The Fleet Commander herein presents the ships of the Emperor's Hammer Strike
TIE Corps
SSSD Sovereign (SSSD Sov)
M/FRG Phoenix (M/FRG Ph)
BattleGroup I
ISD Colossus (ISD Col)
ISD Vanguard (ISD Van)
VSD Formidable
VSD Monitor
M/FRG Imperator
M/FRG Ardent
M/FRG Onamo
ESC Iron Fist
3 Strike Cruisers
7 Carrack Light Cruisers
10 Corvettes
20 Assault Transports
dozens of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
BattleGroup II
ISD Challenge (ISD Chal)
ISD Relentless (ISD Rel)
VSD Ravager
VSD Stalwart
M/FRG Invader
M/FRG Fogger
M/INT Harpax II
TFC Roxanna
M/CRV Phantom (Deep Recon)
4 Strike Cruisers
12 Carrack Light Cruisers
6 Corvettes
18 Assault Transports
dozens of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
Auroran Home Guard Battlegroup
ISD Intrepid (ISD Int)
ISD Hammer (ISD Hamr)
ISD Warrior (ISD Warr)
VSD Bombard
VSD Rapier
VSD Crusader
VSD Shield
VSD Aggressor
M/INT Fairchild
Torpedo Sphere Empress Teta
3 Modified Frigates (hospital/tender M/FRGs)
5 Strike Cruisers
5 Escort Carriers (TIE Fighter shuttles)
5 Modular Taskforce Cruisers (one w/each module)
8 Dreadnaught Cruisers
13 Carrack Light Cruisers
17 Corvettes
25 System Patrol Craft
60 Skipray Blastboats
120 Assault Transports
hundreds of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
NOTE: The majority of the Auroran Home Guard ships can be found
either in the Aurora System or patrolling on extended patrol nearby...The
Homeworld of the Emperor's Hammer Strike is always defended in these
uncertain times and environs...
Auxiliary (SubGroup) Vessels
Dark Brotherhood
SSD Avenger (SSD Avr)
ISD Subjugator (ISD Sub)
Hammer's Fist Legion
DREAD Retribution (DREAD Ret)
LCF Excelsior (LCF Exc)
LCF Friggia (LCF Frig)
LCF Falcon's Eye (LCF Falc)
Bounty Hunter's Guild
Star Galleon IvanHoe (SGAL Ivan)
Infiltrator Wing
CRS Renegade (CRS Ren)
M/FRG Insidious (M/FRG Ins)
M/FRG Ka'tal (M/FRG Ka'tal)
Intelligence Division
FRG Stormwind (FRG Storm)
Imperial Dungeon Ship Lichtor V (DGN LichV)
Corporate Division Picket Fleet Flagships
INV Invincible (Corporate Division Flagship)
VSD Destruction (Rapier Ship Yards)
VSD Reaper (Phoenix Technologies)
VSD Shadow’s Revenge (Imperial Weapons and Destruction)
Bases of Operations
Aurora System
The FAC Triad (Support PLTs for the SSSD Sovereign)
PLT Stiletto (Headquarters of the Intelligence Division)
Phare System
M/PLT Daedalus (Assault Platform/Pilot Training Center)
M/PLT Haven (IW Command Platform/EH Recreation Center)
PLT Revenge (Headquarters of the Corporate Division)
Capital Ship names in italic boldface and the ships of ALL the SubGroups are
manned by actual Members of the Emperor's Hammer...The remainder are manned
by "standard" (i.e. non-human) Imperial pilots and crew...In addition, the
Fleet is typically supported (especially the Corporate Picket Fleets) by
hundreds of transports, carriers, freighters, tugs, container craft, tender
craft, hospital ships, repair ships, shuttles, etc. which are too numerous
to list in this document. Consequently, the Fleet has available just about
any class of ship currently available to the standard Imperial Naval units of
the day...
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