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Two Giants Collide - AD TK-2107

“Admiral, Sir”, the Communications Officer addressed, “we have successfully entered the system. All stations report green status”.

Admiral TK-2107 was standing in front of the large transpari-steel window on the bridge and had watched the lines when they suddenly became starts after his Fleet had left hyperspace. Without moving he commanded: “Launch all fighter squadrons aboard the SSD Avenger. They should soon be here.”

He didn’t get the answer from the Communications Officer as his thoughts already drifted back. How did it come to this situation? It all started with a challenge in a bar at Yaga Minor. Some young Vice Admiral talked big of his so overall ruling battlegroup and TK-2107, himself a proude Sith Warrior, faced the challenge without hesitation. And now he was on the bridge of the SSD Avenger, flagship of the Darkbrotherhood, and leading the Avenger Task Force to war against the SSSD Sovereign. There were no doubts on his pilots’ skills but it was also sure there that would be losses – and TK hated losses among his pilots.

“TK … TK, wake up, man !” It was his Commodore of the SSD Avenger, VA Ky Terrak who seemed to have spoken to him for a while now. ‘Damned doubts’, TK punished himself. ‘There is no time for such things right now.’ Slowly he raised his face and looked into the face of his Commodore. Ky Terrak repeated: “TK, the Sov arrived. They have launched their fighters. It all begins now.”

The Admiral checked the sensors on his BG COM chair and saw the fighters of the SSD Avenger taking formation. The fighters would fly cover for the heavy bombers as planned in the tactical meeting some hours before. “Bombers”, TK addressed to Ky Terrak who was looking surprised, “Ky, do you remember your time as pilot where you flew ‘real’ bombers, the good-old TIE Bombers ? Not those agile and slim TIE Defenders our pilots are flying nowadays. You remember the feeling of those bombers where you have been sitting very close to some ‘Heavy Rockets’ that could blow you up as well ? No shielded craft at all, dependant on your fighter escort to keep your ass together.”

Ky Terrak was confused – where did the Admiral have his thoughts in time of battle ? “Ahm, yes, TK, I remember.” He pointed towards the screens. “Those hostile TIE group here is coming rather close to our left flank. Shouldn’t we assign Hunter Squadron, Flight II to take them out ?” The Admiral was looking at the screen. “We shouldn’t open our formation this early. Let us get some help here.” He opened a communication channel to the inner quarters of the SSD Avenger.

“My Grand Master,” TK-2107 bowed, “it is time for you now. We have marked a hostile squadron on your tactical display. Please take care of them.” Grand Master Nocturnus, head of the Darkbrotherhood of Dark Jedi smiled: “Of course, my friend.”

The next moment Ky Terrak reported excited: “TK, the hostile squadron has joined our ranks and flies ahead to face their own wingmates of the nearest enemy squadron.” TK-2107 grinned evil, “Mark them as allies on the screen. They are now under the control of the Grand Master.”

Everything was proceeding as he had forseen. Those pilots aboard the SSSD Sovereign would be no match for his pilots – they might have outnumbered them but very few of them were Dark Jedi unlike the ranks of the SSD Avenger where every pilot was trained to use his hatred and anger for improving his skills and go for the kill of his enemy before this one was even aware of it. It was all too easy. However it somehow didn’t feel right.

“Admiral, Sir,” the Communications Officer addressed once more, “our squadrons report only minimum losses after first enemy contact. We’re ready to proceed into Phase 2 now.” TK-2107 stood up from his BG COM chair and addressed to all bomber pilots: “Launch your Heavy Rockets and Proton Torpedoes now. We go for the kill.”

He watched the countdown closely. Soon after the time jumped to 00:00 the ISD Subjugator jumped into the system close to the SSSD Sovereign. The trap had worked successfully and the gunners aboard the Sov would now have to choose between the Heavy Laserbatteries of the ISD Subjugator or between the incoming wareads from several bombers. The sudden conversion of one of their squadrons had confused the enemy squadrons and the SSD Avenger’s fighter covers had now entangled them into dogfights.

TK remembered the time back when he was part of this trap as a bomber pilot. It was the idea of former BG COM Khaen. They had successfully used this trap on one of the great Calamari Cruisers the Rebel Fleet had launched to intercept the Empire on liberating a small planet with strategic importance. He was the last one in his Flight to launch his Heavy Rockets on the Cruiser and it was his very last Rocket that broke the hull of the rebel ship. It had been great times to free the galaxy of this rebel scum.

Ky Terrak reminded TK on the presence when he checked the distance between the warheads and the SSSD Sovereign. “In one minute the warheads will collide and the ISD Subjugator is in range. The enemy pilots are in confusion. Now let’s see this ship crushing down !”

Admiral TK-2107 moved close to the large window of the SSD Avenger again and watched the small fighters shooting in dogfights and the line of warheads heading for the large Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer. Then he suddenly understood. He quickly grasped one of the code cylinders in his uniform and activated it.

With a sudden explosion of light the bridge of the SSD Avenger was brightened. After the usual dim lights had returned and the crew was able to see again the warheads heading for the SSSD Sovereign where no more. TK-2107 opened all communication channels: “This is Battlegroup Commander, Admiral TK-2107. The Avenger Task Force hereby surrenders to the SSSD Sovereign. All pilots stop their attacks, lower their shields and return to your hangars. Vice Admiral Stele Pellaeon, get your ship ready for one last hyperspace jump – we are heading to New Republic territories.”

  Issue: #108

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