing you want to do is make inspection runs of the ships, so you can complete secondary objectives (Your wingmen will take care of most of the ships quickly, so best to move fast). Take out what is ever left that you have inspected. No fighters to really worry about if you go quickly. When the Corvettes arrive, do a quick inspection run, then get 3 clicks away and blast them with rockets. Not a difficult mission, as you can tell.

Mission 4

The game is fair now, your TIE Advanced up against Harkov's. You have a greater advantage in this mission, because you have missiles.

Completing the Mission

The mission goal is to take out ½ of Harkov's T/As. Do not target the closest ones at first. Instead, go for the ones that are attacking you. Launch dual missiles at the first one, then arm your lasers and prepare for your toughest dogfight yet. Now, go after the ones that are attacking you. If you feel the need for reinforcements, go ahead. Next, have your wingmen cover you when Iota Squadron comes. Take out as many as you can with missiles and then take the rest with lasers. Clean up Theta squadron and any other fighters lying around, and you should have met your objective. If there is a break in the fighting, go complete Bonus Objectives.

Bonus Objectives

If there is a break in the fighter onslaught, go and take out cargo ferries and other rebel/renegade craft.

Mission 5

The end is here. Harkov has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. You get to fly a Gunboat, and your primary objective should be the capture of the platform.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Right as you enter the battle, take out some starfighters. However, head towards the platform and the mines. Take out the mines ASAP, because they are the primary concern. When the mines are dealt with, keep an eye on the TRN and SHU. At takeoff, disable them quickly and go back. The CORT should take off soon, and disable that fast, it contains Harkov. Help capture the platform by staying away from fighters. Yet, if they get in your way eliminate them. Keep your fighter in top condition too, so if you get hit you can back it up. That's about it. A fun, diverse mission.

Battle 6

Pre-Battle Awards: Gold in TIE Advanced.

Mission 1

Help defend some of Zaarin's new TIE Defender's arriving from the research station. You will fly a TIE Advanced again, armed with missiles.

Completing the Mission

A "smaller" mission than most, you will only deal with starfighters. At first, head for the A-Wings, and try to take out as many as possible using missiles, lasers, or a combination of both. Take out at least 5 A-Wings before heading to take on the B-Wings.

Most of the mission completes itself, the A-Wings aren't trouble and the B-Wings don't put up much of a fight.

Mission 2

This mission is like the 5th mission of the 2nd battle. You fly a T/A and must help defend the convoy.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

At first, concentrate on the fighters that you are protecting. However, when the 2 rebel corvettes show up, inspect them. After they are inspected, destroy the one the ESC is not attacking, then go for the fighters. Make sure the TIE Defender Prototypes don't get hit or destroyed, and play some cleanup when the mission is getting finished for extra points. Like the first mission, this one is very easy.

Mission 3

Fly cover in a Gunboat while important freight is loaded.

Completing the Mission

You 1st goal should be to destroy ATR Storm when it arrives. Use missiles and lasers, because if you don't then the mission is pointless. Go after fighters in the order: Attacking You-> B-Wings -> X-Wings -> others. The platform should provide cover fire. Use remaining missiles against slow B-Wings, because you only need lasers to take out an X-Wing. After that do some cleanup again for extra points. When your all set, head home.

Mission 4

Finally a mission with some action in it! You get to help capture a platform that those Mag Pulse weapons are made in. You fly a Gunboat and I suggest arming with A. Con. Missiles.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Go after the Z-95s first, because they will attack you. Hit them with missiles, and take out all 8 early so you can concentrate on escaping craft. The SHU escaping should be your main concern, then the transport. Disable them both, and watch out for the CORT escaping as well. Cover the ATRs from fighters while the attack is underway. When the shields get low enough, hit it yourself with Ions. When disabled, go after the remaining starfighters and other enemy craft. Take out the Containers last, because they aren't headed anywhere.

Bonus Objectives

Safely oversee the capture of all enemy craft.

Battle 7

Pre-Battle Awards: Bronze in TIE Defender.

Mission 1

You should have some TIE Defender training because you will need it later on. Imperial forces have tracked Harkov's remaining fleet, and are holding him there with an INT.

