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Members of the Month - MAJ Kadon Beir


This Members of the Month column is meant to profile the people that you have fought, flied, trained, and lived next to all this time. They are no special awards or anything given out, it is just a chance to profile the members of the EH that you talk to or report to everyday and a small glimpse into their Real-Life if they allow it. All interviews are done in-character first where I ask questions and they respond to like their persona would. Then the out-of-character where I ask the personal questions.

Krath Archpriestess Galaxina Tainer
Dark Brotherhood

A bit about her: “I am a female Zabrak from Iridonia. I've completed [Force] training on my home world, where I am the daughter of the Clan Chief, and have also completed training in the Dark Brotherhood under the Krath Order. Though I may discuss in detail my training in the Krath Order, my trials on Iridonia must remain the property of my people. I am skilled in hand to hand combat, and small weapons use.”

Why did she become involved in the Dark Brotherhood? “At the time of decision, I had witnessed a number of things that convinced me that the Light Side wasn't for me. It is said that Lightsiders are devious, and well do I know this truth. So, I joined the Dark Side. My choice of Order, however, was influenced by the training materials I would be able to obtain at the time. Since both Obelisk and Sith used training platforms which I did not then have in my possession, I opted to hone my writing skills as a Krath.”

Her favorite weapon other than the ubiquitous lightsaber? “Truth to tell, it's my Iridonian Clan Knife. The one I have has been passed down through many generations, and is the symbol of achievement for any Zabrak who aces the Res Selenoren. There have been three, that I know of. But, I am the only Zabrak female to have ever done it.

Her advice for the Novices and Apprentices within the Dark Brotherhood: “No matter what Order you belong to, always aim to give your best for the honour of your house and clan. Whilst it is always good to want things for yourself, remember that you are the representative of your House and Clan, foremost. It is for their good that you must strive. Give to them, and all things will be given back. Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. It is always better to ask, than to go without knowledge. Knowledge is the best weapon of any [D]ark [J]edi. The more knowledge you obtain and are able to use effectively, the better you perform for your own protection and that of your House and Clan mates. Or, to address this in fewer words: Cohesiveness through Effectiveness.

The Person Behind KAP Galaxina:

Linda Stutzenberg is a 43-year old Computer Technician from Williamstown, New Jersey, in the United States. She carries an Associate’s Degree in Network Management. She does consider herself “very much” a Star Wars fan because she “prize[s] knowledge as much as Jedi Master Yoda, but if you put me in a position where I have to defend myself or my loved ones, I have a temper as dark as Darth Vader.” Her other hobbies include: Reading, Swimming, Bicycle Riding, Roller and Ice skating, other outdoor activities, and she enjoys foreign languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Persian which she is quite fluent in and she can recognize other languages quite easily. When asked about any anecdotes or quirks that make her individual she states, “I don't think it's anything really interesting, but I do like to help others as much as I can. I have the feeling that my purpose in life is to be there when others need help.” Now how did she stumble/find/join the EH? “I was talking to a friend of mine online, and he happened to mention it. So, I did some online looking and that's how I became part of the EH. But...what I like about it as a whole...that's hard to define… I think what I like most, is the fact that the people here, by and large, are willing to support their club mates.” She doesn’t exactly have a favorite person in the EH but her favorite Star Wars character is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. And finally her favorite quotes, “Grab life by the horns, marry a Zabrak.” –Herself. And "You would be wise not to lower your defenses!"

Lieutenant Debric
Test Pilot
Phantom Squadron Member
TIE Corps

A bit about him: “I graduated third in my class at the New Republic Naval Academy. My family and I defected to the Empire when we got sick of the New Republic Senate's lack of accomplishment. I started dating my girlfriend, Kathleen, shortly after defecting to the Empire. I didn't like the oppression of the old Empire, and I hope to become a politician someday so that people can live fair lives.” he adds, “I am allergic to dogs, cats, and [W]ookiees.”

Why did he join the TIE Corps and fly for the Imperium? (See a bit about him section).

Do you feel your test piloting is assisting the war effort in any way? And how much so? “I believe that the test piloting helps with the war effort by showing the citizens of the Empire that we keep expanding. This will lead to new, interested members joining our cause.”

His Favorite Fighter: “My favorite fighter is the TIE Phantom because of its cloaking abilities. It helps on deep recon missions. It makes life easier, and protects pilots.”

Tips for the rookies and Cadets out there? “Fly as often as you can, because the harder you practice, the less effort you have to put in during combat. Piloting becomes a reflex after a while, and the more you fly, the better you will be when in combat for real. Also, don't annoy your superior officers by asking them for rank promotions. Annoy them by lighting their offices on fire.”

The Person Behind LT Debric:

Josh Lazarus is a 16-year-old High School Student (or “Pain in the A**” as he states), from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. When asked about how ardent a Star Wars fan he is he responds, “I am what people call "George Lucas's b****". I own all of the novels, most of the comics, and a crapload of other Star Wars items.” though, “I like the Expanded Universe more than the actual movies.” and, “I've spent over a thousand bucks on reading material alone.” His other hobbies include his girlfriend, lazer tag, hanging out with his friends, computer games, and X-box. He can’t think of anything that makes him a standout individual in the crowd. His story of finding the EH? “I was looking for Star Wars information about ranks…and ships [and] technical data and [I] ended up in the [S]cience [O]ffice. [F]rom there, [I] looked around and found the BHG and the rest, they say, is history. What he likes most about the EH is the people here, as well as the organization and way things are ran, “I like the military feel to things, and it makes me feel as if I am part of the Star Wars universe that I am enamored with.” His favorite person in the EH would be Threat from the Dark Brotherhood because of his assistance to Debric no matter the issue. His favorite Star Wars character is Anakin Solo, “His internal conflicts before his death were very interesting. The guilt over the death of Chewbacca, his philosophy on the force, trying to avoid becoming like his grandfather with the same name... Arguing with his brother about the force... But I especially liked how he gave his life for the strike team on Myrkyr.”

His favorite quote? "This is where the fun begins... –Multiple Star Wars Characters.”

  Issue: #108

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