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June KMT - DJK Talons Pryde

Major Talons Pryde exited the bacta chamber for the third time since his near fatal crash so long ago. His body was not doing what it was supposed to do regarding the healing trance or medications he was given. Allergic reactions to the meds, the healing trance only doing so much before the body says no more. Now all he could do was get it. Get in the bacta chamber, get in the traction table, get in the office and do his reports. All it was was get in to this and get in to that. He could not fight well any more with his back so mangled. The surgeons did a well enough job in fixing him so he could move and walk again, but he refused to become a complete cyborg. Vader he was not. And Clan protocol demanded that he refuse extensive implants. They barely allowed his eye and ear. He was a broken warrior still trying to fly and fight on the edge of disaster.

Still the orders of Get in stuck out in his mind. He straightened up, suppressing the painful shudder ripping throughout his back, and walked stiffly to the exit. "Get in," he mumbled under his breath. "I hate this debilitating injury."

Anger swelled within him and he fought it down. He needed to stay focused at the problems at hand. He knew the after effects would nearly knock him down for a week or two. And they would not be pleasant. He threw his fist into the nearest wall and screamed in rage. " I will kill that son of a b--"

"What is going on?" a voice shouted from around the corner. The strong female voice commanded his attention. Though she was no Jedi, she had greater power over him than even the Krath High Priest himself. She could get him to do things that were not normal. And this was not a good day to annoy her.

"I am so sick of the supressing injury that I could just kill for the f--"

"Calm down!" Jenn Sidhe yelled at him. "Now I know it is hard for you, but shut the hell up and get in the shuttle!"

'There it is again! "Get in!"' he growled to himself. He glared at his lover and wingman as he started up the ramp.

"Enough of this crap, Talons," she snarled. "You think you are the only one who ever got hurt? What about me?"

Talons thought for a moment about her recklessness behind the controls of a fighter and shook his head. "It is not that at all!" he cried out. "I am a warrior, damnit! I am supposed to fight, to enter into battle, to stand without fear before the enemy. Now I am but a broken man with a ruined back. Why the hell do I even try anymore?"

She stared at him a moment, the anger flaring up to the boiling point. Abruptly, she cuffed him across his head. "No, get in the shuttle or I will personally throw you in!" she yelled. "I don't have all day!"

Talons stepped gingerly into the shuttle. 'At least the steroid stops the nerve from burning down the leg.' He thought for a moment. He smiled to himself as he thought, 'I should just get into the moment.'

  Issue: #108

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