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My First Mission - LC Archangel

Admiral Archangel stood looking out of the window of his quarters on the Platform Daedelus. He sighed silently. He had to talk to the cadets. No one liked to talk to cadets. They were like fleas. Small, and insignificant, but can be a big pain in the rear at the same time. His brain fumbled with the possibilities of just going back to bed. Maybe his old bones didn’t need to try to keep up with the new cadets. But he had no choice. The Fleet commander made him Training Officer for a reason, though most are still baffled by it.


“Sir, the first batch of cadets are ready for you.” Came the voice of his Command Attaché, Vice Admiral Kylie Darklighter. She had been his friend for ages, ever since he had first met her on the Avenger. “What will you be talking to them about, if I may be so bold”


“You may, Darky. I will be telling them about the Vagli Run.” He replied. An audible gasp from behind him brought a smile to his face.


“You aren’t going to tell them that! That’s the worst thing you can tell them!”


“It’s the best thing for them to know. They need to know about that kind of thing, so that they are prepared.”


“If you think it’s right, go ahead. Anyways, last night was great, I hope to see you later then” Darky kissed Archangel softly on the lips, then walked off to take a shower, her bathrobe already beginning to fall. Archangel smirked, and left to the meeting hall.



Fifteen cadets stood in perfect attention in front of him, staring blanking at the wall just above Archangel’s head. They didn’t move, they barely breathed, and they had the most pure of fear in their eyes. Many tales have been told about Archangel, like the Drive of Kraken Squadron at the Battle of Caracus, or the Siege of Karana, where Archangel single-handedly saved the life of the ATF BGCOM, AD TK-2107, who had been captured in an attack on the Super Star Destroyer Avenger. But those were the true ones. There were others that said that he had saved the lift of the Flight Officer Admiral BubbaX at one stage. Archangel just shrugged this off, and replied “I wouldn’t save Bubba even if he paid me. Or gave me Nunbeer Corp”


“Welcome, Cadets. I am, as I’m sure all of you know, or at least should know, Admiral Archangel. Anything I say here is to stay in here alone. I assume you understand. Now… ok, at ease, and take a seat. I don’t like having to torture you lot too much.”


The cadets quickly shuffled to seats around the long table that filled most of the meeting hall. They looked to each other, wondering what they were in for.


“Have any of you heard of the Vagli Ridge?” Archangel asked, as he paced the top of the table. The cadets shook their heads timidly, not knowing if this has anything to do with their training.


“Good. Vagli Ridge is a natural phenomenon that is impassable for hyperspace faring ships. One of the main trade routes of the Tie Corps travels along it’s fringe, because it acts as a wall which protects the convoys. No one can attack from that side, so it’s safe.” He paused, and gazed around the room.

“I was on my very first mission. My squadron had been assigned to a convoy of food stuffs, and raw materials. We flew in Tie Advanced fighters, with a normal payload of concussion missiles”


“We set off from Vagli Prime, and set a course for the Vagli Run. It should have been an easy run, so they didn’t mind putting a barely green squadron on escort for it. My commander, MAJ Pete Mitchell was leading the escort, and I was in Flight 3. We flew in Raptor Squadron, off the Imperial Star Destroyer Subjugator. My first, and favorite ship in the fleet.”


“Half way through the run, we caught several abnormalities on the sensors of the Corvette that was also escorting the convoy. I think it was called Coursa Light. Flight 2 was sent to investigate. After about 5 minutes, two dreadnoughts, and three fighter squadrons dropped out of hyperspace.”


Archangel glanced around the room, watching the startled faces of the cadets before him. It was hard for him to talk about this. The cadets sat in silence, staring at Archangel with a mix of awe, and fear.


“The squadron reacted slowly, and soon we had lost Two, and Nine. I took control of flight 3, because Nine was it’s flight leader…”


<strange flash back, wavy lines, odd music, etc, etc, you get the point.>


“Two fighters coming in at 059 degrees”


“Flight 2 attacking Dreadnought Fallout. Arming two. Firing. Seven direct hits, repeat seven direct hits”


“Raptor One, we have a pair of Y-Wings attacking us, help us out!”


“Flight three moving to assist the Coursa Light” Archangel heard himself say. He wasn’t in his body, he was sort of next to himself, watching, and hearing the battle again. Long streams of laser fire rained past him, and from his cannons. He watched himself target one of the Y-wings, and let off a concussion missiles. The Y-wing exploded in an amazing cloud of red, and yellow.


Suddenly, the fighter bucked, and shook as it was hit with a stream of fire from the other Y-Wing. His controls suddenly ceased to function, small bolts of energy rolling over them. He stopped in space, unable to move, but with a perfect view of the battle.


</strange flash back, wavy lines, odd music, etc, etc, you get the point>


“I sat there for 4 hours, watching my friends dying, and not being able to help them. There were four, yes, only four left out of the squadron. Only when the Subjugator arrived did I get reascued. I was promoted to Lieutenant, and Flight Leader of Flight 3 in a newly opened squadron.


“Why am I telling you this? Because you need to know the being a pilot means you can get killed, no matter how good you are, no matter how many kills you have to your name. I have over 250 combat kills to my name, and I could fie tomorrow. Remember that a pilot is not invincible, and shouldn’t think he is either. Once you believe that, you will die. You will be too consumed with your assumed invincibility that you will not dodge that extra laser bolt, or you will not notice that enemy fighter off to port. Remember what I have taught you, and you will survive.”


He looked around the room, and smiled.


“Cadets, ten hut! Attention! Cadets dismissed!”

  Issue: #108

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