Episode III Review - CP Kodiak
Revenge of the Sith. Its exactly what it says on the tin. And oh yes, it is an extremely brilliant movie. The first thing I’d like to mention about this movie is that is is PRETTY. The space battles, lightsaber duals, and scenery is far superior to any of the other movies put together. During the space battles when the fighters shoot over a cruiser, and fly straight into the firefight beneath is just breath-taking. Definetly Star Wars at it’s best.
Personally, it’s my favourite movie of the entire saga, as it is dark, and truly takes the full extent of the galactic war into view, with battles taking place all over the galaxy and Outer Rim. The movie could not have been made any other way, and its perfect. Its what George Lucas first drew up when he almost 30 years younger, and it is just a film that tells the story of how complacency and worst fears can come true.
The expanded universe is taken into account in this film, as many people who have not read the Clone Wars novels will have absolutely no idea where General Grievous came from, or why the Clone Troopers now have names. Also, they simply will not know why it is such a enormous betrayal for the Clone Troopers to turn on the Jedi, after all the battles that have taken place. The annihilation of the Jedi by their clone allies shows how truly evil the Sith are.
Evil. Darth Vader. People raised their doubts in Episode 2 over how Anakin Skywalker could turn so blatently cruel, and the reasons for his turning are brought into the limelight. He is trapped after saving Palpatine from a slightly dark side Mace Windu, and feels the Dark Side is the only way to free himself. Anakin feels the Jedi have betrayed him personally and he wants Revenge and power to save Padme, not realising what he is truly doing. His disregard for life shows through immensely when he takes a clone battalion into the Jedi Temple…
Good. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan has always been a shimmer of hope for everyone, and when Darth Vader goes against him and his wishes, the emotion in the cinema was vast you could feel it. It was oppressive. The last lightsaber battle is just filled with fury and anger, as Vader and Obi-Wan fight each other, brother against brother, Sith against Jedi until the climax. Obi-Wans pleas to Anakin were heart- wrenching, and watching Vader writhe around on the rocks was sinister, with Obi-Wan watching as Vader burnt.
So lets face it, the prequel trilogy IS what happened, no matter how much some ‘fans’ complain, but perhaps the setting of this movie will swing their views. There are definite lessons from RotS that can have real world applications. It’s got a lovely story, it’s got everything you could want from a Star Wars film.
Lets talk finally about how the Old Trilogy compares to the New Trilogy. The old trilogy is very black and white, Rebels against Imperials, and that’s basically it. No major twists. The new trilogy has political intrigue, emotion, betrayal, and a foundation to build on, and covers a lot more of the ‘grey’ areas of the Star Wars universe. It’s a lot more mature.
I came out of the cinema and I was speechless, it was that good. And remember …. The Universe is only Black and White to a Sith.