Troutrooper's Name - KP Coranel
The sun was setting on a warm evening on the planet of Mon Calamari, and the man standing by the window was drunk. Now, we are not just talking about "I've had a couple of drinks, and I'm feeling a bit tipsy at the moment" drunk. I'm talking about "I've been on a drinking binge for the past twenty-four hours" type of drunk. As such, his wife had decided that it was the perfect time to discuss a name for their newly born child. With a flash of inspiration, the man realized the perfect way to name their child. In between hiccups, he attempted to get his idea out in a coherent manner.
"How bout thiss...I'll pick a word, see? Then I'll pick 'nother word, right? And then...check this out...we'll use them to form the name!"
"That's a horrible idea," complained his wife.
"No! Brilliant! Ok...first word is...trooper. Cause he'll be a trooper! Not the soldier kind; the kind that is resilient."
"Fine, whatever. What's your second word?" Looking at him in disgust, she realized that his head was no longer in the same room. All she could hear from him was some muttered thing about wanting some trout for dinner.
"There you go," she replied, a mocking tone in her voice. "Troopertrout."
"No, no, no. That's dumb. How 'bout...Trouttrooper. Two "T's" in a row is awkward. So, we'll go with Troutrooper! Brilliant!"
She turned to complain, but she noticed that he'd finally passed out on the ground. Rolling her eyes, she left the room to grab a bite to eat.