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A normal day in the life of a Stormtrooper aboard the SSD Avenger - CM Golbez Harvey

530 am hours
The activities begin at 05:40 hours, at the sound of the first Imperial wake up notes of the morning that call to rise. Inside of the dormitories, with enthusiasm and discipline, it began another day of work for our Stormtroopers. In ten minutes they are armed/uniformed and leaving his beds clear… they go at quick step to Fall In in the big Hall of maneuvers in the SSD Avenger; there they take their first list morning report. After finished with this and divided in teams and companies, they initiate his instruction of the day according to the subject that corresponds for that day.

630 hours am
At 06:30 hours, the Stormtroopers return to their respective dormitories with the purpose of disarming themselves and cleaning up to move to the dining room.

700 hours am
At the 07:00 hours the breakfast is served in the dining Imperial room for Stormtroopers. After the dinning, they Fall In in groups and companies to return to the Hall of maneuvers where they are lead to the educational area (The Imperial Academy aboard the SSD Avenger). The teaching area is formed by classrooms, laboratories, combat chambers, rooms of languages and communications, library, computer and training rooms.

800 hours am
The classes begin at 08:00 hours distributed by a time of 50 minutes of duration and 10 minutes for rest, during which… "Imperial Capsules" are transmitted by the closed circuit of television, with the purpose that the Stormtrooper found out all the excellent news occurring in the ATF and in the Emperor’s Hammer.

1100 hours am
From the 11:00 to 13:00 hours, the physical education activity in the Imperial gymnasium is distributed. The gymnasium is made up of swim pools, rooms of self-defense, of fencing and gymnastics. The Stormtroopers trains in the gymnasium where they have the opportunity to practice everything that will serve to temper his muscles to physically accustom them to the resistance, fatigue, and endurance that is needed in every Imperial Stormtrooper.

1330 hours pm
The second food is served at 13:30 hours and after the food, the Stormtroopers come to retire to their dormitories for personal cleanliness and later to move to the hall of maneuvers so that they organize themselves by companies and groups, and retiring to the teaching area in where they will receive their next academies from the 14:30 to 16:20; later they go to his dormitories to take his weapons/armament to come back to the hall of maneuvers with the purpose of taking his last list report of the day at 18:00 hours. At this time, the ATF and the Imperial flag is flooded, while the music bands of the Corporate Division plays the Imperial March, the Stormtroopers in perfect formation (also all the squadrons of Wing XIX and XVIII) makes the honors to the Imperial Flags that is lead by the Elite Stormtroopers group to the Office of the BGCOM AD TK-2107.

1900 hours pm
AT 19:00 hours the dinner is served and after finished this one, they had a break until the 21:00 hours, time that the Stormtroopers use for recreation and adjustment of their equipment, armors and clothes, except those ones which have programmed some activity like conferences, interviews with a superior officer, shot practice or some news/musical hearing time in Hammer Radio.

2100 hours pm
We are at 21:00 hours, time for the Stormtroopers to rest, and then only can remain of foot the Stormtroopers that are on guard duty and those that had asked for permission to study in the lobbies of the dormitories, or in the Imperial Academy.

A day for the Stormtrooper has ended.

Notes: Every Tuesday of the week at 19:00 hours in the Imperial Auditory (equipped with the most modern equipment of light and sound in the galaxy) films or presentations of artistic groups are exhibited for the cultural recreation of the Stormtroopers and Officers in the SSD Avenger. Thursdays at the end of the list of afternoon, the Stormtroopers are visited by their families and friends from other companies/flagships in the EH.

Finally the first Thursdays of every month, various events take place in the Avengers Casino… like the birthday celebration of a high ranked officer or a Celebration for the Victory in an important battle, (where in addition there is a dance floor, a soda water source and a kitchen where the droids takes care of it in order that the imperial personnel enjoy and have a good time).

  Issue: #110

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