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June KMT: A Journey of a Thousand Miles… - KP Coranel

            Dusk was approaching the city of Juraas-Kur as the purple-orange hued light given off by the star, Odin, struck off the glass panes of the wondrous spires that created the unique city, reflecting their shapes onto the walkway below. Many of the native Saraii[1] who walked along the streets below found their glances being caught by the shadows and colors reflected onto them—but not all of them.

            Down one such walkway, a shadow drifted in between the Saraii making its way down towards a nearby alleyway. If this shadow had eyes, one would have been able to see the tepid glance it gave to the sinking sun just over the horizon. As the shadow stepped into the alleyway, darkness enfolded the shadow, making it invisible against the darkness. Had anyone walked down the alley just then, they would have heard a small chuckle emanating from the darkness; not the chuckle of a humanoid, full of mirth and glee. This chuckle, if it could even be named such, sounded like a half-snarl, full of an unknown emotion behind the sound.

            The shadow continued down further into the darkness, contemplating the strange thought that had just occurred to him. Fear is such a wile emotion. Once, the thought of even considering stalking the streets while any sunlight existed would have terrified it beyond belief; these days, it merely caused its heart to race and its steps to move with a bit more speed.

            As darkness enveloped the city completely, the shadow moved from the alleyway, walking down the side streets towards his destination. As it walked, it contemplated what had brought it here to Sif, to the Phare system. Its life had once held more meaning. It had once been a part of the Emperor’s Hammer that this planet belonged to; it had once been a member of the group of Dark Jedi that served it. In Clan Taldryan, it had served proudly as both a member of the Krath and the Sith orders, rising in rank and power until it attained the rank of Sith Warrior. Basking in the glow of the recent promotion, it had been approached by the Proconsul of the Clan. The Brotherhood was splitting and many of its clan-mates were leaving the Emperor’s Hammer.

            This act enraged the shadow, on many levels. It fled to the depths of Sif, forsaking both the Brotherhood that now stood strong on its own and the fledgling Brotherhood now reforming within the Emperor’s Hammer territories. Though courted by both groups, it elected to remain on its own—it was still annoyed at a basic level that those in charge had allowed politics to disrupt what had been a striving Order, and had forgiven no one.

            Drifting down the walkway, silent as death, the shadow contemplated the Order. It did miss it at times; belonging to a group that was in accord with the Force as the Brotherhood had been was a wonderful thing indeed, and it found itself missing it at times. The shadow had contemplated returning to the Brotherhood that existed within the Hammer’s territory, but had yet to find a place to call his own within its ranks. Clan Taldryan no longer existed in the youthful Order, and the shadow was hesitant to call a new Clan his home.

            The fact remained, however, was that very line of thought was what brought the shadow out into the darkness on this night. A recent message had reached him from an old companion from his days in the Brotherhood, one Delak Krennel. Delak had stayed on with the Brotherhood, doing his best to help it flourish. The message contained a request to meet with him on Juraas-Kur at a location familiar to the shadow. It contemplated what its old friend had to say as he made its way through the shadows of the walkway.

            I know what he will ask of me. He will ask me to come back to the Brotherhood, as those who approached me before asked of me. I should say no. I don’t have any desire to return; and yet.

            The shadow snarled at itself, at the conflicting feelings on the matter, startling a young couple that it was approaching. They turned quickly, but saw nothing in the darkness behind them. They turned around quickly, walking slightly faster then before. The shadow continued walking ahead as the looming image of the starport appeared on the horizon. As his steady pace brought him closer, his eyes sought the familiar image of an Imperial shuttle; standing next to it, dwarfed by the large vessel, stood a cloaked figure, its face obscured by the cowl of the cloak.

            As the shadow approached, it snarled a faint growl at the figure. At the noise, the figure turned in his direction. Lowering its hood, the Obelisk Battlemaster smiled.

            “Greetings, Coranel. It has been a long time.” The shadow—Coranel—snarled in greeting.

            “I imagine you can guess why I have come here?” queried the human. He looked down at Coranel as if expecting a reply. When none was forthcoming, he continued. “We have been comrades a long time, my friend. We never served in a Clan together, but we have seen eye-to-eye on many issues. I’ve come seeking a favor from you.”

            “What is it you desire of me?” asked Coranel in broken Basic, his red eyes glowing in the faint light.

            “Get in. Board the shuttle. I won’t insult your intelligence by pretending that you have no idea what I have come here to ask of you. The Brotherhood is beginning to thrive once more. My Clan, Arcona, is beginning to assert itself as the dominant Clan in the Brotherhood. We have need of talented Jedi; you were a strong warrior in Taldryan, and assisted your old Sith House in becoming the First Sith House of the Brotherhood in a previous vendetta, securing a victory for Archanis. You assisted Taldryan in winning a Great Jedi War. We can use every talented Jedi that we can find. So, my friend, get in. Board this shuttle with me, and return to the Brotherhood that you forsook in your anger. Come back with me, my friend.”

            Coranel contemplated his options, and his fate. He had known exactly what Delak had come to ask of him the moment he received the message, and yet he had come anyway. Whether out of curiosity, or a change of heart, he was unsure. His Clan was no more, and yet the Force still called out to him. Living as a shadow in the alleys these past few years, he had felt its pull many times as he scraped together a paltry existence.

            The Brotherhood is calling out to me, Coranel realized. All I need to reclaim what I have lost is to take a single step. It will be a long journey, but one step is all that is required.

            Coranel stepped forward.

[1] All information about the details of Sif, I found at Found it via Yahoo! Search. There are limited details about Sif on the existing EH Systems Manual, but this gave me the detailed information I was searching for.

  Issue: #108

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