Completing the Mission

When you first arrive, set your cannons to missiles, and go after the containers. Finish them quickly (they're not much trouble). Then head after both cargo vessels the Waq and the Wheel. If any craft get on you, have your wingmen cover you or take them out yourself, then continue the destruction. Later on, a rebel cruiser arrives, making the battle interesting. Your wingmen will deal with the fighters from the VSD, so go and defend the Harpax. Fire your lasers at incoming rockets from the Z-95s, then chase them and destroy them quickly. You might even want to save some missiles early on so you have some for quick starfighter destruction. Just keep pounding away at rebel fighters, then renegade imperial ones until ATR Gold shows up. Then you can go home.

Bonus Objectives

Destroy the Waq and the Wheel, and order you wingmen to do so as well when there is a break in the fighting. Try to destroy all the rebel fighters as well.

Mission 2

The Onamo, a frigate under command of late Admiral Harkov is closing in on the Harpax. Take bombs or rockets, whichever you prefer. You fly a TIE Advanced.

Completing the Mission

THE ONAMO MUST NOT CATCH UP TO THE HARPAX! If it does, then consider the mission over. As soon as you enter, order your wingmen to attack the Onamo. Then go at it yourself, or the fighters it launches. Once the Onamo's shields are down, the rest is simple. Destroy its gun turrets and warhead launchers, and if you have missiles left over use them. When it is destroyed, concentrate on the fighters. The TIE Bombers are most threatening, but just try to hold off until the Garrett arrives. There is not a lot to this mission, it is in fact the easiest one in Battle 7.

Mission 3

Victory is within your reach! Or is it? You fly a TIE Advanced again, but I suggest arming it with Rockets (In a re-load session you get 6 at a time!). Vader is overseeing the destruction of the enemy, and Zaarin's forces will be here soon as well.

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Stay in formation until you close in (about 7km away). Then, order your wingmen to attack the CRS, going after it yourself, as well. It will be destroyed quickly, but when you run out of rockets (or torpedoes) go for a reload. When the CRS is finished, order your wingmen to destroy the Protector. The Protector is easy if you decided to take rockets with you. Remember to keep reloading as much as possible. Destroy all the fighters you can, so when Zaarin arrives you can concentrate on his forces. When the M/CRVs arrive, take one at a time, using rockets (by now you should know to arm them and NOT torpedoes!), then finish them with lasers. Do as much as you can, but don't get killed. The M/CRVs have a nasty bite.

Bonus Objectives

Make sure the Harpax survives. To do this, destroy all Corvettes and fighters attacking it. Also, try and eliminate all rebel craft. I suggest doing this while going for a reload.

Mission 4

Zaarin has betrayed the Empire and you have been drawn into a trap! You'll fly a TIE Defender, so those training missions will come in handy!

Completing the Mission (Primary, Secondary)

Target the closest GUN of Zaarin's. Don't worry about the INT for now, you can take it later. Concentrate on the closest enemy fighters. Tau squadron is also a lot of trouble, so finish them quickly. Continue with the destruction of fighters, and make sure Delta 6 doesn't fall under attack (Vader's TIE). Once the fighters are pretty well eliminated, go after the INT. Fire your torpedoes at it, and when you get close use lasers to knock off the gun turrets. When the Osprey arrives, and the shields on the INT are down, send everyone home. At this point I disable the INT and fire at my leisure. The Osprey usually sends bombers, so you have an advantage. When everything is done, head home.

Bonus Objectives

Destroy all the Gunboats and defector craft. Also, make sure your wingmen get back in one piece.

Mission 5

The Emperor has been kidnapped by Zaarin's forces! You must rush to the scene with Lord Vader and 4 other wingmen.

Completing the Mission

When ESC Haven arrives, inspect them. Once you find the Emperor, disable that shuttle, and order your wingmen to ignore it every so often. Now, once the Mescue arrives, go and destroy the rest of the shuttles. Fly patrol for the rest of the mission, and take out any of Zaarin's ships that arrive. This is actually just a one-two mission, and not much trouble. Use missiles on the ESCs if needed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Andrew
Command Attaché - Training Officer
Dark Adept - Chancellor
In the Service of the Emperor,
Fleet Admiral Zach
Training Officer/Emperor's Hammer
TO/FA Zach/CS-6/SSSD Sov

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