Emperor's Hammer Universe Encyclopedia


We all know that the Star Wars Universe is rich with characters, galactic factions, places, technology, and so on. It's this richness that makes it so much fun to write fan-fiction for, and there are plenty of other encyclopedias that can help you discover this richness.

The EH storyline is slightly different to the proper Star Wars one though. It has to be...otherwise, the EH wouldn't even be able to exist!!! We exist roughly 5 years after Return of the Jedi. GA Thrawn's attempts to re-conquer the galaxy from the New Republic have failed, and the Rebels think that the last of the Grand Admirals are dead.

But they were wrong, there was still one left...Grand Admiral Ronin. Instead of trying to take as many sectors as possible like Thrawn had done, he built his own little empire near the Minos Cluster. He focused more on stability than size, and that gave the Emperor's Hammer a powerful foothold in the galaxy.

Other Imperial Factions had done this as well though, the Imperial Orthodoxy probably being the biggest faction compared to the EH. Some factions the EH trusts and works with sometimes, others we are at war with, and others that we pretend to work with but just don't trust. It's in the new encyclopedia that you will find out which factions to trust, as well as finding out about the resident crime lords, independent systems and planets and corporations that we can trade with.

What will the encyclopedia be like?

It's just going to be a huge database of information, which will be updated as regularly as possible. Hopefully, there will be a search engine there for you to find out details on any particular things you want, but there will also be a small manual explaining the basics of the EH universe.

All of the details will be from past fan-fiction that has been wrote about the EH, and any gaps that need to be filled will be based upon the proper Star Wars universe. The finding and reading of fiction should be pretty easy once the archives we are making is working too.

How can I help out?

Just like the archives, I will be around to handle any problems and red-tape that occur, to allow volunteers to do the more interesting stuff (although, I will do a bit of work on that too). So please volunteer, as I'm not going to be able to do all of this by myself!!!

Here is a list of jobs that I need help with: -

Website & Database Creators - I will be needing any people who can do this sort of thing. While I may be competent enough myself to glue together a newsletter in HTML, I can't do clever stuff like search engines, pretty Flash stuff and so on.

Researchers - It will be the researchers job to read fan-fiction, other encyclopedias, proper novels if they can, and whatnot, to discover and write up about a particular subject. For example, I may give you a subject like Warlord Zsinj or the Minos Cluster, and tell you to get as much information on him as you can. You'll go through the fiction that holds that information, read encyclopedias and then put all of that info into a document. This information will then be used by the...

Encyclopedia Writers - Using the information from the researchers, and reading a few suggested pieces of fiction, the writer will make a detailed account of their subject. Not only will this be stating facts about the subject, but it will have to be connected to the EH universe. A character may be most famous for doing something in the SW storyline 10 years after Endor, but that can't really go in since the EH is only 5 or 6 years after Endor. You would have to use the facts to inform the people about what position a character is in during the EH storyline, whose control a planet is in, what side of the war they are on, and so on. There will also be gaps in the the subject that need to be filled in, and that will give you the chance to shine creatively too.

If you want to help, just get in contact with me at werdna_elbee@ehnet.org, and maybe cc: your superior too to show how active you are.

...back to the future :o)