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May KMT: Rites of Elevation - DJK Dante

Cast of Characters:

Dante              Arcona Krath who is being elevated to Dark Jedi Knight

Domi               Consul of Arcona

Jorddyn           Quaestor of Qel-Droma

TK-7764          Former Quaestor of Qel-Droma



Tower of Shadows

The Citadel of the Tower of Shadows is used for the elevation ceremonies in Clan Arcona.   The four members gathered for the ceremony are clothed in heavy cloaks and the three higher ranked members surround the lowest ranked.  Domi is directly in front of a kneeling Dante with Jorddyn at Dante’s four o’clock and TK-7764 is at Dante’s 8 o’clock position.  Domi is holding a long, decorated pole which has a black stone on the top of it.  This is the Scepter of the Dark Orb and is representative of the power of the Dark Side and especially the Shadows which the Arconans have trained to mold and use in their dealings with the Dark Side of the Force. The wind howls through the chamber in the Citadel of the Tower as lightning can be seen and thunder heard as a storm rumbles through the area.


Domi:  Jedi Hunter Dante, you come before us as a candidate for the rank of Dark Jedi Knight in the Dark Brotherhood.  <Domi now extends the Scepter of the Dark Orb over Dante’s head and then continues his speech> As a member of Clan Arcona, you have proven your worth in battle as a Dark Jedi.  Your craftiness as a warrior on Eos and other worlds has carried on the Krath tradition of using one’s mental abilities to overcome physical strength and agility. 


Domi then hands the Scepter of the Dark Orb to TK-7764 who then extends it and holds the Dark Orb above the kneeling figure of Dante.


TK-7764:  Having served with you for many years as both your leader and your peer, I have been with you as you have progressed through the ranks slowly and gained experience in both Clan Satal Keto and Clan Arcona.  I have watched your rise in the powers of the Dark Side and bear witness to your strength. 


TK now repeats the same movements as Domi has made and hands the Jorddyn who then extends the Scepter over Dante.


Jorddyn:  The Krath Order, Clan Arcona, and our own House Qel-Droma has been shown evidence of your skills through numerous projects that have helped to forge and solidify Qel-Droma’s place as First House of the Krath Order.  Your craftiness as a warrior on Eos and other worlds has carried on the Krath tradition of using one’s mental abilities to overcome physical strength and agility and now serve you as you are elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.


Jorddyn now passes the Scepter of the Dark Orb back to Domi.  Domi now holds the scepter upright with the orb reaching up towards the sky.


Domi:  Dante of House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona, and the Krath Order, stand and accept your charge as a Dark Jedi Knight in the Dark Brotherhood. 


Dante stands as Domi gives the Scepter of the Dark Orb to him.  Dante takes the scepter in both hands and strikes the ground with its bottom part of the staff  three times, once for each member of the Brotherhood who is present.


Dante:  I stand before you and swear allegiance to the Emperor’s Hammer and the Dark Brotherhood.  <Dante bows once and returns upright>I will accept my power in the Force and follow the ways of the Dark Side.  <Dante bows again and returns upright> I will sow destruction on the Jedi who learn the ways of the Light Side of the Force and their allies is my goal.  <Dante bows a final time and then kneels on his right knee> I submit myself to my leaders who have chosen to elevate me to the Knighthood of the Dark Brotherhood.  


Dante hands the Scepter back to Domi who places it above Dante’s head again and prepares to speak the final words in the Rites of Elevation.


Domi:  Rise, Dark Jedi Knight Dante of House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona.  You will now carry the fight to the Light Siders and the enemies of the Emperor’s Hammer and Dark Brotherhood.  Go now and bring death and destruction to them!


The ceremony is now ended and the three leaders congratulate Dante on his elevation in small hushed tones.  His Jedi Hunter robes are exchanged for those of a Dark Jedi Knight.


Scene Notes:

1)      Throughout the ceremony, the occasional thunderclap must be set off in sync with the lightning effects that should also be occurring throughout the ceremony.

2)      All of the participants should be wearing their ceremonial dress robes and not their normal duty robes.  Al medals and accoutrements should also be worn with the formal robes.

3)      The only lights should come from candelabras that encircle the perimeter of the Citadel.

4)      The flooring of the Citadel is a dark gray marble-like material with purple, red, and blue highlights to symbolize the three Orders of the Dark Brotherhood.

5)      In the center of the citadel, a large Dark Brotherhood symbol is imprinted onto the marble.  This is the center of the action in the play.  Dante is located on the symbol while the other Jedi are arranged around him

  Issue: #108

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