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What I've Done in the EH - CG Kodiak

First off, I'm Kodiak, someone who's been in the EH for almost five years. Not as long as some folks, but more than long enough to know the club extremely well. I'm writing this article firstly to explain some of the amazing things that I've done in the club and what others have done for me.
Ok, we'll start at the beginning. I was 14 in real life, and one of my friends at the time, Exar Khaland showed me the TIE Corps page, and what looked like an amazingly extroidinary array of medals he'd earned.

And so my career in the TC started.... and ended abruptedly. I didn't actually have any flight sims, and my training on the Platform Daedalus ground to an end. Good bye Officer Kodiak Cereban. (#5845). A few months later though, I finally got TIE, started a new profile (#6516) at the insistence of the then Flight Officer who I think was Priyum, and completed my training.

Shipped off once my training was complete to Nu Squadron on the ISD Colossus, who Exar Khaland had just taken over. Unfortuanetly, he was caught cheating or false recruiting, and within a week or so I was commanderless. Little LT Kodiak Kereban was left wondering what happened next.

My next commander was CPT Darknyte, yes, him. At the time (I was only a young 14 year old remember), and I thought he was the coolest thing in the world, as he had mass amounts of flying done compared to me, and was flying alot too. After lots of pestering, and getting really shoddy medals for the amount of flying I was doing (I didn't know any better back then...), I recieved an ISM for once flying over 100 missions. A few days later though, my promotion to LCM came through and I was the happiest kid alive. I desperately wanted that CM rank.

And then it all went wrong.

A spot opened up in Trapper on the Avenger, and I jumped at the chance. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Much like Joey when he got appointed to COMM! So I took it, and got the position. CMDR of a bunch of lazy lay abouts who wouldn't fly anything. It was too much for a 14/15 year old to handle!

I lasted about 2 weeks.

Lucky for me, Nu Squadron's Darknyte had decided to move on abit, and I jumped into the reigns for a while. This was much better, as I'd flown with some of the pilots before hand, and I had some help from Mell. Reports were on time, and soon got my promotion to CPT. I was a happy chappy, until lack of internet forced me out of the position. Into the reserves I go.

About 3 months later, I recieved a email from ... actually I can't remember, saying I had been selected for the Grey Wolf short list for Crusader squadron. I joined Crusader, and was very active, getting my FCHG up a hundred or so FCHG points. This activity didn't go un-noticed on this ship, and I was moved to FL 2-1 of Odin. Then a Supremacy Comp came around. I flew my arse off in this competition, and became the highest scoring pilot on the Wolf for the competition, gaining over 500 FCHG. (This isn't much compared to the amounts people fly nowadays, but it was alot for me). Unfortuanetly, the rest of the ship didn't fly, and the Grey Wolf came last. Firm last. I was much older by now in real life, and this helped alot with dealing with folk.

After my performance, I got moved to Vortex Squadron as CMDR, where I stayed throughout my Captaincy, throughout my Major'cy, and into my Lieutenant Colonel'cy. 9 months of fun. Throughout that 9 months, I had a great time, with highs and lows. I got to know the club extremely well, and I think thats when the rDB split happened.

Once my captaincy had finished, I moved to the squadron itself. I saw many CMDRs pass by and some were much better than others. I, for the life of me, can't remember many of them at all. Keiran Laserlight ran the squadron once, he was a good CMDR, and there were others too. That took up 18 months... which is a year and a half, and at my stage in life, everything changes. I turned 18 in that tenure in 2004, and well, yeah.

Now, pretty much with some spells out of the squadron and into the squadron, I've spent the last 9 months just lying around in the squadron. I've watched countless pointless splits and bickering, and yet I'm still here. I'm going to tell you why, with some of the unique things I've done.

1) Met great friends from around the globe. I love chatting to you folks on IRC, and when we had teamspeak, I loved that too.
2) Being part of an interview with Aaron Allston and Michael Stackpole. I have hundreds of SW books, and it was great to chat to the authors.
3) Had a trip to Canada once, and I met up with an EH'er, Chaos Angel there. Drinks ensued. Good Times.
4) Commanding IntOrg, the police division of the ID. A great time that was, its amazing what goes on in the club behind the backs of its members. Shame the HCI couldn't forfil many of the bad bits that followed... silly HCI.
5) Helping out the EH by giving them donations for Celebration 3.
6) Getting my first Bronze Star - that was nice
7) Getting the most IS-BRs in the fleet from trivia!
8) Running DEMI, the CD Trivia Creation corporation, and that was one of the best 3 months ever.

Now, I'm going to list the people that have helped me at some stage of my career, or have just been a positive influence at some time. And got grins, I'm going to put (HCI) after each one that was HCI'd or went to the rDB :D

Exar Khaland (HCI), Darknyte (HCI), Mell (HCI), Drake (HCI), Pit Viper, Mark Schueler (HCI), Brat Stone (HCI), Khaen (HCI), Darksaber, Priyum (HCI), Howlader, Ender MBind, Kawolski, Astatine, Sarin (HCI), JoeyC, Pickled Yoda, Azazel D'jota (HCI), Khadgar, Gilad, Mordann, Scrier, Bograt (Just for Comedy), Mach Blader (HCI), Azurin, Chaos Angel, Kelh, TK-6686 (Trent), Ari, BubbaX, Brukhar, Lenvik, Debric, Mark, Drako, Chrissy, Frodo, Madon (HCI) Wes Janson, Angelus, Ocih, Taku, Brent Tainer, Nightmare (Almost forgot ye there. And I am not wearing any pants) and I'm sure many more. If you read this, and aren't on it, email me at!

  Issue: #110

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