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CPT Steele Brightsaber interviews AD TK-2107

(TK2107) Welcome on the bridge, Captain
(CPT_BrtSbr) Thank you sir
(CPT_BrtSbr) And thank you for this opportunity to interview you it is an honor
(TK2107) So this is the palce where usually ATF Comamnd Staff meets for important tactical meetings
(TK2107) You're welcome
(CPT_BrtSbr) Ok I will start with an easy one
(TK2107) Fair enough
(CPT_BrtSbr) What and when was your first experience with Star Wars?
(TK2107) It was several years ago when a friend of mine showed me the movies at his home. However the real experience was with the introduction of the Timothy Zahn books and soon after the the 1st Starwars Convetion in Germany back in 1997.
(TK2107) Since then the fever had caught me :)
(CPT_BrtSbr) Very good ok another easy one
(CPT_BrtSbr) How did you find the EH?
(TK2107) Well, actually this was by chance. I was playing XvT and XWA with some friends in LAN and was looking for other people playing it as well when I found the website of TIECorps. Already being a great Imperial fan this time (also due to my membership in the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers) it was just seconds later that I singed up as a new recruit there. So thanks to the search engine.
(CPT_BrtSbr) What about the TC attracted you the most?
(TK2107) With only having a modem connection MP gaming was not possible for me this time so I was attracted by the large number of customized Battles available for XvT and XWA. Later when I was succesfully recruited to the ATF it moved from SP Flying to MP Flying and finally to the great community which is the one thing still attracting me the most.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Ok here is a harder one for ya
(CPT_BrtSbr) What, now that you have been a member for so long, keep you as an active member?
(TK2107) Nevertheless I am always happy about some TC-wide competitions where some old BG COM can show activity as well ;)
(CPT_BrtSbr) What is your favorite position that you have held while a member of the TC?
(TK2107) That is a quite hard question. In my opinion all positions have their Pros and Cons. The first real favourite position was that of a CMDR of Chaos Squadron where I was able to form a great unit of pilots. When I moved up the ranks I always tried to keep the contact to the pilots which gets harder the higher you move. BG COM is also a very great but more demanding position. This way you can have more influence on the good or bad of your battlegroup and therefore be a greater help to pilots as a CMDR can do. Looking back I think BG COM but also CMDR should be the answer here.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Who, within the EH, do you look up to the most and why?
(TK2107) In the early beginning this was my CMDR, the person that helped me in my Training on Daedalus and later brought me to Chaos Squadron. When he became WC and I was promoted to CMDR this continued. However the person is no longer in TIECorps. It is hard to find the right persons to look up to as I have seen several changes in positions during my time. Nowadays looking on dedication and activity for TIECorps as a whole I would name Cyric and Astatine who do a tremendous job here and spend much of their time for the Corps and its members.
(CPT_BrtSbr) What advice, if any, would you give to new recruits?
(TK2107) Never forget that this is all about having fun in here. Not winning a competition or having personal problems with someone in your squadron is not the end of your membership – times are changing and as long as you keep on having fun here because of the community and the games we play it is worth staying here and becoming an active member in your squadron.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Where do you see the EH, the TC especially heading in the next couple of years?
(TK2107) With the current Starwars hype (caused by release of Episode III) and the introduction of new games I see a great future for our club. However therefore we also need to change our more or less restrictive structures and be able to adapt new games quickly and without causing the current structures to break together by removing active people from there. Now is the chance to support new platforms and attract younger generations that have only seen the original trilogy as some TV movies but not on the big screen. Episode I-III is more common for them so let’s provide platforms for them as well and get some fresh blood into our ranks. If we manage to do this we will have a great community of starwars fans.
(CPT_BrtSbr) What, in your mind, makes a person a success within the EH and what does it take to reach that level?
(TK2107)’Success’ can have a very different meaning for everyone of us. For me success is not about winning medals, gaining ranks or having titles. For me success is having fun in TIECorps at all – it is the major key why I am here. So everyone can have success reaching from Flightmember level up to highest Command Staff level. Obviously ‘fun’ needs some motivators like a medal honouring you activity or a win in a MP match or sometimes just a nice chat on IRC. So it is up to every single one of us to make a success out of it.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Which Star Wars Movie is your favorite and Why?
(TK2107) Actually I have always been a fan of the Empire (obviously) and of space battles. Therefore I prefer ‘Return of the Jedi’.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Which Movie character is your favorite and why?
(TK2107) Another hard one for me – with being member of the 501st I really like Stormtroopers. However they’re not a worked out character. I like Boba Fett very much – he doesn’t have to say much but still people fear him.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Which Star Wars Based Game is your favorite and why?
(TK2107) Well, for Star Wars based computer game it is X-Wing: Alliance. Still from time to time I fall into the charm of good old TIE Fighter. For non-computer game it is Star Wars Epic Duels Game – a lot of fun for all participants if you don’t have it – get it !
(CPT_BrtSbr) You stated earlier that you read the Thrawn Series have you read any other the Star Wars Novels? If so which is your favorite and why?
(TK2107) I read ALL novels available (except for hardcover novels not yet published as softcover; also no comics) so I guess I have a rather good know how and overview. Out of all the novels I like the most all parts of the X-Wing series (Rogue Squadron, Ghost Squadron, etc.) – in those novels you really get a feeling of sitting in the cockpit. In my opinion it is a MUST for all pilot characters in TIECorps.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Which character from the novels is your favorite and why?
(TK2107) My favourite character is GA Thrawn. I like the way this Command Officer is described in the novels and how strategic he acts. It is too bad that the Emperor didn’t put any clones of him anywhere – but who knows …
(CPT_BrtSbr) If you were to create a new Star Wars based game what would it be and why would you choose that type of game?
(TK2107) Not that I am skilled in programming but if my creation would only be conceptional then it would most likely be a continuing version of the simulators that started with TIE, XvT and XWA. Some new graphic and nice additions would do fine and also attract younger generations that have other comparisons to games nowadays.
(CPT_BrtSbr) Any last remarks for all the readers out there?
(TK2107) Thanks for making this interview and good luck to all pilots out there looking for a career in TIECorps – now you know what it takes ;-)
(CPT_BrtSbr) Well, that’s all I have for you today sir. Thanks again

  Issue: #108

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