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June KMT: Get In Boy - PRT Trevor Rastyn

(Inspired by true events)

I sit and watch the events unfold,
The story that's yet to be told,
From a Brother who's not quite as old,

Our history's been rough and coarse,
Many times; tough with much force,
We've butted heads then run our own course,

About each other, we really know crap,
It's strange how we argue and scrap,
The wake of a fight, clear like a map,

He'll say something to me,
I'll say something to him, to see,
What he'll do back for free,

The joke was about leather,
A whip, not a feather,
And thinking his name should be "Heather",

Well, this time he giggles,
And compliments my riddle,
While trying not to let flow my piddle,

So, I sit back and think,
"My bladder's gonna un-link,
Can I make it to the sink?",

I dart from my seat,
Quickly rush for another seat,
and relax while still on two feet,

You may not truely know,
How badly I had to go,
But the flood gates unleashed the flow,

I finish my buisness,
I return only to witness,
The entrance of Sarin, the XO-ness,

And so the joke ends,
The time that I'll spend,
Wishing for a chance to send,

A message of ongoing ploy,
A phrase that's only meant to toy;
"Get in the catsuit, Boy!".

  Issue: #108

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