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June KMT: Get In - DJK Etras Aglen

Wind swept through dry grass. Stars sparkled in the clear night sky. A bright light swept across the foothills, a guard walking the walls. A figure crouched behind a hillock, a black cloak pulled in close to keep out the chill. Two eyes peered out of the darkness, watching the base.
The base was a small Republic outpost, nestled among the hills at the base of a short range of mountains. It seemed innocuous enough, but Imperial intelligence had learned of a visit from one of the Republic's most respected admirals. It was purely a morale-boosting exercise, but New Republic Intelligence had suggested it be kept quiet for security reasons. The Emperor's Hammer felt that an assassination would effect morale appropriately and had set its resources to accomplishing that. It became quickly apparent that a full-scale assault would most likely fail and the cost in personnel was too high. The cost of hiring a bounty hunter was deemed to be a waste for such a target. The Grand Admiral turned to the Dark Brotherhood for assistance.
A day's surveillance told Etras Aglen that crossing the walls would be nearly impossible without being noticed. The guards along the wall crossed too frequently and the guards reported in far too often for him to simply kill one. The loss would be known before he'd oriented himself and it would be a miraculous feat for him to take the entirety of the base on alone.
The largest gap in external security appeared to be where the facility ran back into the mountains. The surrounding terrain was monitored constantly, but with appropriate speed and a bit of foresight, he was sure he could doge the spotlights. Fortunately, he could sense no Jedi presence in the vicinity.
The rock faces about the outpost were steep and difficult to climb, but using care and concentration, Aglen was able to reach a suitable point above the buildings. His arms and legs gave the slightest protest, but he forced himself to ignore such things. The spotlights swept in a seemingly random pattern across the rock below him. He felt for the minds of the spot operators, attempting to glean some hint of their habitual patterns.
Steeling himself for a rush down the mountain, he urged speed to his legs and set himself to a dead run, weaving with the lights. A flash of foresight told him to fall left less than a second before a light pieced the darkness where he had stood. He landed on his shoulder, using his downward momentum to bring him to his feet without breaking step. As he cleared the last of the ground, he pulled himself in tight, sending power to his legs, leaping above the facility's buildings below, bringing him neatly into an empty courtyard below.

  Issue: #108

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